Gunfire Reborn is an addicting roguelite first-person shooter with colorful, cartoonish graphics and fast-paced action. As with nearly every FPS centered around arcade-like action, Gunfire Reborn has a huge arsenal of weapons with which to play. There are forty-eight weapons in this game; each with its own special properties and possible inscriptions.
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Inscriptions are essentially additional abilities a weapon can have. Another factor to consider when deciding on a weapon is if it has, or can have, elemental properties - fire, lightning, and corrosion. These elements each have different effects, and can also be combined; for example, lightning and corrosion damage combine to inflict miasma damage. This list isn't ranked, but the stronger weapons will be towards the bottom.
Updated July 6, 2023 by Jeff Drake:Every weapon in Gunfire Reborn has its good points. That being stated, not all weapons in this game are equal. The playstyle of individual players also comes into account when discussing the best weapons in a game, or in this case Gunfire Reborn.
That is what's great about this game though - every playstyle has an accompanying weapon that helps level the playing field against other playstyles. This update has increased the number of weapons on this list by five, bringing the total to 25.
25 Double Caliber

- Type: Sniper
- Damage: 150
- Damage Type: Normal
- Ammo: Special
- Magazine: 8
- Movement Speed: +0%
This is arguably the best sniper rifle in the game; though, many claim the Woodpecker is the best. What sets this sniper rifle apart is that it fires two projectiles with every pull of the trigger. The projectiles rotate around each other as they fly toward the target. If both projectiles score a critical hit, two rounds of ammo are added to the magazine.
This weapon can be fitted with a scope, but it's arguably better without one. Double Caliber is accurate enough at long range that a scope isn't warranted, and at medium-to-short range looking through a scope actually begins to hinder accuracy. The exclusive inscription for Double Caliber ensures a 150% critical hit for shots following one in which both projectiles hit their target.
24 Justice

- Type: Launcher
- Damage: 310
- Damage Type: Fire
- Ammo: Large
- Magazine: 6
- Movement Speed: +10%
Launchers are appealing to many players who simply look at the stat-line and see the damage without also looking at the rate of fire. This weapon delivers a considerable amount of damage per shot, but it also takes two seconds to reload. Justice fires grenades that will explode after a five-second delay, or if the player manually detonates them.
Justice has two exclusive inscriptions; one increases Lucky Shot chance, and the other creates a damaging zone filled with lava where the grenades land. The lava deals 60% weapon damage per second for three and a half seconds.
23 Fire Dragon

- Type: Injector
- Damage: 45
- Damage Type: Fire
- Ammo: Normal
- Magazine: 60
- Movement Speed: +10%
This game isn't all about rifles and submachine guns. In fact, some of the best weapons are unconventional arms. Case-in-point is the Fire Dragon. This weapon is a very efficient flamethrower. The flames emitted by this weapon bypass physical armor, and the wide spread of flames permits players to take down groups of enemies rapidly.
The best inscription for Fire Dragon is the exclusive one that increases the chance to cause burning. This weapon depletes ammo incredibly fast - making inscriptions that improve magazine size another smart choice.
22 Dual Fang

- Type: Submachine Gun
- Damage: 45
- Damage Type: Corrosion/Fire
- Ammo: Normal
- Magazine: 45
- Movement Speed: +10%
Players who main a submachine gun will want to give this chameleon-looking gun a try. This weapon alternates between corrosion and fire damage with each shot. This allows for a combustion effect, which is something rare for a weapon. The damage isn't particularly good per individual shot, but the high rate of fire and elemental effects ensure this weapon can keep up with most of the other weapons mentioned.
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Another great aspect of Dual Fang is the low recoil, which helps maintain accuracy. The inscription that increases magazine size and decreases reload time will mitigate the charge effect when the weapon is fired. Dual Fang has an exclusive inscription that increases the chance for an elemental effect and an +4% increase to base damage per second (until the trigger is released).
21 Cavalry

- Type: Rifle
- Damage: 128
- Damage Type: Normal
- Ammo: Normal
- Magazine: 42
- Movement Speed: +0%
Cavalry is a weapon for players that prefer to keep their distance from the enemy, and have played long enough to maintain a reasonably high rate of accuracy when firing at medium to long range. This weapon can be fired in either a three-shot burst or full auto.
One benefit of this weapon is that every third shot is a guaranteed critical hit; however, this weapon has significant recoil. The recoil makes hitting with the third shot a little tricky - at least at long range. Try to get this weapon with the (exclusive) inscription that increases critical damage and guarantees critical hits for a set amount of time if all three shots score a critical hit.
20 Angelic Aura

- Type: Submachine Gun
- Damage: 60
- Damage Type: Normal
- Ammo: Normal
- Magazine: 28
- Movement Speed: +10%
Players wanting a rapid-fire weapon should certainly give Angelic Aura a try. This weapon has the highest rate of fire, and the highest damage per shot, among the submachine guns in Gunfire Reborn. This is both good and bad. Angelic Aura fires so quickly that the magazine empties in about one second.
Over time this weapon's recoil has been lessened, which greatly increases accuracy. Players will want the inscription that increases magazine size and reduces reload time. Inscriptions that improve stability are also preferable; this will help the player ensure more rounds hit an enemy's weak spot.
19 Deafening Mortar

