Morris Milgram was born and raised in New York, the son of Jewish parents working in the garment industry. He attended City University of New York from which he was expelled after leading a protest against a university-sponsored visit by Italian fascist students. He finished studies at Dana College (later Newark University) and started working for the Workers’ Defense League, first as executive secretary and eventually as national secretary. In 1947 he resigned from the Workers’ Defense League and joined a Philadelphia construction company run by his father-in-law. After spending the first five years with the company learning all the basics of the construction business, from tax codes to zoning rules, Milgram inherited the company and focused on building and developing integrated housing communities.
A social activist and civil rights trailblazer, Milgram believed firmly in the possibility of racial harmony and based his efforts in the assumption that blacks should have the same access to housing as whites. Probably the biggest obstacle to the achievement of his goals was the difficulty in obtaining financing for his plans; Milgram was frequently rejected by banks and other financial institutions he approached for investment and venture capital. He finally found an investor and associate in George Otto, a Quaker attracted to Milgram’s social activism and ideas. Otto helped Milgram elaborate a sound investment plan and together they secured the necessary funds to buy a tract of land in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and developed Concord Park, their first project of integrated housing.
In addition to problems with financing Milgram’s later projects were also affected by the reluctance of white home buyers to live in integrated communities. In every new project development Milgram found a surplus of qualified black buyers and not many whites willing to move to integrated communities. In a decision that gave plenty of ammunition to his critics, Milgram decided to establish quotas to ensure a racial balance. He also suffered a big financial and moral setback when the Supreme Court decided against him in the Deerfield case. After Milgram bought land in Deerfield (Chicago, Illinois) with the purpose of building an integrated community, the town took him to court on the grounds that the land was zoned for a recreational park. After several years of him trying to build integrated housing and facing the same recurring problems, Milgram decided to change strategies. Around 1965 he and his associates started buying (as opposed to building and developing) existing housing and modifying rental policies to make them more congruous with their goals.
In all, Milgram provided integrated housing to more than 20,000 people in Philadelphia, California, Boston, New York, Texas, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Cambridge, Chicago, and Washington. In 1968 he became the first recipient of the National Human Rights Award issued by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The papers of Morris Milgram consist of business records and personal documents. The business records include material on his early career as a developer of open housing, multiple sets of office records generated by the different companies he founded with the purpose of establishing housing projects, detailed record of transactions between Milgram and his investors and donors, and correspondence between Milgram and several political figures. The personal papers include material on his college years, letters to and from Milgram’s wives, documents about his activities in different political organizations, and correspondence from friends and relatives.
Both the personal material and the office records span from the early 1920s until the mid 1990s.
The collection is divided in four series: General Files, Files and Drafts of Good Neighborhood, Pauli Murray, and Notebooks.
Series I, General Files is divided in five subseries. The bulk of Subseries A (Correspondence and Office Files) consists of office records and letters produced by Milgram and his companies. Included here are financial reports, legal documents, clippings, newsletters, and other business-related printed matter collected by Milgram. Subseries B (Personal and Family Files) is comprised of documents from his college years, papers reflecting his political activism, and personal papers including letters to and from his wives and other family members. Subseries C (Lorna Riggs Sheide Milgram) features documents produced by Milgram’s third wife. Subseries D (Personal Collection of 1st Publications) consists of a grouping of the first issue of several publications of interest to Milgram. Subseries E (Index Cards and Small Miscellaneous Items) is comprised of records of investors and donors in index card format, in addition to pocket diaries, stamps, business cards, address books, slides and audio cassettes.
Series II, Files and Drafts of Good Neighborhood includes documents related to a book Milgram published in 1977.
Series III, Pauli Murray consists of documents about Pauli Murray, the author and civil rights leader who was credited by Milgram as having convinced him to become a developer of integrated housing.
Series IV, Notebooks is a collection of Milgram’s handwritten annotations throughout the years.
Several boxes in this collection are not attached to any particular series. Box 457 contains loose papers found while arranging the Index Cards (Series I, Subseries E) and the Notebooks (Series IV). Boxes 458-465 contain unsorted papers. Boxes 466-468 contain materials affected by mold.
Arrangement and folder headings are based on Milgram's filing system. Files are grouped by first letter but are not alphabetically arranged within each first-letter group. There are many duplicate file headings, as well as headings that refer to the same people or organizations in different ways. There are many abbreviations, which are not consistent.
Please see the container list for each series for more details about their scope and content.
A box (358) containing documents listing Social Security numbers, license plates of vehicles entering Milgram's housing projects, telephone numbers, and Lorna Scheide's (Milgram's third wife) autopsy report is closed to researchers until Januray 1, 2068.The rest of the collection is open for research.
Audio cassettes in Series I, Subseries E are not accessible to researchers unless reformatted.
Gift of Morris Milgram, 1984 and 1993.
This collection was processed as part of the Civic Engagement Collections Project. Funding for this project was provided by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC). Processing was completed in September 2011 using guidelines based on the "More Product, Less Process" approach to archival processing with the goal to provide researchers immediate access to the materials. Due to the large amount of documents in the collection, and the different stages of arranging reflected in their sorting this collection would benefit from future detailed processing.
I. General Files(1923-1994, undated)162.5 Linear feet; 405 boxes, 3 flat files
Scope and Contents
This series is comprised of correspondence, office records, newspaper clippings, reports, speeches, brochures, letters soliciting money, journal and magazine articles, meeting minutes, newsletters, invitations to events, requests for contributions, legal files, and other assorted material. Since Milgram did business from several offices including his house, intermingled with his business records there is also material of a more personal nature like biographical notes and sketches, documents regarding his children, papers related to his four wives (Grace Smelo, Jean Gregg, Lorna Sheide, and Frances Devers), wills, prenuptial agreements, papers about stamps (which he collected), and files of a more mundane nature about a wide array of issues and subjects like diets, geriatrics, Amtrak, hotels, religions, medical procedures, libraries, etc.
The series is divided in five subseries: Correspondence and Office Files, Personal and Family Files, Lorna Riggs Sheide Milgram, Personal Collection of 1st Publications, and Index Cards and Small Miscellaneous Items.
A. Correspondence and Office Files(1930-1994, undated)134.9 Linear feet; 337 boxes, 1 flat file
Scope and Contents
This subseries contains the majority of the documents in the collection and is composed of business files, correspondence, and documents reflecting Milgram’s involvement in social causes and political activism. Business files range from general information about the state of housing in general and open housing in particular to material regarding the founding and daily operations of Milgram’s companies, among them Modern Community Developers, Planned Communities, Choice Communities, Fund for an Open Society, the Mutual Real Estate Investment Trust, Partners in Housing, and Affirmative Housing Associates. Office files also include documents about the development of his first three open housing communities: Greenbelt Knoll and Concord Park in the Northeast section of Philadelphia, and Princeton Associates in New Jersey.
Information about how Milgram funded his projects can be found in the financial reports, board meeting minutes, lists of prospective contributors (located in folders titled Lists, Key People, Pittsburgh Names), and numerous files tracking visits and contributions by individuals and organizations in different states.
Correspondence include not only letters to and from contributors but also names like Senator Joe Clark, Hubert Humphrey, and John Kennedy, President Dwight Eisenhower, and many others Milgram wrote to urging them to vote for bills that could benefit open housing. There are letters from and to organizations that supported open housing include the NAACP, Urban League, American Friends Service Committee, National Housing Conference, Jewish Community Relations Council, National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing, National Association of Intergroup Relations, and others. There is also correspondence between Milgram and such notables as A. Philip Randolph, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Robinson, Adlai Stevenson, Kivie Kaplan and numerous lesser-known individuals whose financial and leadership support Milgram sought.
Another section of this series features newspaper articles, press releases, court documents, legal files, and a book titled But Not Next Door about the Deerfield case. In 1959 Progress Development Corporation, a subsidiary of Modern Community Developers, bought two subdivisions of land in the Chicago suburb of Deerfield, Illinois for the purpose of building two integrated housing communities. Plans to build houses on these two sites met with no opposition until the Deerfield community learned that Progress Development Corporation intended to sell the houses on an integrated basis. The community sought to condemn the sites with the alleged intention of building a park even though efforts to build a park prior to November of 1959 had been rejected by the Deerfield community. Progress Development Corporation filed a formal complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, alleging that the actions of the Park Board deprived Progress of its civil rights to develop land and build and sell houses in Deerfield. The Park Board filed its own suit in the Circuit Court of Lake County seeking court authority to condemn the sites in question for park purposes, using the power of eminent domain. After a number of appeals, which required over three years of litigation, Progress Development Corporation lost its suit.
Milgram collected documents about another legal case involving integrated housing. Starrett City was a housing development in Brooklyn, N.Y. whose developers had set out to create an integrated housing community in 1973 and attained this goal two years later. In 1979, however, civil rights organizations filed a class action suit against the developers on the charges of discrimination. At the time, white applicants secured apartments at quicker rate than Black applicants. This first suit settled out of court in 1984. Ultimately, a federal court found that Starrett City discriminated against minority applicants.
Milgram also kept numerous files of all subscriptions of individuals investing in his companies. Although files about investments and contributions can be found throughout the General Files series, a portion of these files are concentrated in boxes containing documents about Modern Community Developers (MCD) and Planned Communities (PC). For financial support related to the Mutual Real Estate & Investment Trust (M-REIT), Milgram solicited investments from foundations and religious organizations. Documents related to these can be found in boxes labeled Religious Communities.
1-323, 358-359
Flat file 1
Miscellaneous Correspondence--A; Act II Communities; Aaron, Hank; A.A.U.P.; Abandonment; Abbe, Catherine; Abbe, Pauline; Abbott and Adams, Real Estate [New York]; Abbot, C.; ABC A Better Chance; Articles [from journals and typewritten](1953-1994, undated)
Abernathy, Rosalind; Abolishing Suburbs; Abrams; Abrams, Charles; Abrams, Ed; Abrams, Eddie; Abrams, Edwin; Abram, Morris; ACCESS; Accounting; Achtenberg; Accident; Achieving Integration; Ackerman, Sam; ACLU; ACORN; Ackor; ACT II--Board, Friends, Lists, Literature; Action, Inc.; A.C.T.W.A.; ACQ Mailing; ACWA; Adams; Adams, Hannah; Adams, Neysa; AD HOC Coalition on Neighborhood; Ad (s) Ideas re: Bequests and Wills(1951-1993, undated)
Ad-NY Times; Ad (s) for Note Sales; Ad Possibilities; Ad Rates; Ad Responses; Ads re: Staff; Ad Agencies; Addelston, Lorraine; Addictions; Addresses; Adjustable Rate Mortgages; Adjustable vs Fixed-rate Loans; ADL; ADM; Adoptions; Adopt-a-Family; Adult Housing; Ads-Reit; Ads-OPEN; Ads-PH and MREIT; Adv. Com. and Bds OPEN House Group; Adv. Committee; Adv. Bd Future; Advance Mortgage Corp.; Advantage Members Long Dist.; Adversarial Relationships; Advertising Materials; Advisory Committee to Smelo-Milgram's Integrated Development; Advisory Committe-Planned Communities; Advisory Committee-PH; Advocate Community Development Corp.; Aetna; Affirmative Housing Associates(1958-1992, undated)
Affirmative Action Associates; AFL-CIO; Affirmative Action; Affirmative Fair; Affirmative Housing at Brookside; Affirmative Marketing(1976-1993, undated)
Affordable Housing; Affordable Mortgage; Aff. Recruiting; A.F. Teachers; AFRF; Africa; African-American Council; Afro-American Museum; African Nartional Congress; Age and Sexuality; Aged Housing; Agendas; Agency for International Development; Aging; Agreements; AHA; AIA; Aids Health Crisis; Airlines Antitrust Claim Form; Airmail Env.; Airmen-Negro; Air Service; AIP Tour Group; Air Travel Groups; AJC American Jewish Committee(1960-1994, undated)
Alabama; Alaska; Albany; Alcoholism; Alex P. Mercure; Alexander, Ann Field; Alexander, Herbert; Alexander, Jean; Alexander-Minter, Rae; Alexander, Raymond Pace; Alexander, V.; Alfert, Max; Alinsky, Saul; Allan, Geo; Allan, Molly; Allen, D.; Allen, Eleanor; Allentown Human Relations Commission; Allen, P.; Allen, William; Almo Office Furniture Co.; Alshuler, R.; Alt; Altman, Jerry; Alzheimer's; Amalgamated Bank of New York; Amalgamated Clothing Workers; Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butchers Workmen of N.A.; Ambler, Emily McIntyre; Ambulance; Amended Return 1040; American Apartheid; American Arbitration Association; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Bank and Trust; American Baptist Home Mission Society; American Bar Association; American Builder; American Century; Americans for Democratic Action
Am. Demographics; American Diabetes Association; Americans with Disabilities Act; American Federation of Labor; Am. Federation Government Employees; American Federation of Teachers; American Friends Service Committee; American Friendship Club; American Housing Part.; American Humanist Association; American Income Life Insurance; Am. Indian College Fund; American Institute for Free Labor Development; American Institute of Planners; American Jewish Committee(1953-1994, undated)
American Jewish Committee; American Jewish Congress; American Library Service; American Management Association; American Metal Climax; American Negro Leadership Conference on Africa; Am. Newspaper Guild; American Planning Association; American Prospect; Am. Research Development Corporation; American Revolution; American Teacher Magazine; American Training Services; Am. Transfer Co.; Am. Trust Co.; Amherst Trip; AMIGOS; AMIH; Amnesty; Amsterdam, A.; Amtrak; Analysis of Housing Market; Anderson, Bent; Anderson, Carl; Congressman Anderson; Anderson, Dorothy; Anderson, E.; Anderson, L.; Anderson, Lucille; Andrews, Dwayne; Marian Anderson; A.N.F.O.; Angell, Stephen; Annenberg Family; Annex; Anniversary Ideas; Anne Rudin; Anniversary Events; Anniversary Plans; Annual Giving; Antihistamines; Annual Letters(1946-1993, undated)
Annual Letters from Friends; Annual Reports; Annual Report Examples; Annuities; Anonymous Gifts; Ansonia [Connecticut]; Anthony, Elizabeth; Anthony, E.; Anthony, Lib; Antibiotics; Anti-Defamation League; Antioch; Anti-Semitism; Apartheid; Apartheid in Suburbia; Apartheid, Urban; Apartheid on Campus; Apts-’73 Audit; Apts-Bought; Apartment Builders and Developers-Conference; Apts-Conn.; Apartments: Construction/Demand (NY)/Houses Literature/Rental Ideas/Market; Apt.-Construction News; Apts.-Fain’s Ideas; Apartments-Financial; Apt Hs Council; Apartment History Development; Apartment House Committee; Apt. House Loan Comm.(1961-1993, undated)
Apartment House Management; Apt. Hs. Rules; Apt Hs Unit for Sale; Apartment House Work; Apt. Numbers Lists; Apt. Locators; Apartment Merchandising; Apt-Phila; Apartment Reports; Apts.-Rules for; Apt.-Shoppers Guide; APRI; Appeal Letter; Appeals(1961-1992, undated)