- Type: Launcher
- Damage: 280
- Damage Type: Explosive
- Ammo: Special
- Magazine: 3
- Movement Speed: -10%
The Deafening Mortar is a grenade launcher with some interesting, and useful, properties. When using the primary firing capabilities of this weapon the entire magazine will be emptied. This sends out a barrage of explosive shells that detonate in a pattern. This large area of effect combined with the weapon's superb damage can clear an area of enemies in seconds.
The special weapon skill allows the player to charge the weapon; the longer the weapon is charged before firing, the higher the damage. At maximum charge, this weapon deals an additional 250% more damage than what is listed above. The charge shot also assists in aiming by showing the landing zone of the projectile. This is easily one of the best weapons in Gunfire Reborn.
18 Icy Spear

- Type: Pistol
- Damage: 150
- Damage Type: Normal
- Ammo: Large
- Magazine: 1
- Movement Speed: +0%
Despite being a spear, this is actually a distance weapon, hence its classification as a pistol. This Icy Spear fires an ice spike that pierces enemies. These spikes return to the spear after hitting a solid surface or after traveling to the maximum range.
The return vector of these spikes is to wherever the player is looking. This makes the Icy Spear an excellent weapon to use when confronted with multiple, scattered, enemies. After hitting one enemy on their return trip every subsequent enemy hit will suffer a critical hit (3.5x damage). Combine this weapon with the playable character Ao Bai for ridiculous amounts of damage.
17 Sunder

- Type: Pistol
- Damage: 65
- Damage Type: Normal
- Ammo: Large
- Magazine: 5
- Movement Speed: +20%
Sunder appears like one of the game's weaker weapons if one just goes by the weapon's stat line - 65 damage per shot isn't that high, and a magazine capacity of five seems prohibitively small. This might cause beginning players to overlook this fantastic weapon. Sunder's special ability counters both of these negatives.
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When this weapon is fired the projectiles begin duplicating themselves while en route to the target; to a maximum of nine projectiles. The projectiles expand horizontally, making them unlikely to strike one target. This ability makes Sunder an excellent weapon for crowd control purposes. Inscriptions that increase damage are the most useful.
16 Shrieker

- Type: Launcher
- Damage: 555
- Damage Type: Explosive
- Ammo: Special
- Magazine: 4
- Movement Speed: -10%
The Shrieker does a lot of damage. There are two launchers that have higher base damage, but the Shrieker has a special ability that makes it one of the two best launchers in Gunfire Reborn. If a weak spot is hit, the explosion can cause a critical hit to all enemies in the blast radius. This can deliver an overwhelming amount of damage to each member of a group of enemies.
There are a couple of unique inscriptions for the Shrieker; however, the one to keep on the lookout for is the one that guarantees a critical hit if a weak spot is hit. Combine this with the AoE Double Projectile inscription to give each shot the potential for quadruple damage.
15 Woodpecker

- Type: Sniper
- Damage: 120
- Damage Type: Normal
- Ammo: Large
- Magazine: 12
- Movement Speed: +0%
Woodpecker is definitely in the running for the best sniper class weapon in Gunfire Reborn. This crossbow can be fired surprisingly quickly. As a sniper-class weapon, it's also pretty accurate - even while on the move. Another reason to use this weapon for long-range encounters is its high critical hit modifier, which stands at a lofty 3.5X.
This can be unlocked by killing 20 Longbowmen in Longling Tomb. One of the possible exclusive inscriptions for Woodpecker causes ammo to not be used if the player takes a shot within two seconds of aiming (zooming in).
14 Scorching Rounds

- Type: Pistol
- Damage: 140
- Damage Type: Fire
- Ammo: Large
- Magazine: 6
- Movement Speed: +20%
Scorching Rounds offers the player a weapon with a high rate of fire, decent damage output, high mobility, and some interesting (potential) inscriptions that synergize well together. This weapon fires exploding rounds that deal fire damage. The resulting explosion is small enough that only tightly grouped enemies will be affected.
One of Scorching Round's exclusive inscriptions causes a round that kills the target with a critical hit to explode with a much larger radius, doing 100% weapon damage to all enemies hit by the blast. Any inscription that increases magazine size restores ammo, or improves stability can make Scorching Rounds a much more efficient weapon.
13 Thunderclap Gloves

- Type: Injector
- Damage: 20
- Damage Type: Lightning
- Ammo: Normal
- Magazine: 80
- Movement Speed: +10%
The low damage of this weapon likely turned off a lot of players, but that is a poor indicator of how this weapon performs. Thunderclap Gloves' rate of fire is so fast that it basically fires a continuous beam of electricity. This is also why it has such a large magazine, which, even with 80 rounds, still depletes in just a matter of seconds.
Thunderclap Gloves is an exceptionally accurate weapon thanks to its continuous rate of fire, and the narrow, precise, beam that it projects. Also, due to its high rate of fire, the Thunderclap Gloves has a low critical hit multiplier, though this can be improved with inscriptions. Unlocking this weapon requires the player to get a Talent to level 20.
12 Lightning Blast