Appeals; Applebaum; Appleby, John; Application (sales); Applied Resources; Applying for a Job; Appraisals(1952-1994, undated)
Appraisals-Houses-Estate of L. Milgram; Appraisal of SEC; Appraisers; APRI; Aqua-Culture (Sherbini, Ahmed); Arab; Arbitration Clause; Arbor Homes; Archdiocese of NY; Architects; Archives; Archer Daniels Midland Co.; Arcosanti, Arizona; Ardmore/Haverford; Areas of Concern; Area Codes; Arizona; Arkansas; ARM’s; Arnold, James; Aronow, Lewis; A. Aronson and Co.; Aronson, David; Aronson, Margaret(1963-1993, undated)
Arthritis; Articles by or about Milgram; Artists; Art Galleries; Art History; Art Museum Area; Art Work; Arundel Ridge-Carter Homes; Arzt, Lee; Aschendorf, Lynn; Aschenbach, Anna; Ashe, Amelia; Ashe, Arthur; Ashe, David; Ashe, Jean; Asheville Housing Market; Ashley, Ludlow(1954-1993, undated)
Ashmere, Harry; Asho, Craine; Asian Americans; Asimov, Isaac; Asner, Ed; Assignments; Assisted Housing; Askinas, Samuel; Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies; Aspira, Inc.; ASPO; Assets; Associated Church Press; Associates for Better Communities; Association for Fair Housing Committees; Assoc. Inst. of Architects; Association for Middle Income Housing; Associated Press; Assoc. Press Va.; Assoc. for Union Democracy; Association of Voluntary Action Scholars; Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception; Associations; Aster Park; Astor, B.; ASU and SDS Reunion; Athwin Foundation; Atkins, W.; Atlanta; Atlantic City; Attleboro; Atlantic Richfield; Attitudes; Attitudes on House Integration; Attendance Sheets; Atrium Village; Auctioneer; Auctions; Audio; Audit ’93; Augustine, Al; Aukerman(1965-1994, undated)
Austin; Austin, Jo; Austin Mutual Housing Associates; Australia; Authors; Authors Facing Death; Authors Guild Survey; Auto Accident; Auto-biography; Autographs; Autographs-Poetry; Auto/License; Automatic Investing; Auto-Mercedes; Auto Re-Investment Plan; Auto Rental; Auto-Tran; Auto Vandalism; Averill Harriman Award Luncheon; AVSC; Award Talk(1934-1993, undated)
Affirmative Housing Associates; American Freedom of Residence Fund; AW Letter-Lists and Printing; Award, Dinners; Award Funds; Award [wom?]; Ayers, R.; Aylor, James; Aytch, Louis; Miscellaneous-A; American Friends Service Committee; American Lutheran Church; Appeals; Aster Park; 42nd Street-Tenants; 42nd Street-Limited Partnership Agreement; Accounting-General; Affirmative Housing Associates; American Press Association; American Press Associates; AFL-CIO-Postcards(1945-1993, undated)
Baacke, Jon; Babcock, Anne; Babcock, Dudley; Babcock, J.P.; Babcock, Wright; Backpacking; Back Problems; Backer, Bernie and Henry; Bacon, Edmond; Bacon, Robert D.; Bagels; Bagley, C.; Bahr, Florence; Barbara Bailey; Bailey, Marge and other house work; Bains; Baker, Vincent; Howard H. Baker; Baker, Mary Jane; Baker, Roland; Baker, M.; Roland Baker; Doug Baker; Bakke; Bakke Case; Baker, Michael; Baker, Roland; Baldwin, Anne; Baldwin, James; Baldwin, Lee; Baldwin, Roger; Baldwin, Tad; Ball, Trude; Ballot-PH; Balloon Industry; Baltimore, Maryland; Bamberger, Clinton; BAND Together for Global Security; Banks(1964-1994, undated)
Bankers Trust Co.; Banner, Knox; Baranoff, Jerald; Barber, Scott Allen; Barbour, Alamina; Barclay, CT; Bare, Joseph; Barker, Jean; Barker, Lee; Barker, Mary Lee; Barn Renovation Project at Brookside; Barnes, M.; Barnes, Robert D.; Barnes, Trina; Barnet, Judith; Barney Frank; Baroni, G.; Barr, Florence; Barr, Stringfellow; Barringer, Minor; Barron’s Fresh Appraisal; Barsella, Christine; Barth, Rob C.; Barton, Keith; Bass, F.; Bateman, Paul; Bathroom; Battle, J.; Battle Creek; Baker, J. Stephen; Baumann; Baus, H.; BAWA; Bayard Rustin Fund; Baylson, Carroll; Beacon Hill; Beach, Mark and Oralee; Beardsley, Eliz; Bearsdley, H.M.; Bed and Breakfast; Becker, Janet; Becker, John; Becket New Town; Becker, Marion; Becker, William; Beecher, B.; Beecher, J.; Behrens, John Owen; Bielenson, E.; Beilenson, Roger; Belcher, Jane; Beldock, Myron; Bell of PA(1951-1994, undated)
Bell and Howell; Bell, D.; Bell, Lou; Bellow, Saul; Bellwood Case; BEM; Bendiner, R.; Bendix; Bender, Bob; Beneficial Mutual Savings Bank; Bengaton and Co.; Benjamin, Mal.; Benjamin, Robert; Benning Heights; Bensinger, P.; Bensonhurst; Benson, Herman; Benton, Charles; Bentley, Dick; Bequests; Berek, Richard; Berger, Paul; Berkeley, Janice; B. Berkus; Berean/Cigna; Berlin, Henry and Ruth; Berman, Philip; Bernard, V.; Bernhord Foundation; Bernstein, Benjamin; Bernstein, E.; Bernstein, J.; Bernstein, Martha; Bernstein, P.; Berquist, Sara; Berquist; Berry, Harold; Bertholf, Lois Comings; Bervine, Junius; Beshears, K.; Beshears Job; Bess, Thomas(1959-1993, undated)
Best of Communities; Best, James; Bethany Theological Seminary; Bethe, Hans; Bethe, Rose; Bethea, Viola; Bethel H. Chicago; Betman, Marilyn Sue; Better Business Bureau; Better Letters; Betty; Bevel, J.; Bibliography; Bidding; Bigman, S.; Bildner, Albert; Bildner, Bea; Bilingual Education Act; Bills and Receipts; Bilson, Ira; Bindings; Bingham, June; Binzen, Peter; Bios-DeMarco; Biographical Sketches and Resumes(1964-1994, undated)
Bios-OPEN Board; Bios-Old; Biotech; Biracial Marriages; John Birch Society; Bird, Anna; Bird, Anne; Bird, D.; Birenbaum, William; Birge, W.; Bikner, Edward; Birmingham, Al.; Birgmainham, NJ; Birthday Parties; Bison Associates; Black Americans to Support Israel Committee; Black Businessmen; Black Capitalism; Black Economic Research Center; Black Enterprise; Black Insurance; Black Jack Case; Black Jews; Black Jewish rel; Black Law Journal; Black Leaders; Black Leaders on Israel; Black Leadership; Blackman, A.; Black Manifesto Resources; The Black Market; Black Neighborhood; Black Oak Property; Black Panthers; Black Perspective; Black Power; Black Progress; Black Racism; Black Separatism; Black Survival Fund; Black Towns; Black Women; Blacks; “The Blacks and the Unions” by Bayard Rustin(1961-1992, undated)
Blackwell, R.; Black, Eugene Carson; Blanchard, Eric; Blanshard, P.; Blank, Joani-Open Enterprises; Blanquie, V.; Blattenberg, Ruth and Bill; Bind; Blindness; Blind-syndication; Black Associations; Blockbusting; Block Grants; Block Meetings; Block, Russell; Blum, Edwin; Blum, Jon; Blum, Michael; Blumenthal of Bendix; Blumenthal, M.; Blumenthal, Herman; Book-Thanks; Bobo; Board-Open-National; Boarding Houses; Board Meeting; Board of Fundamental Education; Boden, Shirley F.; Bodner, B. re: Greenbelt Knoll; BL BD Corp. Members; Boganda, S.; Bohem, Paul; Boise Cascade Corp.; Bok, Nellie; Boldt, O.; Bolling, Georgette; Bonds (Junk); Bond Office Service; Israel Bonds; Bonding; Books(1954-1994, undated)
Booth, Donald; Borden, David; Borden, P.; Boredom; Borough of Paulsboro; Marcia W. Borowski; Boschan, Charlortte; Boston; Botwinik, Harris; Botwinik, Joan; Boucher Conference; Boulding, K.; Bowery; Bowman, Bruce; Bowser; Boyd, Bruce; Bradford, Danie; Brady, D.; Bradley, Tom; Bramhall, Billie; Brandeis University; Brainstorming; Brannin, Carl; Brannin, Carl P.; Braxton, John; Breakthrough; Breckenfeld, Gurney; Bredon; Estate of Charlotte Breitmayer; Bremer, Chuck(1959-1986, undated)
Brenner, D.; Brenner-Tappan Group; Brethren; Brewer, Jim; Bridges, H.; Bright Hope Baptist Church; Brimmer, A.; Brind, Ira; Bristo; Gardens; Bristol House; Broad, Henry; Broadcasts; Broadmoor; Brockway, George; Broker Dealer Corp Ideas; Brokers; Brooks, Susan; Broliers, R. E.; Bronx; Brotherhood-in-Action; Brown, Bob; Brown, Clarissa; Brown [Johnson]; Brown, Ethel; Brown, Esther; Brown and Goldfarb; Brown, H.; Jerry Brown; Brown, Hayward; Jeff Brown; Brown, John; Brown, Robert; Brown, Sullivan; Sterling Brown; Brown vs Board of Education; Bryant, Dick; Bryant, Drayton; Bryn Gweled Homesteads; Bryn Mawr College (1958-1986, undated)
Brookside Development; Brookside-Land Sales, Barn, Sewer, Tax, Lien; Brookside-Greenbelt Associates vs. McBride; Brookside Community Association-Bylaws, Letter from the President, etc.; Brookside-Moffitt; Brookside-Lists, Prospects, Appraisal; Brookside-Common Areas, Community Barn, Maintenance Bond; Brookside 1980-1987; Brookside Community Suit 85; Brookside Prospects; Brookside Info; Brookside-Marketing, Sewer, Water Co., Minutes, McBride, Closing, Clips; Brookside Community Association; Brookside Construction Loan(1974-1987, undated)
Brown, D.; Brooke, E.; Brookside Covenants; Brookside Cable TV; Brookside Bldns. No; Brookside Wh. Sales; Brookside-Lorna and Morris Milgram Property; Brookside-Pool, Traffic Reports, General Information; Brookside; Brookside-Visit, Lot Closing, Linpro; Brookside-Flyers; Brookside—Appraisals (Baylson), Questionnaires, Sub-mortgages, AFF; Brookside-Internal Control Group/Townhouse Description; Brookside-History, Cash Flow Analysis, Personnel, Opening, Aaron Bussey; Brookside(1968-1989, undated)
Brookside(1981-1987, undated)
Buchbinder, L.; Pearl Buck; Bucks Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament (BAND); Bucks County Community College; Bucks County OEO; Buckner, Helen; Budgets [OPEN, Choice, others]; Buffalo; Builder Conference; Builders; Builders-Confidential Questionnaire; Building Materials(1943-1987, undated)
Building Materials; Buildings-Permits, Codes, Costs, Systems; Bundy, McG; Burden, Carter; Burglar Alarm Systems; Burgess, Samuel; Burke, Y.; Joseph Burstein; Burton, V.; Business Machines; Bus and Society; Business Reply Envelopes; Buses; Business Educational Fund; Bussey, Aaron; Bypass Tunnel; Bryn, Gweled; Bio-corrections; Bykofsky, Stu (Father Syd); Bundy, McGeorge; Burke, Tom; Burke, Yvonne; Burris, John; Bus-Septa; Busing; Bush, George (Pres. USA); Bush, Lawrence; Buttenheim Family; Bye, Jerry (Powelton Village); Bye, Lois; Butter-Baker; Business Development; Burtis, Tom; Byrne, Esther; Bryant, Drayton; Bryant, D.-5 Apt. Building; Bryant, Flora; Bryn, Gweled; Buchanan, Patrick; Buck, Margaret; Buckner, Helen; Bucks County Interracial Harmony Committee; Bucks County Courier Times; Bucks County Demography(1958-1991, undated)
Budget Call; Building Industry Association; Bunche, Ralph; Brenner, David; Brevity in Appeals; Bridges; Bridges Project; Brim, Erma Lee; Britain; Broadmead; Broad, Inc.; Brochure; Brockway, George; Brod, Mary; Brodie, Irene; Bromley, Charles; Brooklyn; Brooks, Eugene; Brookside; Brown, Jeff and Pat; Brown, John; Brown, Ralph; Brown, Ron; Brown Ruling, The; Bruce, Herman; Brugger, Florence; Boynton Robert; Boynton, Sandra; BPI Business and Professional People for the Public Interest; Bradford, Danie or Barrows; Bradford, Eugene; Brainham, Lorraine; Braley, Grace; Branscombe, Art and Bea; Braun, Ann; Braun, Carol Moseley; Breakfast Group (Fran’s); Berger, Bobbi; Brenda McCormick Mothers, Inc.; Borkey, Florence; Borowsky, Marcia; Bosnia; Boston Trip; Boston; Botwinick, Joan; Boucher, Betty; Bourne, Ruth and David; Bowser, Chas; Bowman, Ruth; Bower, Will and Jackie; Books re: Blacks; Book Reviews; Book Review Friedan; Books to read; Bookstore; Book sales-Good Neighborhood; Bookbinder, Hyman; Books to get; Booth, David; Bond, Julian; Bonds Tax Exempt; Boynton; Bookbinder; Book Clubs; Book Ideas(1984-1994, undated)
Bookstores-used; Bookbinder, Hyman; Book Offers; Book Promotions; Booknews; Books ord.; B’nai B’rith; Bober; Bodian, Louis; Bohem, Paul; Bodo, John; Bok, Ms. H.A.; Boldt; Bolling, Georgette; Blue Sky Note; Blue Cross; Blue Shield; Bluestein, Richard; Blum, Jeffery; Blumenthal, Mike; Black Suburbs; Black and Jews; Black/White articles about; Black/White Mortgage Disparity; Black Women; Blacks in Business; Black, Helene; Blake, Eugene Carson; Blanquie, Vivi; Blood Tests-MM; Bloom, Jon; Bloom, Victoria; Bloomberg, Michael; Bloomstein, Charles; Black Experience (The)-Movies, Books, etc.; Black History 1619 to Now!; Black-Jewish Relations, James Farmer; Black, Kenneth; Blackman, Allan; Birth Certificate; Birth Rates; Birthday Affairs; Birthday Cards to MM; Bischof, George; Bishop, Ronald; Bissell, Faith; Bixby, Leonore E.(1987-1994, undated)
Busing; Blacks and Mortgages; Black Enterprise; Black Helene Charitable Trust; Blacks in America; Buttenheim, M.; Buttrey, J.; By-laws; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-B; Miscellaneous-Office Files-B; Miscelleaneous-Prospects-B(1955-1994, undated)
Cafritz; Concord Park; Colorado Trip; New York-Committee of 80; Council of Equal Job Opportunity; Clippings; Community Cooperative Development Foundation; Concord Associates, Inc.; Colorado; Casa de Mañana Apartments; California-Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, Southern(1941-1988, undated)
Choice(1976-1991, undated)
Choice(1975-1989, undated)
Choice; California Regulations; California-Farmer; California Mortgages; California PH Forms; California House Meetings; California Street Papers; California Debenture Sales and Offerings(1971-1987, undated)
California Housing Group; California Advisory Committee; California Lists; California Advisory Lists; California Housing Articles; California Advisory Committee; California Salesman; California Speech; California Street Limited Partnership Agreement; California Office; California Program; Casa de Mañana; CA. House Meetings; Cadbury; Calls 42nd Street; Camden; Camden Co, Bldg.; Camera; Cameron, S.; Camp, Connie; Camp, J.; Campaign Manuals; Campbell Soup Fund(1972-1991, undated)
Carter, Lew; Carter, T.; Cary ‘s Mortgage Form; Cash Flows; Cassettes; Cast; Cast Party; Catholic; Catholic University of America; Cattle; George Campbell; Donald and Lola Campbell; Camps; Cannon, Poppy; Canada; Canady, J.; Cancer; Candle Camps; Capahosic Conference; Capiloff, L.; Capital East; Capital Formation, Inc.; Capitol Gaines; Capital Preservation; N. Car. Deb Reg; Carafes; Carlson Est.; Lily Carlson; Carmichael, S.; Carner, Lucy; Carpenters; Carports; Carter, B.; Carter, Pres. on H.; Carter, Pres. Jimmy Ethnic Purity etc; Congressional Record; Caffrey, Paul; California Street-The Highland’s Sale; California Street-Glen Terrace(1962-1983, undated)
Carlson; Rachel Carson Council; Cafiero, Renee Vera; Cab-Share and Ride; Cable TV; Cain, Leonard; Calling Lists Updates; Calls; Canada; Canady, Janet; Cancer; Canright, Winnie; Caps on Mortgages; Carter, Jimmy; Cash Account-Open Housing Group; Cash Balance OHG; Cash in Bank-Monthly Report; Casper, Lee; Cash Flow; Carlson Type Fund; Calls re: Notes; Cambridge Trip; Camp, Connie; Campbell, John; Ishbel Campbell; Canada; Canada Friends; Canady; Carroll, John B.; Rachel Carlson Council; Carter, Annetta; Carter, Debbie and Richard; Jimmy Carter; Carter, Warren; Cary, W. Sterling; Carlin, Vivian; Catholic Coalition for Responsible Investment; CATO; Carson, Marjorie; Caps on OPEN Mortgages; Cary-Talk; Cary re: MREIT; Campbell, Ishbel (Estate of); Cambridge; Calloway, Deverne; Cancelled Book Clubs; Candy, Roberta; Capital Punishment; Cylinder, Harry; Calvert Soc Inn Fund; Captain Morris(1960-1992, undated)
California; California Street(1959-1981, undated)
California Trips; California-Los Angeles; California-Oakland, Palo Alto, Pomona; Chicanos; Child Labor Laws; Children of the Rainbow; Chinoy, E.; Chip Housing; Chisholm, Shirley; Church Com. Old; Christian Century; Christianity and Crisis; Churches; Churches for CHOICE; Church and Community Folder; Church Investments; Repair List for 313 East Church Lane(1958-1991, undated)
Cicero; Cinci; Cinci Trip; Cisler, L.; Citizen’s Housing and Planning Council; Citizen’s Committee for NY; Citizen’s Council on City Planning; Citizen Exchange Corps; Citizens Review Committee; Citizens Unites Renewal Enterprises; Cities; Citizens Committee on Public Education in Philadelphia; Civic; Civil Liberties Legal Defense Fund; Civil Rights Documentation Project; Civil Rights Section; Civility; City Almanac; City of Iowa; City of Hope; City Mag; Coalition for a Democratic Majority; Cleveland, Ohio; Clarion, Mortgage Co.; Clark, M.; Clark, Ramsey; Clark, W.; Clarion; Clay, Leonard; Claymore; Clay, R.; Clay, Paul; Claytor, Glenn; Clendenin, B.; Cleveland Foundation; Cleveland Heights; Clips-PH; Clowes; Clum, Harold; Coalition for One America; Coff, Charles; Cobb, W.; Codes; Col, Robert F.; Coffin, W.; Cogden Holt and Associates; Cogan, David and Lori; Cohl, C.J.; Cole; Coleman, J.; Coleman, William; Colleges, Black; College Pres; Collier, Ralph; Collins and Kronstadt; Colo letters to sign(1969-1981, undated)
Colorado; Color Blind; Colonial Mortgage; Colors; Columbia-Gill; Columbia, MD; Columbus Trip; Common Cause; Commissions; Committee of Responsibility; Committee for Détente with Freedom; Communes; Communication; Community Boards; Community Change; Community-Church; Community Comments; Community Development; Community Development-Phila; Community Development Block Grant Program; Community Housing; Community Management Corporation; Community Service; Community News Reports; Community Relations; Community Interests; Community Reinvestment Act; Condominiums; Compendium of Multi-Family Housing; Compost; Cede and Company; Arnold L. Copman; Chasin, Laura; Consultation Jobs(1969-1984, undated)
Collection System; Cleaning Contacts; Coding; Culpeper House-Virginia; Connecticut Housing Investment Fund; Computer; Community Cooperative Development Foundation [Roger Wilcox]; Compendium Bulletin; CCPEP; Cedar-Riverside; Center for Policy Processes; CPA Firms; Center for Community Change; Center for National Policy Review; Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions; Central Penn National Bank; Center for a Voluntary Society; Christian Century; Cereals; Cerro; Peter Certaine; CETA; Chaikin, Sol; Chaplain, Sylvia; Chapman, Rich; Charettes; Charitable Organizations-PA Commission; Charge and Accounts; Charitable Trust; Charlottesville, VA; Chartered by Congress; Chase Manhattan Bank; Chasin, D.; Laura Chasin; Chavez, C.; Chernoff, Art; Cheston, B.; Chicago ’75; Chicago Leaders; Chicago-Population Info; Chicago Trip; Chicago; CIO Walter Reuther(1953-1985, undated)
Chicago Trip; Computers; Computer-Proposal and Information; CCNY MM’s Schoolmates etc.; Celebrating a Life (Muriel Snowden); Cooper and Pratt-Architects AIA; Co-op Housing; Co-op News; Cooper, Bessie; Cooper, Edward; Copman, Arnold; Copying Centers; CORE 1967; CORE States; Corp. Com. For OPEN; Corp. Ldrs.; Cosanti Foundation; Cosby, Bill; Council of the DC-Council Period Nine; Council for Livable World; Courage Foundation; Courtyard Club; Courtyard Miscellaneous; Cousins, Norman; (The) Courts AM.; Covenant House Health Services; Cox, Alex; Cox, Joe; Craft Show; Craig, Mary E.; CRA Credit for Integration; Credit Unions; Cremation; Crenshaw; Crescitelli, Richard(1967-1993, undated)
Crow, Eleanor; Crow, Tramell; Crowell, Bob; Crowley, Patty; Crown Heights; Crown Pointe; Csala, Gottfried; CT Trip and NYC; Cunningham, Nick; Cunningham, Ruth; Cuyahoga Plan; Crime Prevention Association; Criminal Justice in Black and White; Crissey, Kathryn; Cronwell, Brian; Cross-cultural awareness; Concord Associates; Concord Park(1954-1993, undated)
Concord Park; Concordance; Conference Centers; Conference Ideas; Congress People; CORE; Connecticut; Constitution of United States; Construction Consultants-Mitchell Morgan; Consumer Union $1M Gift Fund; Convocation(1952-1988, undated)
Convocation Agreement re: Dr. Modigliani; Coop Assistance Fund; Cooper, Earl; Cooper, Samuel; Cooperative Apts.; Corporate Examiner; Council on Christian Social Programs; Council of Churches; Cramer, Fred; Credit Cards-For Pledgers; Credit Union; Cremation; Crisis in Housing; Cross, T.; Crouse, Betty; Culpeper House; Cummings Engine; Current File; Cuyahoga; Concord Park and Greenbelt Knoll-Scrapbook; Concord Park and Greenbelt Knoll-Clippings; Clippings(1951-1988, undated)
Office Files-Concord Park; Check Signing; Concord Park; Concord Office; Cooper; Arnold Copman; Cooper; Conn Trip; Co-op Band; Cincinnati Trip; Culpeper House; Colorado; Cigna; Claymore Buildings; Computer; Committees of 80s; Community Developers; Civil Rights Bill ’66; Commissions; Clippings-MM; Copies for July; Chester County Community Developers; COOPS; Cast Associates (sale of); Catholic Backers; Cassiere, Josette; Casner, Andrew; Casadei, G.; Children; CHIF-Connecticut Housing; Chinese(1957-1992, undated)
Church; Clark, Kenneth; Cleveland, Ohio; Colonial Penn Group, Inc.; Color Carousel; Census Materials; Concord Park-Dedication Photo; Chapel Hill, NC; Computer Bills; Center for Urban Environmental Studies; Crisis; Culpeper House Apartments; Crough; Contributions, circa 89-90; Criley, Dick; Committee of 80-D.C.; CP-Coalition; Concord Park; Concrete Houses; Condo; Condolence; Cone, Edward; Communication Workshop; Coney Island Case; Conferences; Conference on Alternate State and Legal Policies; Conference Centers; Confidential Memo; Conf. Centers; Conference Planning; Conference Sites; Conference Spots; Conference Techniques; White House Conference(1956-1992, undated)
Conflict of Interest; Congress; Congressman Burke; Conn-PH; Connecticut; Connelly, John; Constitution; Construction; Construction Company-Community Based; Construction Loans; Consultants; Consumer Price Index; Contemporary Authors; Continental Can Co.; Contracts; Controller; Contrib-Pol; Convictions; Cooke, Todd; Coolidge, Albert; Coop Bank; Cooper, C.; Samuel and Clarissa Cooper; Cooperatives; Cooperative Assistance Fund; R Coop; Co-ops; Cooperative Hs.; Co-op League Fund; Cooperator; Co-op Services; Copman; Abe Cooperman; Corpus Christi(1969-1983, undated)
Corpus Job; Cornfeld, B.; Corporate; Corporations; Corporate Management Service; Corporate Social Audit; Bill Cosby; Cosby, Gordon; Costanza; Cort, Howard; Coulter Letter Service; H. Counseling; Council on FDN, Inc.; Council for a Livable World; Council of Churches of NY; Council on Economic Priorities; Court II; Norman Cousins; Corvey, F.; Cox, H.; Crane, Sylvia; Christianity or Crisis; Credit Unions; Crenshaw Notes; Crowley, Pat; Nicholas Cunningham; Custer-Loans-Choice; Cons. Service; CPA’s; Cranston, Allen; Crenshaw Neighbors; Crestmont; Crew, L.; Crime; Crisis; Crane, Sylvia; Cruikshank, Margaret; Culpeper; Culpeper HS.; Cummings Engine Co.; Custer; Custom Processors; Edward H. Cutler; Cuyahoga(1961-1984, undated)
Clark, Harold; Conn General and MIT; Computer; Convocation PL Forms; CEO Ads; CL Hts.; Clark, Ken-Profile; Choice-Loan Lists; Choice Community-Minutes; Choice Community-Transfer of Shares; Cash Balances; Cash Balance-OPEN and Choice; Choice-Board; Chicago; Credit; Crown Cork and Seal; Center for the Study of Conflict; Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions; CPA-New; Challenge Gifts for Inv.; Chamovitz, David; Chandler, Hall; Chasin-Farmer Letter; Chicago Conference on Religion and Race; Child Care; Children of War; Childress, Jean; Chinese Housing; Chittendon Trust Co.; Chukrow, Robert; Church on Integrated Housing; Citizens Guide to Housing and Urban Renewal; Citizens’ Research Foundation; City College of New York; City Rankings; Clark, Grenville; Clark, Jean; Clark, Joe-Senator, Campaign; Clark, Kenneth; Closing Costs; Coins for Direct Mail; Collectors Club; Colleges; Colombia, Bogota; Colorado, Denver; Colorado; Community Development Foundation; Community Relations Conference of Southern California; Community Service Newsletter; Community Developers Mailings(1944-1994, undated)
Commission on Democracy in Housing; Commission on Human Relations; Common Cause; Community Affairs Department-Annual Report; Community Cooperative Development Foundation; Community Developers, Inc.-Board; Community Developers, Inc. (pledges for); Community Relations Service; Computer; Computer Control Corp; Comstock, Phil; CCNY; CDC’s; Celestial Community Human Resources Corp.; Censorship; Center for Community Change; Center for Neighborhood Technology; Center for the 21st Century; Central America; Cerino, Harry; Chain Letter (from James Farmer); Chambers, Julius; Chamovitz, David; Change of Address Forms; Chapin, Amy; Chaplin, Ralph; Chaplain, Sylvia; Charlotte, NC; Charney, Gloria; Chavez, Cesar; Chestnut Hill; Chicago Quota Case; Chicago-Best Contacts; Chicago; Chicago Trip; Children’s Defense Fund; Children’s Needs(1952-1993, undated)
Children of the Shadows (NY Times Series); China; Chinese Workers; Chinese Food; Chiropractic Exam; Chisesi, Marianne; Chmel, Patrick; Choice Board Meeting; Choice Board Members; Choice Communities; Choice Liquidation; Choice Lenders; Choice Advisory Committee; Choice Loans; Choice Cash Balances; Choice Papers; Choice Staff; Choice Payroll; Choice Planning Committee; Choice Preferred Stock; Chomsky, Noam; Chronicle of Philanthropy; Church Coop; Cinci Trip; Cisneros; Cities; CHPC; Dying Cities and Growth Cities; City College; Civil Rights; Clampitt, Amy; Clark, Dennis; Clark, Josie; Clark, Major Joe; Clark, Kenneth B.; Clean Yield Group; Cleveland Follow Up; Clinton, Bill; Clivus Multrum; Coalition of Black Trade Unionists; Coalition for the Philadelphia Region; Coalition on Women and Religion; Coan, Cara; Coe, Robert and Jane; Cohen, Janet; Cold War; Cole, Dr. Beverly; Coleman, James S.; Coleman, Roger (Death Row)(1989-1993, undated)
Collins, Joseph; Collin, Frances (Literary Agent); Colodwy, Pen; Colorado Trip; Comanda, Joe; Combined Jewish Philanthropies; Comisión de Relaciones Humanas de Filadelfia; Commission on Intergovernmental Relations; Commission on Human Relations; Commission on Social Action; Commodore Barry; Communal Living; Communication; Communism Collapse; Community Change, Inc.; Com. Dev.-Org Com 1953; Community Development Corp. of Boston, Inc.; Community Land Trust; Community Reinvestment Act of 1977; Community Service, Inc.; Concord Park; US Commission on Civil Rights; Community Service Member Directory; Community Service Ohio; Compton, R.; Computer Experts; Computer Instructions-MM at Home; Computer Codes-OPEN; Computers; Computer-Modem; Computer Software INFC Professional Write; MM Computerized Phone Lists-Home; Concerned Citizens Del Val; Conference Announcements; Conference Calls; Conflict of Interest; Conflict Resolution; Congress; Congressman Ted Weiss; Connelly Foundation; Conner, Allison; Conners, Kenneth Wray; Connecticut Trip; Consultation Fees; Consumer Reports; Contemporary Authors; Controlled Occupancy; Convocations; Cook, Annabelle; Cooke, Todd; Co-ops; Co-op America; Co-op City; Consulting Jobs; Congressional Human Rights Foundation; Cone, Ed; Compton, J.; Committee of 25; Columbia, MD; Coleman, Val; Cogen, Charles; Clearinghouse; Clark, Ken; Claim Care; Civilization; Cigna; Choice Notes(1953-1994, undated)
Congress of Racial Equality; Contract Forms; Coolidge, Frederic; Corpus Christi; Corporate Action/Corporate Investment/Corporate Giving; Cost of Living Index/Cost of Housing; Cox, J.; Choice; Choice-Planning Committee; Choice-Budget; Census Info and Tracts; Centenarians; Center for Study of Conflict; Chappaquiddick Conference; Chernoff, A.; Chicago Trip; Childers, J.; Chinese Friends; for Compendium Article; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-C; Miscellaneous-Organizations-C(1962-1994, undated)
Correspondence-Incoming; Correspondence-Third Party; Correspondence-Incoming-Postcards(1990s, undated)
Miscellaneous-Office Files-C; Dayton; Danforth Foundation; Detroit Trip; DC National Bank; Dividend Information; Denver, Colorado; Douglas Study; Delson, Levin and Gordon; Des Moines Trip; Delgado, Doris; Dellums, Congressman Ronald; Delson, Max; DeMarco National Neighbors Talk; Doar, John; Director’s Resp.; Dillard, Irvin; Deutch, Jerome; Depreciation; Delson; Dearborn; De Facto Segregation; Dennis, Shirley; Decentralization; Death Notice; DeBeers, John; DC Building; DC-Hamlin Tenants; DC Proposal(1953-1993, undated)
Development Funds; Dawson, George; Day-care; DAY Jewish Journal; Day, Richard; Davis, Ossie; Mabel Davis; Davidoff, Paul; Dating Forms; C. Darlington; Donforth Report; C.A. Dana Foundation; Dallas; Directory of Social Responsible Investment; Debevoise, Dickinson; Dancis, Jerome and Binny; Dark Test etc. re: Pauli Murray; Directions; Dictate; Deferred Giving; De Funis, Marco; Carolyn Dejankus; Deknatel, C.; De Lancie, Richard; Delaware; Del Val Reg Plan Comn; Delaware Valley Chapter; Delbruck, M.; Delegating; Delinquent Notices; Deveraux, Linda; Democracy Unlimited; Democratic Party; Democratic Socialist Orrganization; Dennis, W.; Density (50 to Acre); Denver; Dennis, Shirley; Depreciation; Derry, Joe B.; Des Moines; Detroit; Developers Fee; Development Director; Dev. Fund; Devon; Dewig Foundation; Greater Dallas Housing Opportunity Center, Inc.; Democratic National Committee(1968-1992, undated)
Diet; Dinners; Direct Mail; Directions; DISC; Disclosure-Mortgages; Donor Material; Donors-Miscellaneous Lists-Rutgers, etc.; Dorman, Joseph; Dotie, Roscoe; Douglas, Vernon; Douty, Ken; Dowling, Robert; Doyle, John J.; Doylestown Trip; Draper and Kramer Real Estate Management; Dreby, Ed; Drevers Family; Dropping Donors; Drinan, Robert; Drucker, Peter; Drugs-Bills; Duckrey, Dr. James; Duffy, Joseph; Dukakis, Michael; Duplicates on Mail; The Dynamic Older Woman; Daily File; Darlington, Charles; Davenport, John-Spain; Davidson, Joann; Davies, Peter; Davis, Henry; Davis, Sammy (Ebony Article); De Silver; Death and Celebration of a Life (re: O’Connor, Harvey); Death Certificate (re: Lorna Milgram); Dejanikus, Dmitri; Debentures; Dark Testament; DC Bank; Dayton, U.; DC National Bank Forms; Deafness; Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee; William B. Dickinson; Dikstein, Carla; Died-Info Req.; Dillard, I.; Dinner Guests; Dinner Meetings(1953-1988, undated)
Nelson Diaz; Dane, M.; Danforth; Diners Club; Delaware; Directories; Directories-Milgram/Farmer Companies; Deffet Companies(1957-1994, undated)
Darragh, Fred; Dan-Sec’l Service; Dabney, Henrietta; Dammond, Ellen; Danielson, Janet; DC Council Members; Daniels, Patricia; David Library; Davidson, Jo Ann; Days Inn; Ruby and Ossie Davies; Dejanikus, Carolyn; Debevoise, Dickerson (Judge); De Champ; Deahl, Tom; Deans, Marie; Death-New Definition; Death Penalty Errors; DeBeers, Jack; Deknatel, Charles; Dekpro, Jeffery; DeLee, Debbie; Del Pinal, Jorge; Delson, Dorothy; Delgado, Doris; Deming, Dr. W. Ed.; Democratic Congressional Comm. Campaign; Democratic National Committee; Democratic Party; Denard, Tina M.; Denny, Hal; Denworth, Joanne; Depression; Derago, Anth.; Desegregating; Desegregation of Schools; Designation; Design Ideas; De Souza, Gregg; Detroit Free Press; DeVastey; Diabetes; Dialog Customer Service; Dick, Neil; Dictation; Dictating Machines Info; Diers, Jim; Diet Books; Dime Community Partnership; Diner, Masia; Dingerson, Leigh; Dinkins, Mayor David; Direct Mail Fundraisers Association; Directory of Socially and Environmentally Responsible Businesses; Disability Rights; Discontinued Jobs; Dis. Rts. Ed. And Defense Fnd Inc.; Disc. In Housing Court Awards; Dissent; Dodge, Nancy Articles; Dollar Cost Averaging; Donahue, Tom; Dorsey, Woody; Douglas, Frederick; Douglas, Katherine; Downs, Anthony; Doyle, Edna; Drevers, Todd; Drey, Leo; DSA; Dubbs, Charles; Du Bois; Dubrow, Evelyn; Duffin, James; Dukakis, Michael; Duke, Angier Biddle; Duncan, Margaret; Durham-Raleigh-Chapel Hill; Dushkin, Dorothy; Dushkin, Lelah(1988-1994, undated)
Dying; M. Dinitto; Dictating ’79; Directions; Directors; Disabled Citizen; Discounted Bonds; Dissent, Art of; DC Apts. Integ.; Diversified Enterprises; Dividend; Dixwell; Dolan, Mary; Dodge Division; Edward Donahue; Dorsey, et al; Douglas Commission; James Douglass; Janet Douglas; Douglas, K.; Douglas, Melvyn; Douglas, Paul; Doxiadis Assoc.; Dowling, R.; Downs, A.; Leo Drey; Drug; Drummond, G.; Duffey, Joe; Duncan, Morg.; Duncan, O.; Dungan, R.; Duplexes; Duplicates Appeals; W. Paul Dupre; Dwinell, Beulon; Downs, Anthony; Downtown Progress; Doyle, Bill; Droper and Kramer; Drew, M.; Drexel Burnham and Co.; Drey, Koy; Deering, Mary; Displacement Prevention Program; Discrimination in Housing(1959-1983, undated)
Diaries; Dilliard, Irving; Dinners, Rates for Awards; Dixon, Joe; Diversity; Dodge, John and Nancy; Don’s Plans; Douglas, Vernon; Drob, Mary; Drop Letters; Drugs; Duff, Lea; Direct Mail; Disability Insurance; DC National Bank; Dollar File; Doyle, Bell; Drexel; Drinan, Cong.; Down Payment-Loan Program; Dreyfus/Dreyfus Fund; Dictation-Done(1965-1994, undated)
Dana Library; Dancis, Ethel; DC-General Info and Aarticles; Dearborn, Mich.; Debra James; Delaware City-Fair Housing Council; Detroit; Demographers; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-D; Miscellaneous-Office Files-D; Deerfield –Dirge [audio reel](1953-1994, undated)
Elgin, Robert; Episcopal Crusade; Election May 10 Primary; Eisenhower Foundation; Eley, Dorothy; E, McCary LDS; Emery; Emily’s List; Employer-Assisted Housing; Endowment for Humanities; English Friends; Enterprise Foundation(1976-1993, undated)
Environmentally Friendly Products and Sources; ED Fund; Errors in Printing; Ethnic Cleansing; Eschelman, John; Euclid Street Management; Europe-Friends; European Trip; Evelen, Leo; Ewing, William; Ewing-Mortgage; Executive Director; Exxon; Executive Order-Housing ’94; Exercises; Evaluation; Eastern Service Workers Association; Eastwick; Eastwick Redevelopment Project; Eastwick PAC; Easton, Dr. Stewart C.; Eckstein, Billy; (article); Economic Integration; Eddison, Betty; Eddy, Helen; Educational Opportunity; Edwards and Hanly Securities; Edwards, Don; Egan, John; Eichler Homes; Eisenhower; Elections; Electrical Workers; Eliot, Abigail; Elkinton, J.P.; Ellery, Juliet; Employee Assisted Housing; Energy; Equitable Insurance; Equity Loans; Error in Printing; Esperanto; Estate-Exp.; Estates-Info re: 1987; Ethnic Incidents; Ethnic Labor Coalition; Exxon; Eubanks, Sam; Executive Service Corp. of the Delaware Valley; Expense Forms; Expense-Old; Expense Rules-21 cents/mile-OPEN; Expenses; Express Mail; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-E(1953-1993, undated)
Energy; Envelopes-sizes, stiffeners; EUE Calls-Urgent; Episcopal Church Publishing Company; Episcopal Church; Edwards, Judge; Enterprise Loan Fund; Erotica; Eastwick; Earth Care Paper; Ecocide and Genocide, World Overpopulation and Dwindling Natural Resources; Economic Rot and Repair of USA; Economist; East Mount Airy; Eddison, Elizabeth; Edge Cities; Egan, John; Egypt; Eichler, Ned; Einstein Medical Center; Elderly as Victims and Targets; Elections; Edmonson, Krystyna; Erufl, Agenues; Eichler Homes; East Church Lane-PH; East Mount Airy Neighbors; Earlham College; East Side, NY; East Wind Community; Eberz, Paul; Eckert, R.; Economics; Economov, B.; Ecology; Edey, Helen; Edey, M.; Evaluations(1975-1991, undated)
Education; Edermans, W.; Edwards and Hanley; Edwards-Congressman; Don Edwards; Economic Variables; Economists; Elgin, Ill.; Einstein Hospital; Eisman, B.; Elderly Housing; Elderly-Laws; Elec-Longford; Electronic Funds Transfer; Elections; Elfenbein; Elfenbein, Elise; Elgin Housing Group; Elkin, Jack; Ellis, Sol; Wade Ellis; Ellison, L.; Elston, Bob; Emco, B.; Emergency-Civil Liberties Comm.; Emergency Proc.; Emerging Hs.; Emmons, H.; Employee Benefit Plans; Employee Relocation Council; Employment and Agencies, etc.; Encyclopedia of Associations; Emergency List; Engel, Sarah; Engineers; Engel, Irving; Englander and Englander; England; Environment; Epstein, Hedy; Episc. Ch. Pub. Ld.; Epstein, Paul; Equality; Equibank; Equity Assurance; Equity Participation; Energy(1969-1980, undated)