- Type: Rifle
- Damage: 85
- Damage Type: Lightning
- Ammo: Normal
- Magazine: 35
- Movement Speed: +0%
This is a great weapon for solo-play, but if multiple players use this weapon during multi-play, this weapon becomes crazy powerful. This is due to Lightning Blast's ability to place a globe-shaped field on the ground. Any projectiles that pass through this field have their speed, range, and damage increased. This effect is cumulative with multiple overlapping fields.
Lightning Blasts' normal shots are balls of lightning that travel slower than most of the other projectiles in Gunfire Reborn, but they are, at least, very accurate. This weapon can be improved with inscriptions that increase its fire rate and magazine size or those which give elemental procs.
11 Star Devourer

- Type: SMG
- Damage: 34
- Damage Type: Lightning
- Ammo: Normal
- Magazine: 40
- Movement Speed: +10%
Once a player gets used to using this weapon it becomes incredibly fun to use, and with the right inscriptions, it becomes quite powerful too. Star Devourer fires at a rate of 15 rounds per second. When there are five rounds (or less) left in the magazine, the rate of fire slows to three shots per second. Releasing the trigger for about a second causes Star Devourer to start reloading at a rate of 25 rounds per second.
Due to the nature of Star Devourer's operational mechanics, any inscription that increases magazine size and reduces reload time greatly improves its performance.
10 Fire Tower

- Type: Melee
- Damage: 700
- Damage Type: Fire
- Ammo: Large
- Magazine: 1
- Movement Speed: +10%
This is the only melee weapon to make this list and is included to offer at least one melee option. The Fire Tower deals an incredible amount of damage per hit when compared to all but one of the other weapons listed here. This weapon's secondary skill fires a flaming projectile, giving this melee weapon a greater range than normal.
The problem with the Fire Tower is that it uses ammo for its primary attack. Fortunately, this uses large ammo, which isn't used by as many weapons as the other two ammo types - normal and special.
9 Glimmering

- Type: Pistol
- Damage: 135
- Damage Type: Fire
- Rate of Fire: 2.00 RPS (rounds per second)
- Ammo: Special
- Magazine: 1
- Movement Speed: +20%
Although it's classified as a pistol, the Glimmering is a throwing knife. This weapon was so good it was nerfed in an update; however, even with the nerfing, it's still one of the best weapons in Gunfire Reborn. This weapon sticks to enemies when it hits.
After sticking to an enemy Glimmering almost immediately explodes, damaging nearby enemies. One of the best aspects of Glimmering is that even if a player misses their target there's still a decent chance it will still damage the target when it explodes.
8 Illusion

- Type: Shotgun
- Damage: 40
- Damage Type: Normal
- Rate of Fire: 2.5 - 4.5 RPS
- Ammo: Special
- Magazine: 24
- Movement Speed: +0%
Illusion is a shotgun with an interesting ability to increase its rate of fire; each consecutive shot increases this weapon's rate of fire. The number of projectiles also increases with each consecutive shot. The rate of fire can be reset by not firing the gun for 3 seconds.
When used with something that immobilizes, like Crown Prince's Energy Orb, this weapon can kill a target surprisingly fast. Fortunately, Illusion has a large magazine; otherwise, the need to reload would become burdensome. There is an exclusive inscription for this weapon that increases the projectile amount and almost doubles its range - with this inscription, Illusion is the only weapon you'll need for a playthrough.
7 Bone Dragon

- Type: Launcher
- Damage: 680
- Damage Type: Normal
- Rate of Fire: 1 RPS
- Ammo: Special
- Magazine: 24
- Movement Speed: +0%
Bone Dragon is a grenade launcher with a twist. This weapon shoots a small black hole that begins pulling enemies towards it when it strikes an enemy or a wall. Bone Dragon not only does a lot of damage, but its black hole effect ensures it will damage a group rather than a single target.
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The black hole effect can be exploited by gathering enemies together for a well-thrown grenade. This is almost always enough to kill whatever enemies the Bone Dragon's damage doesn't. With the Double-Shot exclusive inscription, the Bone Dragon is twice as effective (+100% damage).
6 Dragonchaser

- Type: Rifle
- Damage: 85
- Damage Type: Normal
- Rate of Fire: 8.00 RPS
- Ammo: Normal
- Magazine: 35
- Movement Speed: +10%
This is an excellent weapon for players whose aim isn't that good. Dragonchaser has the ability to fire a non-damaging round that tags an enemy, or any solid object when it hits. Shots fired after this seek out the target and strike the tagged area. Any enemy in-between the player and the tagged enemy is also hit.
This tagging ability is perfect for targeting an enemy's weak spot - and ensuring every shot thereafter hits this weak spot. Any inscription that increases the magazine size makes this weapon a lot deadlier. Dragonchaser also has the chance to get numerous inscriptions that increase critical hit damage.