Ebony Magazine; Economist-Eli Schwartz; Edey, Helen; Einstein Medical Center; Edmonson, Jack; Equal Opportunity Housing; Erisa; Ernst, Morris; Estate of Evan W. Thomas; Eth. Soc.; Ethical Business Practice; Ethnicity; Estimating AIDS; Engineers Union; European Trip; Evening Bulletin; Evers, C.; Evers Fund; Eversley, Frederick Jr.; Exec. Search Firms; Ewing, John; Execunet; Ex-convicts; Exchanges; Exec-up; Exec OPEN; Experimental Program; Exterminating Apt. Inspection; Exxon Corp.; Ethical Culture Society; Escort System; Equimark Corporation; Executor; Eva, Leo; Ethics; Ethical Investing; Environment; Ellery, Julie; Eman; Edwards, Charles; Edgerton, Tony; Egan, J.J.; Edwards, George; Education-Philadelphia; Energy Fund; Edelman, Marion Wright(1970-1992, undated)
Envelopes-empty and unopened; Miscellaneous-E(1980-1992, undated)
Eclectic Material; Evaluating Counseling(1991-1994, undated)
42nd Street; 1st PA Bank; FHA Housing Laws; Founding Dinner; Fledder, John; FRF; Financial Reports; Finances; Financial-Modern Community and PC(1958-1982, undated)
Fair Housing Administration; Fair Housing Council of Delaware Valley; Fair Housing Listing Service, Washington State; Fair Housing Practices Comm.; Fair Share; Fairbanks, Rita; Family Agreement re: Will; Farmer, Jim (directions to ); Ferrell, Jim; Faust, Bertha; FDNS; Federal Express; Feiner, Robert; Feinstone, Sol; Feldman, Mike and Adele; Fellowship Commission; Fellowship House; Fellowship I.Q.; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Ferber, Fred; Fetter, Betty; Fielder, Elaine; Fine, Joel-Tax; Fingerprints; Finston, Jerome; Fire Escape Ladders; First Class Mail; FUMCOG (First United Methodist Church of Germantown); FUMCOG Program and Invitation-Lorna; Firstrust Savings Bank; Fisher, Herbert; Flamingo Apts.; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-F(1952-1988, undated)
Fromm, Erich; Fannie Mae; Fitelson, Bill; Fromer, Sol; Foreign; Foreclosures; Sol Feinstein; Ford Foundation; Federal Housing Administration; Financial; Frederick Place; Fieldstonedale; Foundation for Cooperative Housing(1960-1988 undated)
Financing-MIT Flexible Mortgage Plan; Fellowship Commission; Federal National Mortgage Association; Frederick Place Association/Culpeper House Association; Forms; Freeport Facts; Fannie Mae-Urban Residential Lending; Fund Appeals-Ideas; Feinstone, Sol-Correpondence, Clippings, Pamphlets; Fair Housing [committees, leaders]; Federal Housing Administration; Friends Community; Financing-Lower Floater; Financial-Cash Flow-Greenbelt, Choice; Freddie Mac Home Loan Mortgage; Financial Planning for Non-Profits; Fieldstonedale; Family Lists-Drevers; Favry, Virginia; Fischer, B.; Fleischman, Harry; Florida; Florida List; Florida Trip(1959-1987, undated)
42nd Street; Founding Investors; Freedom Budget; Fowler, Tony; Clara Fox; Frank, Adelaide; Frank, Barney; Franklin PX; Betty S. Frankel; Frankel OFC Mach; Franklin Plaza; Liz Franks; Franzblau, Abra; Fraser, C.; Fraser, Don; Freeport Trip; Cummings Eng Fdn.; Hechinger Fdn.; Franchising; Frehsee, Denny; Fried, J.; Friends Meeting of Washington; DA Frey; Friendship; Fredericksburg, VA; Free NY; Free and Equal; Freedom; Freedom House; French, Estate; RL French(1955-1984, undated)
Fund Appeals-OPEN; Fund Management Integrated Housing; Fund for Human Rights; Funerals; Funnyé Associates; Harvey Furgatch; Fulcrum Press; Furness, B.; Furstenburg; Futures Conditional; FWMA; Elizabeth Freund; Friedman; Friends Conference on Investments; Friends of the Earth; Friends Journal; David Frisch; Fraser, Donald; Frontlash; Fuel; Fuller, B.; Fuller, Chas; Founders-OPEN; Foundations; Forums; Foster, Jane; Foster, Kay; Luther Foster; Foundation Appeal Writings; Foundation Appeals; Foundation for Co-operative Housing; Foundation for Freedom; Foundation Library Ctr.; Four day week; Folio Books; Folio Soc.; Freedom of Residence Foundation; France; Frans Relatives; Barney Frank; Franklin-Suber, Stephanie; Frantz, Peg; Friedman, Clara; Friends General Conference; Friends-New(1963-1988, undated)
Fax/Faxnet/Fax Numbers; Fables; Friends Meetings; Friends School; Friends Village; Frisby, David Allen; Frisch, Rose; Fryer, Dan; Franzblau, Michael; Fraser, Douglas; Frazier, James; Fredericksburg; Freedman, Rita; Freedom House; Fremont; Freedom Riders; Freeman, Hester; Fulton, Faye; Foundation for Freedom and Democracy in Community Life; Foundations; Fran-Transfer of Shares; Fran’s Family; France Trip; Franchising; Fraser, Donald (Congressman); Fraser, Donald and Arvonne; Free and Equal (Magazine); Freund, Elizabeth; Friedenberg, D.; Friedman, Murray; Friedman, William; The Friends Journal; Friends (Quakers); Friends Suburban Housing Committee; Friends Suburban Housing, Inc.; Frontlash; Fuson, Marian; Funk, Jean; Futures-Fund for an Open Society; Fran [Frances D. Milgram]; Friendly, Fred; Freedom National Bank; Franconia College; Framing to be done(1953-1993, undated)
Frederick Place; Fundraising; Field Foundation (Leslie Dunbar); Fragile [A Fragile Movement]; Friedman, Samuel; Friedman, Murray; Friends of Lake District; Friends of Open Housing; Fuller Institute for Church Growth; Fuller, Millard; Fraser (Don and Arvonne); Free Library-Bucks County; Freedom of Information Act; Fund Appeals-OPEN; First United Methodist Church of Germantown [FUMOG]; France-Conference; Fannie Mae Neighborhood Programs; Fuller, Charles(1975-1994, undated)
Feasibility; Federal Housing Administration; Federal Home Loan Bank System; FDWS; FCH Housing; Federal Home Loan Bank Board; Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.; Feinstone, Sal; Bruce Feldman; Fagan, Maurice; Federal National Mortgage Ass.; Feldman, Mike; Fellowship Commission; Feldman, Milton; Fellowship Farm; Fellowship of Intentional Communities; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Felmet, Joe; Ferguson, Marilyn; Feustel, Henry; Ferber-PH; Field Foundation; Fields Grant Co.; Files; Financial Info; Final Issues; Finances RVTA ’78; Fine, Joel; Frine, Martin; Fingerprints; Fingerprints Cards; Finston, J.; Finston, Selma; Fires; Fire Dept. Bldg. Insp.; Fire Prevention; Firing; First Aid; First Manhattan Co.; First Penna. Bank; First Unitarian Church of Chicago; Fischer, Ben(1969-1983, undated)
Fischer, E.; Fischer Foundation; Fisher, Herbert; Fisco, Inc.; Fisk, F.; Fitetson, Bill; Fitzgerald, R.; Five-Year-Plan-OPEN; Fleck, M.; Fleming, H.; Flint, Michigan; Florida; Fla. Trip; Fluegel, H.; Fla.-Roseland Church Apartments; Fly-in Comm.; Finney, Graham; 1st Kentucky National Corp.; First Trust Co. of Ohio; FNMA; Folders; Folksingers; FDN Calls; Fri. Journal Article; F.O.R.-Dai Dong; For Nat’l Conf.; Pres. Ford; Ford Fdn.; Ford Motor Co.; Ford/Possible Paper; Foreclosures; Foreign Car; Foreign Inv.; Foreign Letters; Foreman Letter; 4-day week; Forest Hills; Forms-Rental; Fort Worth Housing Market; Fort Lincoln; “Family”(1979-1983, undated)
Fair Housing Advocate; Fair Housing Amend of ’88; Fair Housing Council; Fair Housing News; Fairways; F.A.J.A.; Falls Meeting; Fannie Mae; Farmer’s Home Loan Program; Far or ER [Farrakhan?]; Farrakhan; Farquhar, Eliz; Fattah; Faustian Bargain Atlanta; Fax Machine Info; Fax-Ed and Attempted Faxes; FBI; FCNL; FDNS; Federal Express; Federal Deposit Insurance Co.; Fed Home Loan Bank Pittsburgh; Fed. Reserve Bank; Feinauer, Violet; Feingold; Feldman, Milton and Adele; Feldman, Sandra; Fellowship Commission; Fellowship Farm; Fellowship in Israel for Arab/Jewish Youth; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Fels Fund Appeal; Feminists; Fenichel, Henry and Diane; Fenichel; F.E.P.C.; Ferber, Max; Ferguson, Marion; Fernandez, Happy; Fernandez, Richard; Ferry; Fidelity Magazine; Film Producers; Final Copy, Labor Letter(1988-1994, undated)
Federal Reserve Bank Philadelphia; Foreclosure Avoidance; Financial Plan; Financial Planning-Wescott Group; Financial ’90-OPEN; Fine, Joel; Fine, Joseph; Fineberg, Herb; Finerty, John; Finkler, Norm; Fire Detectors; First United Methodist Church of Germantown; Fischlowitz, Sue; Fisher, Joe; Fleischman, Harry; Fleischman, Peter; Flipper, Cassandra; Floating Note Rates; Florida; Florio, Jim; Fogel, Sam; Folders-Superb; Folders-Old; Foley, Thom S. (Speaker of the House); Food; Food and Drug Adm.; F.O.R.; Foreclosures-OPEN; Ford Foundation-Farmer Letter; Ford, Prentice; Ford, Warren and Sharon; Forman, Dr. David; Forward; FDNS and Corp.-Phila. Area; Foundation Matching Grants; Feinstein, Diane; FOR Acct.; Foundations; Foundation News Ltr.; Fox, John; Fox, Shirley; Fabric Covered; Fascism; Fact Sheet; Fain Memorial Fund; Fair Housing Law; Leslie A. Falk; Problems Families; Fannie Mae; Farah Mfg. Co.; Farber, Leonard; Farenthold; Farmers; Farnsworth; Farrell, J.; Farrow, John; Faust, Aretha; Fayette, Miss(1986-1994, undated)
Form Letters/Ads/Promotional Material; Form Letters-Use of Name; Form Letters-with handwritten annotations; James Farmer(1959-1992, undated)
James Farmer; James Farmer-Photographs; Fund for the Future of Philadelphia(1979-1992, undated)
Fund for the Future of Philadelphia; Greenbelt Knoll(1955-1993, undated)
Greenbelt Knoll(1952-1987, undated)
Greenfield, Robert K.-Confidential Memo; Greenleigh Associates; Gifts; Goodis, Greenfield, Henry, Shaiman and Levin; Goodis, Greenfield, Henry and Edelstein; Gaines, Claire; Gantz, Edwina; Geddes, Bob; George School; Georgia; Germantown Human Relations Committee; Gershman, Carl; Gift Annuity; Gigliotti Corp.; Gilmartin, Aaron; Gilmore Report; Ginsberg, Allen(1955-1988, undated)
Galbraith, John Kenneth; Garth, Thomas; Glover Park Apartments; Gentrification; Germantown; Gilbert, Ed; Gold, Gilbert; Gigliotti, Bldr.; Getty-Mailing; Gray, Wm.; Girard College; Glenmede re: Fund for an OPEN Society; Glenmede re: Lorna Milgram Estate; Glenmede re: Morris; Glenmede Trust Investment Policy; Glenmede Trust-Statements of Account; Glenn Dinner Letters (Georgia); Glickenhaus, Seth; Goals; Goddard College; Goddard Travel; Goldstein, M.H.; Goldwater, Barry; Gonzalez, Congressman Henry B.; Gonzalez, Victor and Tami; Good Neighborhood; Goode, Mayor Wilson; Goodman, Chas; Gore, Pamela; Gouterman, Martin; Governor’s Committee on Discrimination in Housing(1953-1992, undated)
Grant, Carl; Gray, Ken; Gray, Congressman William; Gray Slips; Green, Kendall; Green, Max; Green, Rodney-1st Federal; Grenadier Realty; Grier, Eunice and George; Griffith, Constance; Griffith, William C.; Grossman, Mortons; Grossman, Sidney; Guardian Fund; Guardian Insurance Forms; Guignon, Harriet; Gwynned Coop; Grace’s Paper; Green, Ernest; Green, Bill; Greenherman and Associates; Green, James; Green, Anne; Green, J.; John Bradley Green; Greenfield-PH; Greenfield, Albert M.; Greenfield Real Estate Investment Trust; Government National Mortgage Association; Government Publications; Gracer, D.; Grafton (Daisy Turner)(1956-1992, undated)
Graham, F.; Graham, K.; Grant, A.; Grant Info; Grantsmanship Center; Graphics; Graphic Arts Union; Gray, Jud; Gray, B.; William Green; Gray, W.; Gray, Williams (member of Congress); Gray Panthers; Great SW Corporation; Greater Philadelphia; Greater Laurelton; Greater Washington Limited Partnership; Greece; Government; Governor’s Advisory Council; Government Affairs Office; Goldman, Mary; Golf; Gomberg, H.; Goodkin Report; Good News; Goolsby, William; Gordon, Bernard; Gordon, Steve; Gore Family; Gottlieb, H.; Gottlieb, Martin; Gould Farm; Goode, Wilson; Goulet, R.; Goddard College; Robert Goff; Gold, Gil; Goldberg, A.; Goldberg, Edwin; Gale, Horace; Gains in School-Desegregation Reported; Gale Research Company; Gaines, F.; Gaines, Thomas; Eva Le Galliene; Games(1968-1981, undated)
Gandhi; Gang, M.; Gangs; Ganz, Walter H.; Garcia, J.; Gardner, H.; Gardner, J.; Gardiner, Means; Theresa Garland; Guy Garrett; Gary, Indiana; Gaskill, W.; Gaston, W.P.; G.E. Credit Cards; Geiger, Henry; Geller, Edward; Gemmer Family; General Mills; General Partners; General Theological Seminary; Genesco Inc.; George, Henry; Georgia; Georgine, Bob; Germantown Building; Gershman, Carl; Gershman, Harriet; Gerson, C.; Ghana; Gigliotti; Glickenhaus Conf.; Gifts in Trust; Gilbert, Ed; Gilmartin; Gomberg; Gilmore Foundation; Gilmore, J.; Ginsberg Family; Girard Bank; Gittelsohn, R. Rabbi; Glen Clift; Glenmede Trust; Gregg, K.; Glenn Ross Apts.; Glickenhaus and Co.(1969-1984, undated)
Glickman; Gloat, S.; Global Education Associates; Phyllis W. Gloster; S. Gluckenhaus; Glustrom, M.; GNMA; Grier, George; Gross, J.; Gross, Rachel; Groves, Phillys; Growth Laws; Grunwald, B.; Guardian Mutual Fund Inc.; Gruen, Claude; Guaranteed Income; Gundlack, A.; Guigon, H.; Jack Guttenberg; Guttmacher; Greenfield, R.; Greer, John; Greif, H.; Grey Panther; GI Housing Bill; Germantown Fire Insurance; Gregory, Dick; Gemmer, Robert; Gutkind, Gabrielle; Grossman; Gale Research; Gallagher, Eddie; Games; Garnett; Gates, Frances; Gaillard, Marie Lee; Gatt; Gautreaux, Dorothy; Gautreaux Program; Gavel, Vd E.; Gender Thinking; Genealogy; General Election; General Partners; Georgia Trip; Gephardt, Richard; Gerard Group; Germany; Gershman, Carl; Getty, Edith; Getty’s Gloria; GEUD; Ghetto; Gift Planning; Gift to Charities; Gibbel, Henry; Gift Annuities; Gilkey, Bertha; Gillespie, Vicki; Ginnie Mae; Ginsberg, Edith; Gingsberg, Louis; Gingsburg, Ruth Bader, Judge; Giving Levels; Goals ’93; Goertzel, Ted; Goff, Robert D.; Gold, Gilbert; Goldwasser; Golub, Deborah; Gonzalez; Goodman, Shirley; Goodman, Mary Ellen; Gorbachev, Mikhail; Gotbaum, Victor; Gov’t Bonds; Gouterman, Martin; Graham, Gary; Grainger, Susan(1969-1991, undated)
Gillmor, Dan; Gilmore, Marvin E.; Grigsby, Bill; Grants Writer Pro Integration; Gray, Bill; Gray, Wm.; Gray, Kenneth; Green, Ernest; Greenleigh Assoc.; Greenwood Books News; Grief Steps; Groening, Matt; Gross, Abraham T.; Gross, Fred; Gross, Rachel-Gross Family Rev. Tr.; Grossman, Harvey; Grossman, Morton; Groton School; Gruenberg, Robert; Gund Foundation; Guinier, Lani; Gum Disease; Greater Germantown; Greensboro; Greenberg, Jack; Gordon, Darrell; Goldsmith, Phil/Judy Weinsoft; Godwin, Robert and Isabel; Gobran, Riad; Glass Windows (accident); Glotzer, Albert; Give to Live (books); Good News; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-G; Miscellaneous-G; Health; Health Costs; Health Food Stores; Healthcare Programs; Hechinger, John; Helen (SEC’L); Heinking, Malinda; Heisler, Friedy; Heller, Phil; Hentoff, Nat; Herling, Alice; Herst, Herman; Headly, Harnet M.; HUD-Forms and Info(1965-1994, undated)
Hill, Norman; Hershan, Stella; Herman, Larry; House Mtgs. Format; Hawley, John; Haar, Charles; Habada; Hawaii; Helicopter Taxi; Helmsley, Harry; Hefner, William; Heiskell, Andrew; Hagan; Hall, Joseph; Harriman, W.A.; Harrington, M.; Haddad, Bill (MIP); Haeger, Lew; Hammock, John; Hannum, Judge John; Hans-Talk; Hopgood, Donovan; Harlem Mortgage and Improvement Council; Harlem Restoration Project Inc.; Harmony Homes-Sidney (Steve) Gerber; Harper and Row; Harris, Mike; Hart, Barbara and Sid; Hartwell Lane; Harvard; Harvey, Bartlett; Haskell, Andrew; Haskell, Harry (MIP); Hassler, Alfred-Fellowship; Houses; House Plan; Houses to see; Hoopes; Human Development Corporation; Housing Developments-Other Builders; Homebuilding Journal; Home Ownership-Ghetto Pilot Program; House Design; Haefner, Ruth(1952-1988, undated)
Highlands; H. Leg.; Hastie Stat; House Mtg, Replies; Hispanics; Homans, Edith; Hicks, Joan; Hatt, Suzannah; Haymarket; Herald-Evans; Housing Development Corporation; Habitat for Humanity; Hyde Park Kenwood Community Org,; Home Investments Fund(1962-1992, undated)
Housing Partners II; Highlands; Higginbotham, Leon; Human Relations Commission; Harris, Ruth; Hosie, Laurence; Heritage House; Housing Statements-Religious Groups; P.R. Harris; Human Rights Watch; HUD(1954-1988, undated)
Humor; Hunter; Huntington; Hutton; Hyde, Harry; Hypoglycemia; Humanists; House Meetings; Housing for Low Income Elderly; Housing Moves; Hs. Sale-16 Congford; Housing Task Force Meeting; Housing Subsidy; Housing Voucher Program; Howard, Bernard; Howarth, Rea; Howell; HUD; HUD Conference on Tipping; History-M/F CV; History-OPEN; History-M’s Co’s; Hitchhiking; Hobby Show; Hochschild, Adam and Harold; Hoff, Joan; Hoffman, Alice M.; Hogan, Levore-NY Visit; Hoge, Michael W.; Hogle, Lois; Holiday Mailing; Holland, Betty; Holocaust and Martin Luther; Holocaust Mem. Mus.; Holt, Charles; Honans, Helen; H.O.M.E.; Home Builders Assoc.; Homeowner’s Rehab, Inc.; Home Prices by Metro Areas; Home Improvement; Homelessness; Home Loan Bank; Home Ownership; Hope, Miriam; Hopper, Mike; Horn, John-Estate; Hosford, David; Horowitz, Irving-Rutgers Publication; Hospices; Hotels; Housing Incentives; Housing Study; H. Leg.(1955-1994, undated)
Correspondence-Walter Heller to Morris Milgram; House Meetings; Harrington, Mike; Harris, George; Harris, Barbara; Harris, Louis; Harshman Note; Hart, Rebecca and John; Hartshorn; Hashell, Henry; Harvey, Bartlett; Harvard Law School; Hasbrouck; Haskell, Jean; Harrington, Dr. Donald Szantho; Hayre, Dr. Ruth; Hazen, Molly; HCIB; Haberman, Maxine; Heyman, Herbert; Hiatt; Haupt, Ira III; Havens, Joe and Teresina; Hesler, Francis-Book Chapter; Hawaii; Hicks, Liz; Higginbotham, A. Leon, Jr.; Hilgard, Ernest; Hilgard, Jack; Hill, Anita; Hill, James; Hill, Norman; Hill, Ruth Mary- Estate of; Hill, Sylvia; Hill, Velma; Hillman, Sidney; Hinds, Cece; Hispanics; Hispanic Fed’l Exec.; Hate Crimes; Habitat for Humanity; Hacker, Prof. Andrew; Hackney, Ethel J.; Hackney, Lucy; Hahamovitch; Haircuts; Hairston, Joe; Haitians; Hall, Mazie; Hall, Sarah; Hamad, Lewis; Hamilton, Grace; Hammock; Handicapped-Accessibility Rules; Handyman; Hanes, Borden; Hanish, Stu; Harper, John and Anne(1980-1994, undated)
Hatton, Gene; Havens, Joseph; Hayes, Elinor; Health Home-VT; Heating and Humidifier; Hechinger, John; Heisler, Francis; Heisler, Friedy; Heller, Phil; Heller, Walter; Henderson, J.J.; Herst, Herman; Hertzig, Saul and Rita Travel; Hetzel, Willard; Hiatt, Mary Lane; Higginbotham, A. Leon, Jr.; Hiking; Hinds, George; Hirsch, Rabbi Richard G.; Hirshon, Mrs. Dorothy; Hispanics; Hoagland, Donald W.; Hochschild, Harold K. (MIP); Hogan, Dr. Michael; Hogan, Rose; Hoge, Tom; Holme-Park Transfer Letter; Homans, Helen; Home Builders; Home Builders Association; Home Building Service; Homeless; Hong Kong; Hooper, William; Horning, Joe; Horsky, Charles; Hospice; Hotels-New; Houck, Helen; House and Home; House Sale; Housing Affairs; Housing America; Housing Association of the Delaware Valley; Housing Consultants; Housing and Economy; Housing and Home Finance Agency; Housing Investment Fund; Housing-Mortgages(1950-1989, undated)
Housing News Service; Housing Partners 2; Housing-PR Area; Housing Surveys; HUD; Howard University; H.R.H. Corp.; Human Relations (Commission on)-Chicago; Human Relations Commissions-Illinois, Phila., Pa.; Human Relations Committee of Central Montgomery County; Human Relations Council of Bucks County; Human Rights (Commission on); Human Rights (New York City Commission on); Humphrey, Hubert; Humphrey III, Hubert; Hyde, Harry; Haber, W.; Ruth Haefner; Habitat Happenings-Habitat for Humanity; Joyce Hadley; Hairston, Joseph; Hamad, Louis G.; Hamburg, James; Hamilton, Al; Hamilton, C.; Hamilton, J.; Hamilton Reliance Savings Association; Handicapped; Hanisch, S.; Hannah, H.; Hapgood; Hard Core Employment; Harlem; Harris Construction Co.; Harrington, M.; Harris, Fred R.; Harris, June; Harris, Joan; Harris, P.; Harris, Maura; Harrisburg Independent Press; Harrisburg; Hartford, Conn.; Hartshorn, Alfred; Dr. Mary Hartshorn; Haskins, Michael; Haskell, Gordon; Hatcher, Richard; Hattersley, L.; Havinghurst, J.; Hayward, John(1952-1989, undated)
Hawaii (and Asia and Europe); S.M. Hayes; Haynes, A.; Hazard, M.; Held, Mrs. M.; Heaps-; Heating; Hesch, M.; Hecht, J.; Headly, Harriet; Heide, Wilma Scott; Heineman, B.; Heimann, JG; Heiskell, A.; Heller, Ted; Helmsley, Harry; Hemisphere National Bank; Herrey, Anthony; Herman, Nicholas; Hershan, S.; Hertzig, Saul; Hess, Tom; Hewitt, Ann; Hewlett, L.; Hezebonds-Bonds; Hialt, Mary Lane; Hidalgo, Hilda; Higginbotham, Jeanne; Hilgard; Higginbotham, Leon; H-Letters (Housing); Highlands(1968-1980, undated)
Highlands; Hitchhiking; High Priorities Growth; High rises; Hispanics; Hoboken, NJ; Hoffman, P.; Hoffman-Rosner Corp.; Hogle, L.C.; Hollander, E.; Hollander, S.; Holst, Bill; Home CAP Funds; Homeowners Assoc. of Phila.; Home Builders; Home Bldrs. Assn.; Holt, J.; Holtzman, E.; Holzer, P.; Home Call; Hoffman, H.; Hopkins, Walter and Christel; Lena Horne; Horowitz, L.; Horowitz, I.; Hope Housing; Housing Needs; Housing Systems, Inc.; Housing Newsletter(1960-1982, undated)
Hastie Award; Highlands(1962-1981, undated)
Highlands; Homeparks; Homans, Dee; Home Hospitality; Home Seekers; Homer L. Morris Fund; Homesteading; Hooks Ben; HOPE; HHA-Hope Housing Associates; Housing; Housing Affair Letter; House Plans; Houser, Don; Housing Allowance; Housing American; Housing Code; H Apt. Letters; Housing Association of Delaware Valley; HS Meetings; Hill Dev Company; Hill Fdn.; Herbert Hill; Hill, John-Talk; Lou Hill for Mayor; Hill, Noel; Hill, Norman; Carla Anderson Hills; Hillside Sites; Brian Hinman; Hilton Head Plantation; Historic Preservation; Hispanic List; Hodges, Lew; Hoeber, Betty; Hochschild, H.; Hoette, Fred and Kathy; Hoffman-Bldrs.; Hoff, Phillip(1962-1983, undated)
Housing Asst. Council; Housing and Community Development of Phila.; Holidays; Holt, Charles and Mary; Frank Horton; Hospital; Housing-Equal Opportunity; Housing Background; Housing Assn. of Delaware Valley; National Corporation for Housing Partnerships; Housing for Elderly; H-Font Sheets; Housing Locators Service; Houses Wanted-Phila; Housing-Pledges; Housing Development Corp.; Housing Requests; Housing Selection; Housing Specialist Institute; H. Symp; HSNG Subs; Housing Costs; Housing Integration South; H. Assn. of S. Jersey; Housing Development Corporation; Housing-History; Housing Opport Centers, Inc.; Housing Support; How to Build Integ. H.; Housing and Redevelopment Authority; H. Rent Roll; Housing Systems; Houston Trip; How; Howard, Bernard; H-Units for Sale; HS Mtgs.; Hudson, Jos.; Huggins, S.; Ray Hughes; Human Relations Commission; Human Resources Dev. Instl.; Hummel, J.; Humphrey, H.; Hunger; David Hunsberger; Hunter, K.; Joshua Hurwitz; Huntley, Chet; Hyde, Carol; Hyde Park Federal Savings; House Folders; HUD(1962-1982, undated)
Housing-Legislation/Requirements (NYC)/Act; Housing Partners II; Homeparks(1959-1984, undated)
Miscellaneous-Correspondence-H; Miscellaneous-H; HUD(1955-1992, undated)
Hepzibah Company; Highlands(1953-1971)
Intergroup (was M-REIT); Intentional Communities; Integration Graph; Isay, Jane; Individual Construction Loan; ILG Lunch [Mazur, Op Ed]; Integration Importance; IRA; Interest Rates; Isard, Caroline; Independent Sector; Indexes Debentures(1965-1994, undated)
Indianapolis; Investments/Investors; Interfaith Housing Dev. Corp.; Immigration; International Independent Institute; Int’l Union Op. Eng.; Irvine; IRS-1986 Returns; Isaacs, Amy; Isaacs, Mrs. Stanley; Inns; Ithaca/Syracuse Trip; International League for Human Rights-Annual Review; The Integrator; Irvin; International Club; International Federation for Housing and Planning; ILG 9/29/87 Letter; International League for the Rights of Man; International Trips; Interracial Review(1953-1993, undated)
Interracial Workshop; In These Times: Independent Builders. Inc.; Indonesia; Industrial Race Relations; Inflation; Inquirer Article Replies; Inquirer Letters and Radio; Insight; Institute for Motivational Research; Integrated Housing Organizational Meme; Inter-Collegiate Conference on Northern Civil Rights at Sarah Lawrence; Interdependence Council (Otto Mallely); International Housing; IPC; Industrial Housing; Invitations and Programs; Iron John; Internship-OPEN; International Communities; Interracial Couples; Intergroup Corp.; Issues of Race; I.W.W(1951-1990, undated)
Indexation; Indians; Inequality; Information Services; Ingallis, David; INGBLT; I.N.G.W.O.; Inner City (articles about); Innis Dinner; Inq Sub; Institute for Comm. Economics; Idaho; I Have a Dream Foundation; Impact Fees; Inaugural of President 1993; Incentive Mtge. Program; Incompetence; Itineraries(1959-1994, undated)
Income; Income Tax Return and Form; Interracial Council for Business Opportunity; IFCO-Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization; Impact Graphics; Imfelligeri, Anne; INA; Incentives; India; In-Law; Industrial Valley Bank; Ind’l H. Mfrs.; Inflation; Info Ret. Spec.; Insolvency; Insulation; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers; Interval Ownership; Int. League of Rights of Man(1969-1982, undated)
Integrated Housing; Intentional Integrationist; Integration Reports; Integration Lessening; Integration of Schools; Integration Strategy-Committee Meeting Minutes; Integrates Neighborhoods; Integration in Housing-How to Achieve It; Iran; Irion Letter; ISC Correspondence; Ivy Hall; I.I. Letters and Forms; Illiteracy; Interracial Community; Israel; Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility; International Conference-Urban Minorities [France](1951-1994, undated)
Insurance; ILGWU-International Ladies Garment Workers Union; Iowa(1953-1993, undated)
Illinois; Inter-Office Correspondence, Memos, and Notes; Miscellaneous-I(1957-1990, undated)
Journals and Magazines (articles); Job Descriptions; Job Announcements/Job Openings(1972-1985, undated)
JOIST; Jesse Jackson; Jonas, Gil; Jacob Javitz; Jewish Labor Committee; Jubilee Fund; Jubilee Ministries(1961-1990, undated)
Japan; Jack, Homer; Jack, Ingeborg; Jackson, Edith; Jackson, Robert; Jacobs, Bob and Bonnie; Jambro; James, David F.; Julie James; Jana Foundation; Jamieson Loan; Janney, Mary; Jennifer-Staff Intern; Jeweler-Harry North-Lorna’s Estate; Jeweler re: People Pendants; Jewish Community Fndn.; Jewish; Jewish Community Relations Council; Jewish Education, Board of; Jewish Museum; Jewish Peace Lobby; Jews and Blacks; Jews and Hispanics; Johnson, Bette; Johnson, Lenora Mae; Johnson, Phillip; Johnson, Reg.-1953 Award by MM; Johnson, Roland; Jonus and Gilbert; Jones, Barbara; Jones, Gary; Jones, Lewis; Jones, Mary Hoxie; Jones, Parry; Jou, Jerwen; Journalists; Joy; Joyce, John T.; Judaica Encyclopedia at Yardly Library; Judicial Discipline; Juhre, Hal; Jung, Florence; Juniper Bldg. Leaders; Juries; Jury Confused by Culture?; Jacob, Betty; Jaloneck; James, Cathy; Jane Addams Peace Association; Japanese-American Citizens League; Jarchow, A.W.; Jensen House; Jensen, John and Amelia; Jeweler; Jim Crow and Negro-Misc.; Janis, Jay; Johnson, Alice; Johnson, Bob; Johnson, Byron L. (Congressman); Johnson, Edith; Johnson, H. Charles (MIP)(1946-1994, undated)
Jewish Community Relations Council; Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Philadelphia; Jewish Fund for Justice; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Johnston, Thomas; Jones, Helen DeVitt; Jones, Hoxie; Jordan, Clarence; Judd, Charles; Judicate; Juniper Street Org.; Jackson; Joseph, John; Johns, Clara; Johnson, Aline; Johnson, Burt; Johnson, Byron; John Stone; Joint Ownership and Ventures; Johnson, Julius; Jones, D. Brooks; Jones, Shirley; Jones, Mikki; Jones, Alfred; Jordan, Barbara; Jordan, Vernon; Joseph Family Charitable Trust; JSAC-Interreligious Coalition for Housing; Julstrom, Clifford; Jackson, B.; Jackson, E.; Jackson, Henry; Jackson, John; Jackson, Mike; Jackson, Myles; Jackson, Robert; Jacksonville; Jamieson, Capt.; Jefferson Movers; Jensen, Janice; Jessell, Marion; Job Hunting Ideas; Jeffrey, Mildred; Jack Memorial Fund; Joyce Foundation; Jointly Owned Property; Justice Department; Jury Service; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-C(1954-1994, undated)
Kenyon St. Tenant Association; Kershaw, Thomas E.; Kids Corner Radio Show; Kimbrough, Charles; Kellog, Marion and Frank; Kelly, Don; Kelly, Maureen C.; Kelman, Joe; Kemp, Jack; Kempton, Mina; Kempton, Murray; Kendall, John; Kennedy, John and Martha; Kennedy, Ted; Kennedy, Martha; Kent, Stephen; Kentucky; John F. Kennedy; Kiskadden; Kaufman and Broad; Kees, Dulcie-Estate of; Kellog, Frances and Howard; Kaufman, Steve; Knollwood Acres; Kennedy’s Commission on Civil Disorders; Kay Boyle; Martin Luther King Jr.; Correspondence-Martin Luther King Jr. to Morris Milgram(1957-1994, undated)
Kaplan Award; Kimel, Samuel and Linda; King Association for Nonviolence; King, Rodney; King, Stephen R.; Kirby, B.C.; Kiplinger Letters; Kirkland, Lane; E.O. Kirkpatrick Paul; Kirsch, Faith; Kirsh, Joe; Kirsh, Mara; Kirsch, Ted; Kiskadden, Peggy and William; Klaverkamp, Joel; Klebanoff, Arthur; Klein, Josephine; Kleinman Family; Klutznick, Philip M.; Knapp, Jacqueline; Knudsen, Kay; Koch, Audrey; Koenig, Richard C.; Koinonia (Ga.); Kolega, John Patrick; Koponen Niilo; Koreans; Korr, Craig; Mary Korr; Koshland, Daniel-Estate of; Kovar, Martha L.; Kozol; KYW-TV; Kadane, David K.; Kahn, Leon; Kahn, Sanders A.-Edison Township; Kampelman, Max; Kansas; Kaplan, Evelyn; Kaplan, Jacob; Karp, Morris; Katz, Lawrence S.; Kay, William; Kahn, Louis; Kahn, Tom; Kanitz, Bud; Kaplan, Alma Denny; Kaplan, Sara D.; Kaptur, Marcy; Karasin, Herbert; Kardashian, Ken; Karatnycky; Karson, Stanley; Katz, Harold; Kauffman, Joel; Kahn [Charles, Esther, Louis]; Kamasaku, Kaul, Kennedy; Kenyon Ptnr.; King’s Way Housing Assoc.(1950-1994, undated)
KKK; King, Slater; Kruskal; Kerr, Wilfred; Jacqueline King; King, Joe; King, Madelyn; King’s Way Co-op; Kinzie, C.; Kiplinger Letter; Kirby, Bernard; Kirkland, Lane; Beth Kitchen; Kitchens; Klein, Reinhold; Klineman, Emery; Klinger, Alfred; Knott, Stu; Kodak; Kohn, Henry; Kraft, Lewis; Kraft, Steve; Kreeger, David; Kronick, Paul; Kronstadt, A.; Keene, Joseph; Keith, Nate; Howard Kellog; Kelly, Robert, Rosemary; Kenyatta, M; Kerr, Gladys; Kester, Howard; Jean Kijek; Kahn, Chas; Kaiserman, Ronald; Kampelman, Max; Kansas City; Kaplan, Livingston, Goodwin, Berkowitz and Selvin; Kaplan, A.O.; Kaplan, E.; Karson, Stanley; Katz, Harold; Kaufman; Kaufman, Donald; Kaufmann, Paul; Kaufman and Broad Mgt., Inc.; Kaufman, Lilian and Harry; Keene Case; Keck, Fred; Kempton, Murray (includes columns on Deerfield); Kendall Park; Kennedy Bio; Kennedy, Joseph P. Jr. Foundation; Kenyon, Judge Dorothy; Key People; Kheel, Ted (MIP); Kidder, Peabody; Kiplinger, Willard; Kirban Associates-Duplicating(1940-1981, undated)
Kubit, M.; King, J. Niclema; Kay, Gerri; Kass, Seymour and Judith; Kahn, Louis; King, Anna; Kristoff, Frank; Kislick, Lon; Kugler; Kouri, Prof.; Kahn, Charlie; Kahn re: Chas, J.; Kapelov, Connie; Kennedy, Edward; Kibbutz; Craig Korr; Kivie, Kaplan; Kite, Florence; Kleinman, Max; Klunder, Bruce; Klutznick, Phillip (MIP); Knollwood Acres; Kohn, Henry; Koinonia Farm; Koinonia Partners; Kosman, H. Inc.; Koshland, Daniel(1957-1994, undated)
Kraft, Lewis; Kramer, Ed.; Kratter, Marvin; Kreeger, David; Kritsky, Ed.; Krown, Jack; Krueger, Maynard C.; Kruskal, Joseph B.; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-K(1956-1985, undated)
Land Use Policy; Land Trust; Liability Ins.; League for Industrial Democracy; Lieb, Louis; Life Care/Life Expectancy; Lift; Ligett, Sue and Tom; Lighting; Ladd, Florence; Land; Land Bank; Land Planners; Land Sales; Leisure Worlds; League for Industrial Democracy; Leban, Abbott; Laabn, Janet; Lectures/Lecture Fees; Lederer, Charles and Sidonie; Lee, Armisted; Lee, Rotan; Lehrer, Tom; Leman-Book-The Promised Land; Lenel, Edith; Lenz, Dorie; Lerner, Abba; Leveraging OPEN; Levin, Ann; Levin, Carl; Levi-Strauss; Levy, Leon, CLU; Leland Capital Corporation; Logo; Letters-Width/Special/Superb; Letters-Superb; Levittown(1952-1992, undated)
Land Values; Landau, Claire; Landess, Marcia; Landis, Robert; Langsford, Walter; Lansdowne Upper Darby Area Fair Housing Council, Inc.; Lash, James; Lasker, Mary; Law, Edward; Law, Robert; Leadership Conference on Civil Rights; League for Industrial Democracy; League for Mutual Aid; League of Women Voters; Jim Lefever; Lefraic; Lehman, Libby; Lehman, Elizabeth; Morton Lehrer; Lenzer, Allen; Leather Thong; Leo, Eva; Libraries; Long Island; Mary Morris Lloyd; Limbert, Paul M.; Linconia; Lipman, Eugene; Listen to People!; Littauer, Helen; Living Bank; Livingston, Walter, Jr.; Lloyd, Bill and Mary; Lloyd, Chris; Lloyd, Georgia; Lloyd, Robin; Lord, Shirley; Lobby; Location; Lochland School; Loder, Reverend Theodore; Loescher, Frank; Logo-Cover Pages; Loh, Averill; Lehman, J.; Long Distance; Lordship Council; Loretta; Los Angeles; Louchheim, Frank; For Love; Love, Margaret; Low Income Tax Credit; Lower E.S. Proposal; Lowry, Elizabeth; Low Wages Cause Poverty(1972-1994, undated)
Lowy, Maria-Estate of; Ludlow, Bill; Luncheons; Lukas, Tony; Lyman, Jing; Lyman, Richard; Locust Ave. 454 E.; Loeffler, Helen; Lohman, J and H; Longstreth, Thacher; Los Angeles, CA; Lounsbury, Robert; Louisiana Black, Trudy; Louisville, KY; Love, Arlene; Lovejoy, Aaron; Love, Jim; Low Income Housing; William Lucy; Ludlow Community Association; Luitweiler, Preston; Lutheran H. Dev. Corp.; Lutheran Resources Mobilization Inc.; Lynching; Lindau; Loeb; Luria; Loe, Ellen; L.A.; L.A.-Black and White Relationships; L.A. Riots 1992; Labels; Laclede Town.; Laird, Cinti; Lamb, Janina Popenoe; Landscape Architecture; R-Landlord/Tenant; Land Trusts; Land Packaging; Lane, Paddy; Lang, Gene; Langhorne, PA; Langley, McKendree; Lapham, Joan; Lanza; Lapham, Peter; Large Investors; LaRouche, Lyndon; Lasley, Susan; Late Mtg. Payment Forms; Lathom, Marilyn; Latinos; Laughter; Lautenberg, Lloyd; Law re: Fair Housing; Lawyers-Overbilling; Len Lazarus; Lazarus and Klugherz; Lazerowitz, Alice; Leadership Conference on Civil Rights; Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities; Longer, Freda; Laskin, Rhoda(1971-1993, undated)
Legal Defense Fund; Littauer, Helen-Estate of; Levitt; Lewis, Walter; Lithographs; Long Range Plan; Alfred Baker Lewis; Lahman, C.; Land; Lang, Eugene; Peter Lapham; Lawyers; Lazarus, L.; A. Leban; OPEN- Legality; Letters; Letters-How to Write Them; Letter Signers; Leventon; Harold Levine; Tedford Lewis; Liotti, Tom; Georgia Lloyd; Mary N. Lloyd; Lloyd, Wm.; Lloyd, WMB III; Loescher Call; Logo; Logs; London-To Dictate; For Lynn; Los Angeles Trip; Lost Certificate Form-PC; Liquidity Problem; Labor Education Association; Land Acquisition; Land-New Jersey-Princeton; Land-Pennsylvania-Ambler Row; Land-Pennsylvania-Cheltenham; Land-Pennsylvania-Media; Land-Pennsylvania-Media-Edward’s Property; Land-Pennsylvania-Norristown; Land-Pennsylvania-Richboro; Land-Creamer, Fred, Esq.; Land-Hetzel; Land-Ramsay, Pierce(1953-1992, undated)
Land Sale; Land-Shubin, Max; Land-Weinrib; Land (B)-For Sale; Land Economics; Land-Misc.; Land Under Consideration-Misc.; Landau, Claire J.; Lane, Layle; Lang, Eugene; Large Gifts Appeals; Lash, Trude and Joe; Lasker, Loula; Lasker, Mary (Albert); Latin America; Lavenburg, Fred Foundation; Lawrence, David L.; Lawyers; Lazarus, Len; Lazerowitz, Alice; Leader Exchange Program, United States/South Africa; Lacey Park; Licenses; Libraries; Leadership Conference on Civil Rights; League for Industrial Democracy; League for Mutual Aid(1945-1989, undated)
Learman, Bernie; Lease Forms; Lebkicker, Margaret; Lee, Armistead; Legal Auth. Forms; Legislation; Lehman, Orin (MIP); Lemann, Nicholas-Origins of the Underclass; Leonard, James; Leos, (Irving) Material; Levenstein, Aaron; Levitt; Levine, Albert K.; Levine, Williams (Rutgers); Levy, Eve (Marshall) and Maggie Oppenheimer; Lewis, Alfred Baker; Lewis, H.C.; Lewis, Ted; Liability Insurance; National Housing Center-Library Bulletin; License Transf.; Licensed Practical Nurses’ Association of Pa.; Licenses-Stock Sales; Lichtman, Olga; Life Care Com.; Lindgren, Helen; Links, Inc.; Linton, Robert; Lipman, Rabbi Eugene J.; Lisa, Eda; Labor; Landscaping; Literature; Litton; Log-From Gray-P. 483(1954-1988, undated)
Lloyd, Mary and William; Lloyd, Georgia; Loescher, Frank Material; Lohman, Jean; Long, Herman; Longford-Atty.; Longford Blvd. Mtgs.; Longford Street; Lossy, Rella; Lost Shares; Louisiana; Low-Cost Housing; Low Floaters; Low Income Dem. Gr. Prog.; Low Income Housing Credit; Lowry, Betty; Lupus; Luria, Salvadore; Luxury Housing; Lynch, Laura; Lynnwood Gardens; Littauer, Mary A.; Little Rock; Living Trusts; Livingstone Foundation; Lobenstein, James; Loescher, Mildred; Longevity; Long, Marylin; Low Cost of Housing; Low Income Housing Credit; Luck; Luria, Salvador and Zella; Lutherans; Lynch, Sylvester; Lang, Eugene; Langford, Maris; Lautenberg, Frank; La Raza [National Council]; Larson, Anna; Lawton, Rachel; L.D.N. Committee(1955-1994, undated)
L.D.F.; Lead (Ceramics/Water); Lutheran Church; Lewis, Tedford; Loyola University; Legislation; Laws-Low and Moderate Income Housing; Leadership Conference on Civil Rights; Liability; Literature-Miscellaneous; Lloyd, Morris; Lost Stockholders; Levittown [New Jersey]; Loans(1958-1992, undated)
Lists; Lerner, Robert; Lerner, Dan; Levick, Alan(1940-1994, undated)
Levinger, George; Lenders; Lilenthal, Sally; L.I.S.C. [Local Initiatives Support Corporation]; Liquidation; Literary Agents; Literature/Tickets; Litigation Alternatives; Leasing Program/Lease Forms/Leasing Info; Leventhal, K. and Company; Lever Brothers; Leventhon, Melvin; Levinger, George; Leventon, Mil; Levin, Carl; Levin, Joan; Lavine, Alan; Levy, Marilyn; Levitt and Sons; Lewis; Lewis, T.; Lieberson, Goddard; Life Care Com.; Life Cycle; Life Income Funds; Lifton, Robert; Helen Lindgren; Likly, Charles; Littauer, Helen; Lipsig, Jimmy; Lloyd, G.; Ltd. Part Analysis; Linowitz, Sol; Liquidity; Little Rock; Livingston College; Correspondence-Miscellaneous-L(1959-1989, undated)
Correspondence-Miscellaneous-L; McCarthy, Joseph R.; McCorkel, Roy; McGrew, Jane Lang; Macy, Francis; MADRE; Madway House; Maier, Clair; Mailing Forms; Mailings-Low Cost; Maine; Malcolm, Florence re: Loan Approval; Manor Park Apt.; Mansfield, Ralph; Maps; Marietta Tree Meeting; Market Data; Market Maker; Marshall, Gertrude; Maryland; Marynook; Mason, Rae Hungerford; MASOR Gifts Conf.; Massachusetts; Matching Funds; Maturing Notes; Maury, Brinley(1953-1988, undated)
May Appeal; Mayer, Paul; Mazur (appt.); Med. Bills; Medicare; Memogenda; Memorial Services; Memos to Staff; Mereski, E.V.; Meritor; Merrill Lynch re: WHS Pts. Save; Mesirov, Leon; Message Check; Messianic Ministries; METCALF; Metro Life; Metro Life Insurance; Metzenbaum, Senator Howad M.; Meyer, Brad; Meyer (Eugene and Agnes E. Foundation); Mayer, Fred; Michener, John; Michigan; Meyers, Michael(1953-1988, undated)
Michigan; Middleton, Lee; Midwest Securities Commission Association; Mikva, Abner; [Milgram, Elizabeth] Betty; Milgram, Gene; Milgram, Lorna; Milgram, Lorna and Morris-Letters; Milgram, Lorna and Morris-Wedding(1946-1989, undated)
Milgram, Lorna; Milgram, Morris; Milgram’s List; Miller/Casey and Swift, Kate; Milwaukee Fair Housing Council; Mineta, Congressman Norman; Ming, William; Minnesota; Minnesota-Lecture Material(1930-1988, undated)
Minnesota; M.I.P.; Mische, Jerry; Mississippi; Missouri; MIT Ltrs.; Mitchell, H.L.; Modigliani, Franco; Moench, Sarah; Montana; Montero, Frank; Montgomery, Dorothy; Montgomery Ward; Moravian Church; Morningstar, Katherine; Morris, Ann and Elliston; Mother Jones Magazine; Motley, Constance; Moulton, Phillips P.; Mount Laurel; Movement for a New Society; Moynihan, Daniel Patrick (Senator); Multi-Family Con.; Multi-Family Housing Council; Murray, Pauli(1953-1988, undated)
Milgram Companies; Metzenbaum on the Issues; MIP Miscellaneous; Management Reports-42nd Street Associates/California Street Limited/Housing Partners II; Lonny Myers; Movement for a New Society; Maine Line Unitarian Church; Multiple Housing, Inc.; Meadow Homes; MAT (Management Advisory Team)(1960-1980, undated)
Mortgages(1974-1988, undated)
Congressman Andy Maguire; Marino, Dennis; Massey; Sandy Masur; Max Martin; Moyer, David; George Meany Letters; Metzenbaum, Howard; Meyerson, Martin; Milgram, Gene; MIP-To Follow Up; MGK; Mizell, Von D.; Mondale, Walter F.; Monro, A and B; Ann Morris; McKissick, Floyd; McDowell, Dennis; McDermott, John; Mitchell, William; Maryland; Margolis, Richard; Management; Maine; Mallouk; Magazines; Mason, Charles; McCarthy, Dennis; McCouch, Morgolt; McGarry, A.; McGovern, George; Massachusetts (Boston College); Mitre Corp.; Mutual Funds; Monthly Plans; Mt. Vernon, NY; Multi-Edifice; Migliore, Paul; Minority Employment Agency; Mid-Peninsula Coalition Hsg. Fund; Motels(1965-1980, undated)
Mallon; Maury; McAlpin; McGerr; Muste Memorial Fund; Myers, Maria; Mars, Bol; Major Inv. Prospects; Melnicoff, Dave; Market Info; Myrdal, Gunnar; Mutual Real Estate Investment Trust; Metro Life; Minneapolis Trip; Mutual Fund for Socially Minded Investors; Mabbs, Alice and Bob; MacArthur Foundation; Madison Lists; MacMaster, Maxwell; Magnet Schools; Magnuski, Marilyn; Maier, Claire; Major PA Friends; Main Line; Malcom X; Mallard, Stephen and Winifred; Mann; Manayunk; Mandell, Harrieta Harvey; Maps; march in Washington D.C.; Margaret Monroe; Margolis, Dick and Harry; Marianists of Ohio, Inc.; Marketing; Marks, Ed; Marksheid, Mr. and Mrs.(1958-1993, undated)
Marquard, Bonnie; Marquard, Sarnia; Marquis Who’s Who; Marriott Hotel Courtyard Club; Marsh, Alice; Marsh, Keith; Marshall, Clare; Marshall, George N.; Marshall, Louise; Marshall, Thurgood; Marshall, Gordy; Marshall, Sister Patricia; Martin, Galen; JoAnn Martin; Martin, Margaret; Maryland Fair Housing; Mason, Ginevra; Mason, Hilda; Mason, Chs. N. Pledger; Mason’s Friends; Mason-Reception; Mason, Hilda-Gift Lists; Mason, Rae-Book; Massachusetts; Mathey, Dean; Maxwell, David; Maxwell, Dorothy; Maxwell, C.W.; Mayer, David; Mayors; Mazur, Jay; Middleton, Lee; M.I.P.; Moore, Pat; McCormick, Brenda Mothers Inc.; Modigliani, Franco; Captain Morris(1955-1993, undated)
Mail-Stock Sales; Mailing to Other Lists; Mailing/Printing; Massage Therapy; Massey, Prof. Douglas; Matching Grant Ltrs.; Maxwell, Bob; Maxwell, Dorothy; Phil May; May, Richard; Mayer, David; Mayer, Mike; Mayors; Mayor Ed Rendell re: Leah Gaskin Coles; Mazur, Jay; MacArthur Foundation; McClary, Tami; McClennen, Sandra and Douglas; McCord, Elizabeth; McCormick, Kathy; McDermott; McGorry, Dennis; MCI; McCay, Emily; McLean III; McLoughland, Keith; McRory, Margaret; Meadow, Arthur; Medicare; Mehlman; Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute; Meikleson, Kenneth; Meier, August; Mellon PSFS; Melton, Margery; Memberships; Memogenda; Memory; Mens Club; Men’s Health; Menendez; Mercuri, Rebecca; Mereski, E. Victor; Merritt, Mac; Merriam, Ida; Memorial Funds; Methodist-For John Harper; Mettger, Zak; Metzenbaum, Howard-US Senator(1958-1994, undated)
Mexico; Michener, James (article about); Michener, John; Michigan; Michigan Open Housing Group; Middleton, Earl; Middleton Township Newsletter; Middlebury Friends Net.; Milgram-Farmer Group; Millstone, Sasha; Milken, Michael; Miller, Charles; Miller, Joe; Miller, Joyce; Milmed, Bella; Mihaljov, Mihajlo; Milgram-Elcott; Mineta, Norman; Mini-dwelling Unit; Mini Fund Letr’s.; Minow, Newton; Minority Population; MIP; Mister Handiman; MIT Memo; Mitchell, Lou; MM-Articles by him; MM-Articles re: MM; MM-White HS Speeches; MM-Marriage-Number 4 to Frances J. Drevers; MOD’s and OPEN; Modigliani, Prof. Franco; Moensch, Sarah; Molecular Biology; Montana (Billings); Monroe; Montgomery Improvement Association, Inc.; Moore, Acel; Moore, Carol; Moore, Frank; Moore, Sandy; Morain, Mary and Lloyd; Morgan, Charles; Morgan, Edward; Morgan, Jane; Morgan, Lee; Morkovin, Mark; Morris, Anna; Morris, Elliston; Morris, Revonia; Morris, Ruth; Mortgage Bankers Act; Moss, Robert; Motheral, Cornelia; MOD Card; Oberbillig, Molly; Mowalt; Mtge. Int. Deduction; Mtge. Ins.; Mortgage-Second; Mtg. Rates; Mongillo, Ray; Moore, Don; Moore, Henry; Morgan, Ed.; Mortgages-Lists; Mortgage Loan Committee; Mortg. Dealers; Moseley, Eva(1982-1994, undated)
Moseley, James; Moulton, Mary and Phil; MOVE Bombing; Movie Producers; Mowatt, Marian; Moyers, Bill; Moynihan, Daniel Patrick; Mpls. Trip; Multiple Housing, Inc.; Mumford, David; Murray, Pauli; Museum; Museum in S.F.; Musiker, Brian J.; Muska, Susan Hartman; Mt. Laurel, N.J.; Mutual Assn. Comp.; Myer, Prudence Royce; Montgomery County; Montgomery, Dorothy; Montgomery and Bishop; Moore, Curtis; Moore, Frank; Moore, Mike; Moore, Pat; Paul Moore Jr.; Moore, Tom; Moore, William J.; Moot, Stewart; Moravian C.; Morgan, A.; Morgan, E and E; Morgan Guaranty; Charles Morgan; Janet Morgan; Morris County Fair Housing Council; Morristown, N.J.; MONY; Modiano, Albert; Motley, Constance; Morris County, N.J.; Anne Morris; Morris, Frances; Joan Morris; M.C. Morris; Morse, W.-Senator; R.-Management Agreement; Moskowitz, M.; Moss, Bob; Motivation; Mott, Stew.; Moulton, P.; Moynihans; Mt. Vernon Apts.; Moynihan, Pat; Movies; Mt. Laurel Decision; Multi-Family Council; Multiple Housing Inc.; MTST; Mumford, Lewis; Murphy, E.; Muscle; Murphy, EM; Muskie, Edmund; Musicians; Mutual Funds; Mutual Funds-Medici; Mutual Real Estate Investment Trust; Mygatt, L.; Myers, Robin; Paul Myerson(1966-1993, undated)
Machinists Union; Mack, Raymond; Madison, Wisconsin; Harry Madway; Maenak, Paula; Carroll Mage; Magill, Steve; Magnin, Cyrill; Maguire, Andy; MAT; Malkin, Peter; Main Line Unitarian Church; Maine; Maintenance; Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund; Major Gifts; Mailgram; Management; Management Advisory Team; Management Partnerships; Mtge. Pass Through Cert.; Manilow, Lew; Mantua; Margaret Scattergood; Richard Margous; Marianist Provincial House; Market Analysis; Marketing; Marks, Ed.; Marriage; Marshall, G.; Marshall, Ray; Marshall, Richard; Massaro; Mason, Hilda; Mason, Charles; Mason re: PFD Stock; Mason, Eleanor; Mason, Jim; Massachusetts; Chas. McC. Mathias(1964-1988, undated)
Maury, Brinley; May, Peggy; Mayors; McAlpin, David; McBriney, Buckley and Associates; McCallister, Fr.; McCombs, John; Joan McCommon; Betty McCorkel; McDonnell, Tim; McGovern, George; McGowan, Colin; Dennis McDowell; McGraw, Gene; McQuarrie, W.C.; Dennis McCarthy; McDermoth, John; McMahon, Elizabeth; McNeely, Edward; McPhadden, Ruth; Meadow Homes Preferred Stockholders; Meals for Millions; Means, Gardiner; Mercy and Farmers Bank; Means Prop.; Mechling, T.; Catharina M. Mehlman; Mehlman, Ben; Meier, August; Meir, Gitta; Meir, Richard; Memphis, Tenn.; Mercury; Mereski, Vic.; Metzenbaum, Howard; Metro Life Insurance; Mexican-American; Mexico; Meyer, Anne; Meyer, Eugene and Agnes Foundation; Mayer, B.; Meyer, Mary B.; The Meyersons-Gary, Indiana; Mayerson, Martin; John H. Michener; Michigan; Microfilms; Mid-Peninsula Coalition; Midwest Securities Commissioners; Middle Class; Middleton, Lee; Migliore, Paul; Miller, Charles; Miller Enterprises; J. Irwin Miller; Franklin Miller; Minneapolis Area; E. Milner; Milwaukee Train Housing Council; Mishnun, VA(1961-1983, undated)
Missouri Advisory Committee; Model Cities Program; Money Market Funds; Monserrat, Jos.; Missouri; H.L. Mitchell; Mitchell, A.J.; Mitchell, J.; McQuail, V.; Means Site; MIP; Min Contractors; Min Empl. Efforts; Mississippi; Mo. Trip; Mitchell, A.; Mitchell, H.; Mitchell, M.; Mobility; Model Houses; Mod. Income Housing; Mondale, W.; Modigliani Bio; Monfort, Kenneth; Barta Monro; Montero, Anne; MIT Plan; Montero, Frank; Minorities(1958-1983, undated)
Micks, Dr. Marianne; Mikva, Abner; Milgram, Jean/Milgram, Betty; Miller, Franklin; Miyazaki, Sarah and Jay; Mitchell, H.L.; Marjorie-Margolies-Mezvinsky; Moore, Don; Morgan, Ernest; MOD Mortgages; Murrow, Edward R.; Mortgage Memo-John Wetmore; Mortgages-Delinquent; Morgan, Lee; Mother Jones; Movement for a New Society; Mortgage Brochure; Musante, Jane and Tony; Mumford, Peter; Mumford, Lewis; Muste Memorial Institute; Mt. Airy-Reports; Montclair Unitarian Church; Montgomery Ward Foundation; Moore, Carolyn Davenport; Mooney, Harold; Moore, P.H.; Moore, Sam; Moral Issue; Morris, J.; Moynihan, Dan; Mutual Fund; Mail Advertising-Alpert, Shell; Management Problems; Marolen, Dr. Daniel P.; Matchett, William H.; Mayer, Mike; Mayer, David; Machling-Public Equity; Mellow Bank; Merriam, Ida Craven; Meyers, Michael; Mobile Homes; Mizell, Von; Movies; Mondale, Walter; Milwaukee(1961-1994, undated)
MREIT(1964-1980, undated)
MREIT Requests for Information on integrated housing investment(1964-1980, undated)
Modern Community Developers(1953-1967, undated)
Modern Community Developers; Mandela, Nelson; Mahwah; Montero, Frank; Morehouse; Miscellaneous(1958-1990, undated)
Miscellaneous; Miscellaneous-To Read; Miscellaneous Correspondence; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-M(1965-1988, undated)
NAACP(1951-1993, undated)
National Neighbors(1969-1988, undated)
National Neighbors; National Sharecroppers Fund/Rural Advancement Fund; New Hope Housing; N.A.’s-Sent; Nassau Savings and Loan; Nation(1970-1993, undated)
National Association of Home Builders; National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO); National Association of Intergroup Relations Officials (NAIRO); National Association of Real Estate Boards; National Association of Real Estate Investment Funds (NAREIF); National Bank, Washington; National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice; National Committee for Affirmative Mtges.; National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing; National Conference of Christian and Jews-Award; National Council of the Churches of Christ; National Council of Senior Citizens; National Democratic Institute(1952-1988, undated)
National Democratic Institute (Mondale); National Homes; National Housing Conference; National Loan Committee Minutes; National Urban League; National Insurance Company; Nebraska; Nebraska-Lincoln; Nebraska-Omaha; Negative Population Growth, Inc.; Negro Housing; Negro Income; Negro Workers; Neighborhood Caretaker(1952-1988, undated)
Neighborhoods; Nelson, Nancy; Nest [an organization offering relief to earthquake-ravaged El Salvador]; Nevada; New Address; New England; New Hampshire; New Haven, Connecticut; New Israel Fund; New Jersey; New Mexico(1955-1988, undated)
New Mexico Trip; New School, Waldorf Astoria Dinner; New Towns; New York(1946-1988, undated)
Newcomb, Elliot; Newman, Oscar; Newsletter; Newspaper Clippings-Brochures, etc.; Newsworthies/Unlimited; Newtown; Newtown Fine; Newtown Pl Comm.; Newtown Res.; Newtown Township; Nicaragua; Nickolas, Ann; Nightsounds; Nobel Prize Winners; Non Deduct Org.; NORC; North Carolina; North Carolina Mutual; North, Harry and Esther; Norton, W.W., Publisher; Nowack, Aaron; Numbers for Houses; Nunn, Jo and Bill; Nunn, William; Nursing Homes; National Housing Conference; National Conference of Christians and Jews-Charles Fuller; HHP Kensington Square Associates; NY Times Ad; National Interfaith Committee(1953-1989, undated)
National Interfaith Committee; Nebraska Trip; New Mexico; New York State Regulations; New York Foundation; Newtown-Maps; Newcomb, Robinson-Estate; National Center on Black Aged-Clippings; National Urban League; National Association of Housing Cooperatives; National Center for Housing Management; National Loan Committee; National Housing Conference; National Council for a Permanent Employment Practice Committee; NJ-Limited Income Law; New Jersey-Local Organizations(1947-1982, undated)
New Jersey Committee Against Discrimination in Housing; Newspaper Recycling; Newsweek; Newton, Len; New York City Mortgages; NY Office Staff; New York Stock Exchange; NY Trip; NY Times; News Forms; NCTI; Niemeyer; Nebraska Trip; Novick, Morris; National Organization for Women; NOW Foundation; NOW-March; Nunn, Josephine; Nurses at Attleboro; Nursing Homes; NY Overnight Spots; NYC H. Disc Cas; NY Labor Hist. Ass.; NY Public Library; NY Times Article and Renewal Appeal; NY Times and Gentrification; NY Times Sub.; Note [Letters, OPEN]; North Carolina; Nunn; NY Civil Rights Coalition; NCB Dev. Corp.; Negative Population Growth; Negotiation Techniques; Neighborhood Diversity; Neier, Aryeh; Nelson, Mrs. Charlotte (Pres. New England Area Conf. NAACP); Nelson, George; Nelson, Juanita; Neuman, Janet; Neumann, Loreta; Newark Airport; New Directions; New England Area Conf.-NAACP; Newman Jon O.; Newman, Oscar; New Mexico; New Orleans; Newtown-Addresses; Newsday; NFND; Nicholson, Liston; NIM-Northwest Interfaith Movement; NIMBY-Not In My Back Yard; Nix, Robert; NJ Closings; Non-Integration Deals; Non-Profit Ownership; The Non-Violent Activist; N.W. Interfaith Movement; Norman, Dorothy; Norton, Eleanor Holmes; NAC OPEN Slips; NAHB; National Adv. Com.-OPEN(1966-1994, undated)
Nishimura, K.; Niskanen, Hs; Nix, Robert; Nobel Award; New Communities, Inc.; Newman, Arlene; Newmark, V.-Staff Position; Newtown Savings Association; NHC; Norman, Andy; North, Leon; NSF; NY Life Insurance; Nunez, Louis; National Interest Fund; New York State Housing Finance Agency; Arnold Newman-Naturalist; NCTI; Nations Bank; Norberg, F.; NORC; Andrew E. Norman; Norman Land; Northside Center; Eleanor H. Norton; W.W. Norton; North Carolina University; North Carolina Mutual Insurance; Northeast Baltimore; Northwest Housing Plans; NWACHR; Northwest Industries; NW Inv Corp.; NW Phila Ltd. Part; N. Calif. Comm.; North Carolina; Richard Nixon; New Town, Calif.; Newtown Competition; New York Trip; NHC; Nicholson, Ted; L. Nicholson-H. Units; National Assembly on Progress in Equality of Opportunity in Housing(1957-1994, undated)
NAC Invit.; Nobel Prize (Alternative); No-Growth Laws; Non-Profit Housing; Non-Profit H. Center; Non-Profit Organizations-Promotions; Neighborhood Info; NAFTA; Nagle, Walter; NAHRO; Naidoff, Michael; Namrow, Andy; Nathanson, James; National Assoc. of Community Development Loan Funds; National Assoc. of Criminal Defense Lawyers; National Assoc. of Housing Co-ops; National Builders; National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty; National Housing Inst.; National Housing Partners; National Neighborhood Coalition; National Legal Aid and Defender Assn.; National Low Income Housing Coalition; National Review; National Urban League; National Women’s History Project; Native Americans; The Nature Conservancy; Nick Cunningham Cor. Club; NAHRW; Naftalin, Arthur; National Conference on Human Rights; National Association of Human Rights Workers; National Association of Home Builders; Nassau Presbyterian Church; NAIRO; National Ad Hoc; National Urban League, Inc.; National Association of Real Estate Boards; National Association of Real Estate Brokers; National Association of Realtors; National Busssines Council; NAACP-Liff; NASD(1970-1993, undated)
National Neighbors; Nassau Savings; Nassau Presbyterian Church; Nathan, R.; Nat. for Publication; National Apt. Assoc.; National Association of Black Accountants; National Assoc. of Housing Cooperatives; National Assoc. of Home Builders of US; National Tenants Org.; National Urban Coalition; National Urban Contractors; National Urban League; NEA; New Committees; New Directions; New Haven, Conn.; NJ Apts.-Bellmar; NJ Housing; New Jersey; Neighborhood Groups; Neighbors Organ. For Action; Neil, Carl; Negron, Pat; Geo. Nelson Assoc.; Nemiroff, R.; Nesbitt, A.; NJ Sec. Reg.; Nethers Community School; Neuberger, R.; Janet Neuman(1961-1984, undated)
New America; New Brunswick, NJ; Newburgh, NY; New Communities, Inc.; National Commission on Neighbors; National Reality Committee; N.N. Reg. Conf.; Nat. Staff Conf.; National Interfaith Committee of OPEN; National Loan Committee; National Information Bureau; National Catholic Conf. for Interracial Justice; National Council of La Raza; National Committee in Support of Community Based Organizations; National Corp. for H. Part; National Committee of Black Churchmen; National Emergency Civil Liberties Comm.; National Housing Conference, Inc.; National H. Part.; Novack Report; Novik, Morris; Now Profit; Nunn, B.; NTIC; Nursing Homes; New Towns; Newton, Emily; Newtown Study; New Windsor Human Rel. Comm.; New York; NY St. Mort. Invst. Corp.; New York Life Insurance; NY Housing Conference; New York Commission on Human Rights; Negro Housing; Negro Newspapers; Negro Stock Offers; Negro Trade Union Leadership Council; Neighborhood Coalition; NBRHO; Nehru Award; Neighborhoods (changing); NJ-OPEN Subs; NHC; New Leader; New Orleans(1960-1984, undated)
New Mexico; Newman, Aileen; New Parties; New Politics Conference; Need for Investment in Open Occupancy; Negro Economic Gains; Nebraska; National Association of Real Estate Investment Funds; National Committee on Tithing in Investment; North Carolina; New World; New School Lectures; New Jersey-Morristown; Negro-Jewish; Nazis; National Resources Defense Council; National Temple Non-Profit Corp.; New Democratic Coalition; New Cities; New Jersey-Newark; Neighborhood Stabilization; Neighborhood Garden; NSF; NAC(1959-1982, undated)
NAC; Nicoll, Tom; NID; Newsletters (Vol. 1, No. 1); NIF; New Idea; Noerdlinger, Judy; Nuclear Problems; New York; NOW (National Organization for Women); National Conference of Christian and Jews; National Information Bureau; National Interfaith Committee(1959-1983, undated)
Nader, Ralph; National Association of Real Estate Investment Funds; Neilson; National Urban League; Neo-Fascist; Nerken, Jean; Newton, Leo and Ruby; Newsweek on Air; New Republic Fax re: Waller Book; NHP; Niebank; Nicotine; Nickens, Juanita; New Jersey Trip; Nominations Committee; Non-Profit Tax Letter; Norman, A.; Novak; Nutrition; NY Civil Rights Coalition; National Housing Conference; New York Times; Miscellaneous-National Organizations; Miscellaneous-Office Files-N; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-N(1955-1994, undated)
Newspaper Clippings
Ohio-Cincinnati/Des Moines, Iowa; Office Files-Brookside; Office Files-Miscellaneous(1959-1975, undated)
Office Files-Handwritten Notes(1980s-1990s, undated)
Office Files [Folders thus titled by Milgram and containing a hodgepodge of documents covering a wide range of names and subjects](1948-1994, undated)
Oakland; Oakes Newsletter; Oak Drive; Oak Park; Oak Lane; Oak Towers; Obits; Obituary-Orig. of Lorna Milgram; Occupancy Reports; O’Connor, Jessie Lloyd; O’Connor; Octavia Hill Association; Ohio(1953-1993, undated)
Overhead Door Corporation; Overnite Conference; Ogden Corp. Annual Report; Organizational Charts; Omaha Trip; One Room Apts.; Open Solicitation; Opinion Polls; Ocracoke; Organizations-Misc.; Over-The-Counter; Otero Case; ORT; Other Jury re: King’s Case; Ottinger Foundation; Orientals; Originals; Oxfam; OPEN Brochure; Open Mind, Open Heart, Open House [Rita Reemer]; J. Osborne; Osliver, Sam; O’Neal Frederick; Ogletree, Prof. Charles; O’Donnell, Rob; Op-Ed; Ohls Family; O’Keefe; Okie, R.; Olson, Lois; O’Brien, Boldt; Evelyn O’Brien; Oglethorpe; Oglivy, Jack; Oppenheimer, M.; O’Rourke, Patti; Osborne, Jeanne; Oster, Marsha; Ottinger, Dick; Overseas: Eng., APO, Canada, Japan, Austria; Owens, Lamont; Older Buildings; Oberbilling, Molly(1958-1993, undated)
100 Club; O’Neal, Fred; Open Housing: Audit; Open Housing Group; Oil Spill; Oklahoma City; Oral History; Oram, H. [Harold L. Oram]; Oregon; Oklahoma; Office-Building, Space, Warehouse, Supplies(1954-1988, undated)
Ohio; Odetta(1958-1988, undated)
Olympia, Washington; Orfield, Gary/Orfield Book; Overseas Shipping; Operation Namibia; Operation Breakthrough; Opportunity Funding; Olivarez, Graciela; Open City; Options (on model homes); Organic Farming; Ostrow Alice; O’Connor, Jessie; Ottinger, Richard; OPEN(1969-1993, undated)
OPEN(1975-1993, undated)
OPEN; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-O; Miscellaneous-O(1967-1993, undated)
Planned Communities(1961-1975, undated)
Planned Communities; Pelino and Lentz; Phoenix Housing Partnership; Phoenix Prospects(1965-1988, undated)
Phoenix I.I. Letter; Phoenix Investors; Phoenix List; Phoenix New Offering Circular Letter; Phoenix Old Offering Circular Letter; Phoenix Housing Partnership(1974-1986, undated)
Phoenix Housing Partnership; Princeton Housing Associates; Princeton Pastors’ Association; Princeton, NJ(1957-1993, undated)
Pratt, Elliot(1956-1973)
Partners in Housing(1971-1994, undated)
Partners in Housing; Paton, Alan; PAX World Forum; Pemberton, L. Pruett; Pendle Hill; Penn Citizens Association; Penn Fruit Co.; Penn, William-Business Inst.-C.W. Maxwell, Pres.; Pennsylvania(1953-1988, undated)
Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Equal Rights Council; Pennsylvania Governor’s Comm. on Discrimination in Housing; Pennsylvania Home Builders Association; Pennsylvania Housing Communities; Pennsylvania Prison Society; Pennsylvania Tax (Income); Penny, J.C.; Pennypack Woods Coop.; Periodicals; Perlman, Bob; Perlowin; Perry, Everett; PACRI PA Coalition for Responsible Investing(197-1989, undated)
Personnel; Peters, Art; Peters, Hans; Peters, Jane and Hans; Pew Charitable Trust; Philadelphia Home Builders Assoc.; Philadelphia Housing Assoc.; Philadelphia Housing Authority; Philadelphia Independent; Philadelphia Low-Income Housing Foundation; Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority; Philadelphia Rehabilitation Plan; Philadelphia Savings Fund Society; Philadelphia Tribune; Philately Correspondence (to file); Phillips Exeter Academy(1947-1989, undated)
Phonathons; Phoning-Follow up letters; Phoning Notices; Pickett, Clarence; Pierce, Judge Samuel; Pike, James A.; Pike, Ruth; Pitts, Cheryl; Pittsburgh Courier; Planners Speech; Planning Committee-Philadelphia; Plat numbers; Playwrights; Poor People; Popenoe, Oliver (MIP); Population Material; Porter, Dick; Poverty; Pre-nuptial Agreement; Presbyterian Church; Presbyterian Life; Presidential Realty Corp.; Pres. Comm. on Equal Opportunity in Housing; Press Lists; Preston, Morris; Price Level Adjusted Mortgage (PLAM); Prices-Houses; Princeton Committee of 80; Princeton Energy Partners; Princeton University; Prisons; Pritikin Daily Forms; Private Offerings; Program Summary; Progress re: Integ. Educ.; Progress Report; Promotions; Property Values and Race(1940-1989, undated)
Prospect Construction Co.; Prospect Letter; For Prospect Lists; Prospects; Public Housing; Publicity-Magazine and Newspapers; Puerto Ricans; PA Academy of the Fine Arts; PA Advisory Committee-US Comm. on Civil Rights; PA Environ. Council; Palmer, Judy; PA Low Income Housing Commission; Panagoupolis; Parkinson’s; PA Human Relations Commission; PA Public Interest Ass.; PA Supreme Court, Probe of; PA Securities Commission; Pew Charitable Trusts; Paretsky, Sara; Park, Clara; Parks, Rosa; Partnerships; Patrick, Janet; Patrick, Lucile; Patterson; Paul, Weis, Rifkind; PEF-Israel Endowment Funds; Pemberton, L. Pruett; Penna. Prison Society; Penn, William; Pennswood Village; Pennsylvania Housing Financial Agency; People Pendant; People as a Cash Crop; Peretz, Anne; Perlowin, Sanky Assoc.; Peru; Peterman, Dr. Phylis; Petition Forms; People’s Fund; People for the American Way; Perkin, Sylvia; Perot, Ross; Perry, Ellen(1953-1993, undated)
Perry, Robert; Personal Housing Action Pledge Closed; PA Builders Polit. Action Comm.; PA Bldg. Assoc.; PA Dep. Of Con. Affairs; Penna. Equal Rights Council; Penna. Housing Finance Agency; Penna. House Finance Bill; PA Housing Needs; Penna. Housing Fin. Agency; PA Sec. Commission; PA Deb Reg; Philgap; Penney, J.C.; PA Commission on Charitable Solicitations; Paigen, Ken; Pacific Change; Packagers; Packard Dress; Pahana-Town forum; Paint; Paint Branch Unt. Ch.; Paley, E.; Palestinians; Sami Palive; Panel on American Women; Panic Stoppers; Paralegals; Alice Papcun; Paper Recycling; Paris, France; Parker, Mike; Parks, G.; Parrish; Parsipanny-Troy Hills; Part-time Help; Parties; J.R. Parten; Parker, B.; Partnership Work; Partners-Intl; Partnership; Partnership Agreements; Parts Distr. Corp.; Party; Patton, J.; Paving; Pax World Fund(1954-1983, undated)
Pax World Fund; Payroll; Payton, Mildred; Peabody, M.; Peace Corps; Pemberton, J.; L. Pruett Pemberton; Pendle Hill; Janet H. Penfield; Penna.; Personnel Policies; Personnel Consultants; Personal Counselors, Inc.; Personnel Committee Report; Personnel Sources; Personnel Tests; Pet Clause Form; Peters Land; Peterson, Ben; Peterson, Howard; Petition Forms; PEW; PGH Trip; P.H.A.P.-History; PHDC Apts.; Phila Building Code; Phila Bldgs.; Phila Council Comm. Advancement; Phila Dates and Call; Phila Elec. Co.; Phila Federation of Teachers; Phila Party; Phila-Home Seekers; Phila House Meetings; Phila. Housing Development Corporation; Phila Housing Authority; Phila Fellowship Comm.; Philbrick, Tim; Phila Mtg. Plan; Phila 236 Job; Phila Nat. Bank;; Phila-NW Phila Ltd. Part; Phila Party; Phila Peace Co.; Phila Plan; Phila Power Starts; Phila Agency; Phila Self-Help Housing Center; Phila Society to Protect Children; Phila Urban Finance Corp.; Phila Urban League(1960-1983, undated)
Phillips Foundation; Phila Award; Phillips Channing; Phillips, Carole; Phillips, Michael; Phonathons; Phoenix State Reg.; Phone Campaign-SOHI; Phone Records; Phoning Sentence; Phoning-MM-Done; Pierpint, Joe; Pierson, Bob; Pike, Eugene/Ruth; Pike, J.A.; Picot, Invest Inc.; Pilgrim, Harold; Pillsbury, Geo; Pilots; Pinado; Frank Pineo; Pine Run; Martha Prall; The Press; Philadephia; Phila-Children’s Network; Phila Commission on Human Relations; Phila Coop. Housing Center; Phila Friends; Phila Drama Guild; Phila Orch.; Phila Rehab Plan; Phila Tribune; Phillips, Chara D.; Phillips, David (MIP); Phillips, Sandi; Phillips, Mrs. Walter; Pickering, Helen and Joe; Pinkus, Ralph; Pinson, Cara; Pittsburgh Urban League; Planned Giving; Plaza Travel; Playwrights; Plummer, Elma; Poddar, Shrikumar; Podiatrist; Poetry; Poets; Pogrom on Brooklyn; Polaroid; Pol. Gifts; Police; Pomegranate-Calendars and Books; Ponniah, Peter; Janina Popenoe Lamb; Population Explosion; Porter, Karen(1954-1993, undated)
Post, Ann; Postal Service; Postcards Campaigns; Post, Diana; Postal History [Italian Rocket]; Poverty; PR Ideas; Prall, Martha; Pratt, Keri; Pre-Cancel Stamp Use; Pres. Clinton; Pres. Comm. on Civil Disorders; Presidential Realty Corp.; Press List; Press Release-OPEN Only; Prentice Hall; Pres. Reports to OPEN Board; Printing Errors; Price, Helen; Printers, Inc.; Printing; Prisoner Visitation and Support; Prisons; Pritikin Group; Programs of OPEN; Program Summary; Progressive Rev.; Prospect Construction Corp.; Proxmire, Senator William; Prudential Insurance; PSFS; Psychologists; Publications-Pro Integ.; Public Defender; Public Housing; Public Interest Law Center of Phila; Pyle, Kaye; Pye, Mort; Pittsburgh; Plan-HS Meeting; Planners; M. Platov; Playgrounds; Plays; Pleim, T.; Plumbers U.; Planned Unit Development; Poddar; Podvin, R.; Poisons; Polard, R.; Policing; Pol. Contr.; S. Pollak; Pollit, Dan; Polls; Pomerantz, R.; Pool, Janet(1960-1994, undated)
Pool Operator; Pooled Income Funds; Popenoe; Pope, Sarah; Popper, Robert; Porter, P.; Portland; Poschin; Postage; Postal Material; Population; Posters; Potential Investors; Potomac Institute; Mrs. Harry Potter; Potosky, J.; Poughkeepsie, NY; Poverty; Power, Bowen Valimont; P.R.; Power of Attorney; Powers, Helena; Pratt, Charles; Pratt, George; Presidential Realty Corp.; President’s Report to OPEN Board; Pres. Committee on Equal Opportunity; Pres. Task Force on Private Sector Initiatives; Press List; Pressman, B.; Press Releases Forms; Press Rel. Prov. Bank; Prester, Frances; Presidential Candidates(1958-1989, undated)
Price, Julian; Primary; Princeton Unit; Printers; Printer-Errors; Prisons; Problems; Procedures-PH Units; Professional Builder; The Progressive; Professional Corp.; Professionals Financial, Inc.; Profit Sharing; Promotion Stunts; Property Values; Proofs (Glossy); Proposals; Proposals-Out; Pros-Printing; Prospectuses-Tax Shelter; Prospect-Waffer Area; Prospect-Construction; Prospectus-Ideas; Prospectus-PH; Provident Bank; Protestant Council of NYC; Providence, Rhode Island-UHTS; Pratt Estate; Pratt, Charles; Pratt, George; Pratt-Highlands Sale; Prentice Hall; Presbyterian Ministers Fund; P.R.I.A.; Price, P.; Printing; Professional Bldv.; Progress (Leon Sullivan); Project on Corporate Responsibility; Promotion Plans; Promotional Forms; Property Value; Prospects-Lefferts; Prosp. Bids; Paine; Pemstein; Presb. Inv.; Presbyterian Foundation; Prospects-Ltd. Port; Panel of American Women(1960-1980, undated)
Park Forest; Partners; Pasnick, Ray; Passport; Progressive Architecture News Report; Peace; Progress Development Corporation; Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency; Peters, Jane; Phones; Prospecting Letters; Pres.-Private Sector Task Force; Press; Printer Stat.; Paralegal Work; Plenary Session and Panel 1; Panel 2; Panel 3; Panel 4; PRP-Philadelphia Rehabilitation Plan; Pasnick Vic; Providence, Rhode Island; Public Housing; Phila Com. Development; Phoning Work-OPEN; Penna. State College; Public Housing; Phillips, C.; For Hans Peters; Phila Adv. Co.; Phoning; Phone Follow Up Letters; Mrs. Roy L. Pierce; Plans-OPEN-PH; Pooled Inc. Fund; S. Poddes; H. Jackson Pontius; Power of Attorney; Poland(1959-1987, undated)
Playboy Magazine; Printer; Prostate; Prov. R.I.; Provizer, Norman; Proxy Fights; Provident National Bank; Prov. Wood; Prudential; PSFS Annual Report; Public Equity Corporation; Public Offering; Publishers; Publications-OPEN; Public Housing; Public H Sales; Public Relations; Pumpkin Hill; Purchase Money; PLAM; Philadelphia Local Organizations; Pickett, Clarence; Property Management; Peter Hans-Bills; Prospectus/Prospectus Requests; Publications; Progressive Book Club; Pools(1948-1994, undated)
Prall, Martha; Proxmire, William; Providence, RI [Providence Redevelopment Agency]; Providence, RI; Push for Excellence; Professional Household Workers of America; Publicity/Public Relations; Peretz, Martin; Polikoff, A.; Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans; Property Offerings/Property Rights; Profit Sharing(1957-1991, undated)
Pledges/Pledge Forms/Pledgers; Pratt, Elliot [Estate]; Presidents Annual Report; Prefab Housing; Press Conference; Phone; Sidney Poitier; Playboy Foundation; Philadelphia Rehab Plan; Personalities; Ploughshares Fund; PILCOP(1960-1994, undated)
Paul, Mitchell; Philadelphia Ranger Corps; Philippines Investment; Physicians for Human Rights; Pickens; Partnership-Forms; Paul; Parks, Henry; Papke, Carol; PHEAA; Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations; Pennsylvania Commission Against Discrimination in Housing; Pennypack Woods; Perlowin Conference; Phelps-Stokes Fund(1953-1993, undated)
Population Communications International; Postmaster General; Power of Place; Presidential Campaign; Prejudice; President’s Reports [OPEN]; Pritkin; Philadelphia Mortgage Plan; Pennsylvania-Department of Community Affairs; Pennsylvania’s Governor Advisory Council; PA-OPEN; Philadelphia-Lists; Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust; Penn State University Soil Testing; Papanek, Gus; Philadelphia; Palo Alto; PAL; Paper Workers; Perry, Michael; Peter, Hans; Pew Foundation; Park Forest South; Personnel(1960-1994, undated)
Personnel; Pension Funds; Pension Plans(1950-1990, undated)
Personnel Policies Manual-Milgram/Farmer Group; Policies of Utopia; Powelton Village; Pennsylvania-Chester County Community Developers(1956-1981)
Pratt, Elliot; Partners in Housing; Platov, Mariquita; Planned Communities; Pennypack Woods Home vs. Paul Dahlberg; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-P; Miscellaneous-P; Publications-Serials(1940-1994, undated)
Publications-Serials(1940s-1990s, undated)
Publications-Pamphlets and Booklets
Quotes; Quarterly Reports; Quotas; Quadrangle; Quaker; Queen Village; Questionnaires(1953-1994)
Questionnaires; Questions and Answers; Miscellaneous-Q; Eleanor Roosevelt; Radcliffe (Waller); Radon; Rage; Rawls, Rebecca; Rose, Charlie; Rosenthal, Harold; Rudin, Anne (Mayor); Roundtable (dynamic); Rutgers Housing; Realtors; Rehab Foundation; Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill (Research Triangle); Response; Reunion of Old Timers; Revelle, Eleanor; Richmond, VA-Key People; Robboy, Anita; R List; Robertson, Pat; Robeson, Paul; Roby, Juliet; Rodger, Daniel and Irene; Rorty, Richard; Ryan, Nancy; Rustin, Bayard; Real Property News; Race and Housing; Real Estate(1952-1992)
Rutgers; Reorganization; Reports to Investors; Red Herring; Rinden, Emily; Religious-Miscellaneous; Reisbord, Alex; Rosenbloom, M.; Rockefeller Lists; Roy (Rusty and Family); Rowitch; Jackie Robinson; Rural Advancement Fund; Rural Ed. Fund; Ramparts; Restaurants; Resignations (Board Members); Royal Ins.; Resident Manager, Rent Supplement Program, Rent Control, Rents; Rockland Place; Rita Reemer; Racial Steering; Rice(1958-1993, undated)
Robertson; Reuss; Rosenwald, Dooley; Row Houses; Reuther, Victor; Reuther, Walter; Revolving Loan Funds; Rex, Bob; Rhode Island University; Rich, Harvey; Rich, Marghi and Calvin; Rich Get Richer; Richardson, Emiline Hill; Richie, Davies; Richie, Win Ohio; Richmond A.P.R.I.; Rights; Riverside Drive; The Rising Gorge; Roberts, Ann; Roberts, David Jr.; Roberts, Felicily Cope; Roberts, Nancy; Robertson, Peters; Robin, Larry; Rockefeller Foundation; Rodgers, Dorothy; Rodman, Rev. Edwin; Rodney King; Rohatyn, Felix; Roher, Debbie; Rony Vera; Russ, James and Susan; Russel, Martha; Russia-Contacts; Stephen Roulac; Rouse, J.; Rouse, Libby; Rowitch, Jerome; Rich, Rubinstein; Edward Rudin; Rudkin-Wiley Corporation; Rudd, Eric; Rugg, Eva; Louis Rukeyser; Rural Housing; Rusell, Johnson; Rustin, B.; Roberts, David; Raymond, Roberta; Rayson, Barbara and Lee; Readers Digest; Real Estate Tax Shelters; Recession; Recycling in Housing; Reed, John; Reed, Jack; Referred Names; Reich, Julie; Reid, J. Richard; Religion; Rendell, Ed; Renewal Letters; Renewal-Prospect Construction Corp.; Rental Services-Shaker Heights; Rentz, Jo; Reply Slips; Reporters; Republicans; Research(1962-1994, undated)
Residents Association-Chandler Hall; Restructuring OPEN; Retreats; Retirement, Attleboro; Reuss, Margaret; Rafsky, Bill; Racial Change; Race Fear; Racial Balance; Racial Division; Race Justice; Racial Statistics; Racism; Racism Quotient; Radio Friends; Radio Interviews-MM; Rafsky, Robert; Railroad Stuff; Ramapo College; Randall, Leslie; Ranscom, Bea; Raske, Ruth; Rauh, Joe; Rauh, Mike; Rauh, Olie; Raushenbush, Carl; Ray. Ref.; Rayson, Leland; La Raza; Rosenberg, Bob; Rosen, David; Rosenson, David; Rosenthal, A.M.; Rosenwald, Julius; Roset, Bruce; Ross, Brenda; Ruttger, Betty; Rouse, James W.; Rouse, Libby; Rouse-Watson, Karen; Rowitch, Jerome; Roxborough, Mildred Bond; Roy, Rustum and Della; Rupie, Bernie; Rochester-Xerox Company; Roberts, Cecil; Research and Research Summaries; Rugs; Rehab Techniques; Redevelopment; Reuss, Henry; Retirement(1955-1993, undated)
Refinance; Re-evaluation Counseling; Redlining; Reuther, W.; Revolving Loan Fund; Rhode Island; Ribicoff, A.; Rich, A.; Richardson, D.; Richardson, E.; Morris, Roger; Ridley, June; Regional Development; Rizzo, Frank; Robbins, Bill; Rochester, NY; Rockland Place; Rockefellers; Rogers, Jim; Rogoff and Chanin, P.C.; Rohm and Haas; Rollins, Metz; Rohatyn, Felix; Rome Investment; Romney, G.; Rose, Clayton; Rosenberg, D.; Rosenthal, H.; Hoffman Rosner Corp.; Touche Ross and Co.; Roth, Walter; Rothschild, Kennon V.; R ans S Ad. Ass.; Racism; Radetsky, Martha; Radio and Radio Stations; Ramparts; Randolph Institute; Raper, Martha; Raper, Land; Rapkin, M.; Bernard Rapoport; Rauh, Joe; Rauh, B. Michael; Raushenbush, Winifred; Ravacon, P.; Rawdin, Scott(1959-1984, undated)
Randall, S.; Reach; Real Estate Licenses; Real Estate; Real Estate News; Rehab Ideas; RESI; Realtors; Recapture; Receipts and Warranties; Receptions; Records for Funds; Recruitment Training Program; Redlining; Reemer, Rita; Rehabilitation; Regional Housing Mobility Program; J. Richard Reid; Reit; Release Forms; Remax; Renewing Your Donors; Rental Housing; Renaissance Report; Rent Control; Rent Notices; Rentex; Renting Bills; Reply Slips; Reprint File; Rescue Mission Letter; Resale Agreement; Resident Association Involvement; Race-New York; Racism; Racitlin; Radio People; Radon; Rafsky, Bill; Railroad; Railroad-Newtown; Randolph, A. Phillip; Rapkin, Chester; Rauh, Joseph; Rauilth, Dick (MIP); Realtors; Reco Letters; Reconciliation(1953-1989, undated)
Reconstruction Movement-Phila; Red Cross Blood; Redevelopment Authority; Regional Plan Association; Rehab Coops; Rehabs Prospectives; Reilly, Peter-Princeton; Reisel, Victor; Relaxation; Religious Pension Funds; Rental Housing-Federal Housing Administration; Reprints; Requests for Info; Resale Agreements; Resale Problem-Staff Notes; Research; Resignations; Restaurants; Reston; Restrictive Covenants; Resume Format; Reunion of Old Timers; For Reuson Foundation; Reynolds Aluminum; Reynolds, Grant; Rhode Island(1949-1988, undated)
Rhode Island; Rhodes, E. Washington; Rice, Lois D.; Rienke, Bill-Employment by Choice Communities Board; Ritter, George; Roberts, Beverly; Roberts Phone Service; Robertson, Peter; Robin’s Bookstore; Robinson, Benjamin; Robinson, Jackie; Robinson, Stanley (Ohio); Rockefeller Family Fund; Rockland Place; Rogoff and Company; Roosevelt, Eleanor; Rosemary Village; Rosen, David; Rosenberg, Marvin (MIP); Rosenwald, Bob and Dee; Rosenwald, Julius; Rothschild-Paris; Rouse-Watson, Karen; Row Housing; Rozete, Bruce; Rudin, Ann-For Mayor; Rules for Investors; Rustin, Bayard; Rutgers University; Rutgers-Urban University; Ryan, Neva; Runnymed Corporation [Delaware](1952-1988, undated)
Runnymed Corporation [Delaware]; Requests to Foundations; Rosemary Village(1957-1974, undated)
Rosemary Village(1964-1980, undated)
Rutland; Re-sale Agreements; Revson Foundation(1958-1985, undated)
Religious Communities: Bethesda, Md./Sisters of Mercy; Catholic/Miscellaneous. Chicago, Ill./Mundelein College; Chicago, Ill./St. Scholastica/Benedictine Sisters of Chicago; Chicago, Ill. St. Xavier College; East St. Louis, Ill./Sisters Adores; Flushing, N.Y./Fitzgibbon (Rev.)/St. Andrews Abelino; Milwaukee, Wis./School of Sisters of St. Francis; National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice; Newark Archdiocese; New York Archdiocese; Notre Dame; Pennsylvania Catholic; Philadelphia, Pa./St. Joseph's College; Pittsburgh Archdiocese; Queens, N.Y./St. Pascal Babylon Church; Sign National Catholic Magazine; Union City, N.J./Passionist Fathers; Episcopal/Bishop Wetmore; Missouri Diocese/Episcopal/Bishop Cadigan; New York, N.Y. (815 2nd Ave.) Episcopal Church; Detroit, Michigan/American Jewish Committee; Jewish Miscellaneous; Jewish National; Westport,Conn./Rubenstein, B. (Rabbi); Workmen's Circle Jewish Fraternal Organization; Board of Christian Social Concerns/Methodist/Grover Bagby/John Tittle; Board of Missions/Methodist/Woman's Div./World Div./National Div; Cleveland, Ohio/Bethany Presbyterian Church; Illinois/United Methodist Church (Gen. Pension Fund); Ketchikan, Alaska/First Methodist Church; Methodist; N.Y.E. Conference of Methodist Church; Presbyterian; Presbyterian General; Kansas City, MO./Linwood Presbyterian Church; New York, N.Y./The United Presbyterian Church; Phila., Pa./Presbyterian; Sensenig, John (Rev.)/Presbytery of Hudson River United Presbyterian Church; Stamford, Conn./First Presbyterian Church; Washington City D.C. (The Presbytery of)(1964-1968, undated)
Religious Communities: Ann Arbor, Michigan/First Unitarian Church; Berkeley, Cal./Starr King School for the Ministry; Bloomfield Hills, Michigan/Birmingham Unitarian Church; Boston, Mass./Arlington St. Church; Cincinnati, Ohio/First Unit. Church; Deerfield, Ill./North Shore Unitarian Society; Detroit, Mich./First Unitarian Church; Germantown, Pennsylvania Unitarian (B. Ludlow); Germantown Unitarian; Glastonbury, Conn./First Unitarian Congregational Society; Grosse Point, Mich./Grosse Point Unitarian Church; Hartford Conn. First Unitarian Society; Indianapolis, Ind./All Souls Unitarian Church; Knoxville, Tenn./Tennessee Valley Unitarian Church; Los Angeles/First Unitarian Church of; Miami, Fla./First Unitarian Church; Milwaukee, Wis. Unitarian Church West (C. Raible); New York City Community Church; Portland, Oregon/First Unitarian Society; St. Paul/Minneapolis Unitarian Churches; San Francisco First Unitarian Church; Seattle, Wash./Unitarian Church; Toledo, Ohio/First Unitarian Church; UUA [Unitarian Universalist Association]/General Assembly; UUA Publications; Washington, D.C. All Souls Unitarian Church; Watertown, N.Y. All Souls Universalist Church; West Chester, Pa. Unitarian Fellowship; Westport, Conn. Unitarian Church; White Plains Community Church; New York City/United Church of Christ; United Church of Christ; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-R(1957-1988, undated)
Miscellaneous-R; Solicitations and Requests; Shaker Heights; Seattle(1948-1992, undated)
Serandour, Margaret; Signatures/Signing; Second Mortgage Fund; Sherman Dick; Sacco-Vanzetti; Self-Help; Slave Labor; Steinberg; Suburbia; Speed in Construction; N. Sileo; Silvey, Ted; Simkins, Betty; Simple Living; Sam Simmons; Simmons, R.; Simms, Patt; Sims, Fred; Sims, Harold; Singer, Mike; Single Family Housing; Singles Apartments; Single Tax; Sinking Fund; Siporex; Sissel, H.B.; Site Selection; SK Memo on Liquidity; SK-NYC; Slater, M.; Slavery; Slides; Slogans (Wise); Slums; Smeltzer, Mary B.; Smith, B.; Smith College; Smith, George; Smith, J.; Smith, Katharine; Smith, Paul; Smith, Charles; Lou Smith Memorial Fund; Sam Smith; Thomas Smith; Smith, W.; Smith, W.H.; Smoke Detectors; Smoking; Smyser, Martha; Snipes, I.; Snipes, Samuel; Snowden, George; Soba, Dan(1948-1994, undated)
Social Administration Research Institute; Social Audit; Social Security; Society Hill; Solar; Solebury School; Sol Feinstone; Suicides-Black; Solomon, Dick; Somers, Anne; Songs; Soul City; Sound Control; S. Shore-National Bank; Southern California; South; Southern Jobs; S. Suburban Housing Center; Southwest Germantown Community Development Corp.; Southwest Intergroup Council, Inc.; Southern Elections Fund; Spanish Population; Sparkman, J.; Speakman, William; Speaker and Lecture Bureau; Special Delivery Mail; Spector, Bernie; Speculation; Sperry, Ana; Sperry, Paul; Spiegel, F.; Spielgelberg, Eldora; Spin-Offs; Sponsor Cards; Springer, Eric and Cecil; Spurgeon Cameron; Squatters; St. Louis Housing; Simpkins, Daryl; Simplify Life-MM; Sims, Fred; Singing; Singles-Groups; Single-Room Solution; Sisters of Blessed Sacrament; Sister Souljah; Slavery-Current (and Consequences of); Sletson, Mike; Slogans; Small, Julie; Smellow; Smith, Charlotte; Smith, Dorothy Scott Love; Smith, Katherine K.; Smith, Lillian; Smith, Mary; Smith, Ralph re: Children’s Network; Smith, Sam; Smith, Tricia(1969-1993, undated)
Smelo; Stationery (MM, ACT II, Brookside, Greenbelt Knoll, JOIST, New Hope, OPEN); SOHI; SOHI Merger; Samson, Slewion; Stack, Edw.; Stability of Neighborhood; St. Louis Trip; Stamford Development Corp.; Stamps; Stamp Dealers; Stanford Mid-Peninsula Coalition; Staples, T.; Stark, Alice and Irwin; Roger Starr; Starr-King (also Speech Material); Starvation; State Adv. Com.; State H. Agencies; Staten Island; States HP II; Stations Radio; Stavis, Barry; Stearns, Janet; Steel; Steering; Steinberg, Lucille and Ray; Stengel, Bob; Sternberg, Saul; Steingold, J.; Elizabeth P. Steiner; Stenorette; D. Stephenson; Steptau, R.; Stern, P.; Sternberg, Eugene and Assoc.; Sternlieb, G.; Stevens, A.; Stevens, Harold; Eric Stevenson; Stewart, Marion; Stewart, Rawlings Mott; Still; Stillman Conf.; Stillman, J.; Stirling Homex Corp.; Shiltzhen Stillman; Stoddard, E.; Stoddard, Eleanor; Stone, C.; Prof. P.J. Stone; Stokes, Allen; Robt. Stone; Strick; Spanel, A.(1949-1989, undated)
Straight Creek Journal; Lucy Strook; Eugene Struckoff; Studies; St. Louis; Sovinsky, John; Suburban Fair H.; Subsidies; Suburbs; Suburban Maryland Fair Housing; Subvention Certificates; Subchapter S. Corp.; Sullivan, L.; Summit Hill; Summit, W.S.; Sunoco; Sunnyvale, CA; Andrew Supplee; Sutherland, Bill; Survival; Sutton, M.; Swap; Swann, Bob; Swartzbeck; Sweeny, M; Sweetland, M.; Sybron; Synd. Sales Tech.; Syndicators; Synanon; Synagogue Council of America; Syphax; Sarasota; Sherman, Richard; Schwulst, Earl; St. Pete; Schulkind, A.; Shwelb, Frank; Schwab; Sharoff, Barry; Sharpless, Martha; Sherman, Ed and Edith; Shestack, J.; Shlegel, Sally; E. Schwartz; Simple Justice Letters(1958-1991, undated)
Sissel; Slusser, H. Robert; James Smith; Charles Z. Smith; Wilson Smith; Sources of Funding; Steelworkers; Stickers Series-Ideas for OPEN; Milton Street; Subscription Page; Sign in Sheets; Snipes, Brad and Inge; Sacramento; Sachere, Robt.; Sachs, Richard; Salis, Susan; Saltman, Julie; Sancto, Tom; Sandbach, Jill; Sandbach, Robin; Sandburg, Carl; San Diego; San Jose; Sanders, Bernie; Sanger, Margaret; Sanibel, Is.; Sanitizing Sex and Death; Santiestevan Family; Santoro, Linda Bowen; Savings Bonds for Gifts; Sawhill, John C.; Schader, Bert and Alexandra; Schechter, Aaron and Martha; Shactman, Yetta; Schechter, Henry; Schechter, Laurie; Scheide, Jay; Schertler, Nancy; Shermer, George; Schever, Rep. James H.; Schlecht, M. Anna; Schlegel, Marian A.; Schlesinger Library; Schieffelin, Virginia; School Ideas; Schools; Schools, Desegregation; R. Schools; Schnader; Sculpture; Schuyler, Rose; Schumacher, S.; Schusheim, Mort; Schuyler, Rose and Jack; Schwab, Tom; Schwartz, Anna and Donald; Schwartz, Ed.; Schwarz, James and Diane; Scott-Brown, Denisse; Sears, Mabel; Sec’l Services; Seeman, Melvin; Segal, Bernie; Segal, Elizabeth; Segal, Therma; Selden, Irwin and Leona; Seidman, Bert; Self-Help Ventures; Select Living Assoc.(1969-1994, undated)
Seminar-Free; The Senate; Senior Citizen Trans.; Ruth Senior; Senior Citizens Unlimited, Inc.; SEPTA; Set-Asides; Seven Who Dared; Sex After 60; Sexual Harassment Booklet; Sexuality; San Francisco; Shafer, Suzanne; Shah, Aimi; Shanker, Albert; Shanon, Brad; Share-It-Now Foundation; Shav, Arthur; Shaw Realty; Shaw, Lillie King; Shay, Arthur; Sheinbaum, Stan; Sheinkman, Jack; Shepard, Jack; Sherman, Edith; Shields, Dorothy; Shining Path, The; Sables Shoes; Signer Rec. for OPEN Appeals; Signers, for OPEN Letters; Siverman, Herman; Simkins, Betty; Simmons, Roxanne; Simon, Paul; S and L Partnership; S and L Purchase; Sabel, Bruce; Sabbatical; Sachs, Richard; Sadowski, Jeannette; St. Louis and Trips; Salary; Sandbach, W.; Carl Sandburg; Salsburg, D.; Sall, H.; Sanders Family; Sanky; San Diego, CA; San Francisco Trips; San Jose, CA Housing Market; Henry Santistevan; Sauer, William; Savage, Phil; Savin; Savannah, GA; Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF); Scattergood, Elizabeth; Scattergood, Margaret; Scattered Site Coops; F. Schaef; Henry B. Schechter; Schieffelin, V.; Sheinfeld Foundation; Schlage; Schlank, M.; Schlegel, Sally; Schlifer, Joan; Schlesinger, M.; Schnare, Ann B.; Schneider, Gussie; Schools(1971-1994, undated)
School Desegregation; Schroeder, P.; Schwartzberg, Barnett and Cohen; Schwab, Tom; Schwartzberg, Hugh; Schweiker, R.; Schwarzman, David; Scotch; Scotland, MO; Scott, H.; Scull, David; Search Committee; Sculpture; H. Searle; Seals; Sears, Co.; Securities; Security; S.E.D.F.R.E; Segregation; Segregation in Housing; Selling; Seltzer, W.; Seminars; Senate, US; Senility; Serling; Shapp, M.; Shaker Sq. Apts.; Shared Equity; Sharoff, Barry; Sheinbaum, B.; Sheinbaum, Stanley; Shelter Corp.; Shively, Dan; Shneour, E.; Signers; Sign-National Catholic Magazine; Silverman, Elaine(1971-1984, undated)
Silvermine, Bob; Snowden, Otto; Snyder, Dr. Mary Ruth; Social Investment Forum; Soc. Res. Bk. Fund; Socially Responsible Investor; Socially Screened; Solar Homes; Soll, May; Solti, Sir George; Somalia; Soros Fund; Soros, George;[ Sortes] of Blessed Sacrament; South Africa; Southern California Trip-OPEN Housing Mortgages; South Dakota; South Shore Bank; Southern Tenants Farmers; Southfield, MI; Sourbeer, Patricia; Spain Donors; Spanking; Spector, Arlen; Spiegel, Rosalind; Spiegel, Ruth; Springer, Kemp; Spring Garden; Spielgelberg, Eldora Haskell; Springer, Cecile; Springer-Kemp, Maida; S.S. Housing Center; S. Suburban CT Victory; Stably Integrated Communities; Stahl, Ben and Evelyn; Stack, Edward; St. Louis; Stark, Dorothy; Stark, Alice and Irwin; Starr King School; Starrett at Spring Creek; State College, PA; Steele, Mary “Polly”; Stieglitz-Photo-Hands; Steinmetz, Charles Peter; Stein, Janet and Adam; Stell, Ann and George; Stern Memorial Trust; Stetin, Sol; Stevens, Peter; S.T.F.U.; Stilson, Betty; Stineman, William; St. Mary Hospital; Stoddard, Eleanor; Stookey, Eliz and Byron; Stone, Ezra; Storage(1970-1994, undated)
Stoughton, Beverly; Strauss, Mary; Stress; Strong, Jonathon; Strokes; Strook, Lucy; Suburban Blacks; Suburban Mortgages; Suburbs; Suden, Sharon; Suggs, Henry Lewis; Sullivan, Andrew; Sullivan, Leon H.; Summer, Michael and Adele; Supreme Court-Clarence Thomas Nomination; Survey Mailings; Suss, Harry; Swan, Rev. Alfred; Swartzbeck, Warren; S.W. Germantown. Com. Dlvp. Corp.; Swift, Charles; Swing, Elizabeth Sherman; Swiss Bank; Swygert, Pat; Syracuse, NY; Safety; Salomon Brothers; Samples; Sanders, Stuart; Saunders, Frances; Savings and Loan Associations; Savinsky, Eugene; Schacter, Leon-Amalgamated Meat Cutters; Schecter, Laurie; Scheide, Jay; Schell, Ernest; Schel, Mrs. O. (MIP); Schermer, George; Scheuer, James; Schick, Mariann E.; Scholarship, Educational and Defense Fund for Racial Equality; School Desegregation; Schools; Schuman, Bill-Bureau Issues Association-Board of Governors; Schwartz, Ed.; Schwartz, Nate; Schwartzberg, Hugh; Schwartzberg, Jenny; Schwulst, Earl B.; Scott-Brown, Denise; Scull, David; Secane Station Apts.; Second Mortgages(1952-1994, undated)
Secretary; Securities; Security Sales; Sedgwick, R. Minturn; Seeing Eye Dogs; Segregation; Selby, Earl; Self-Help; Self-Help Housing Center; Self-Help Ventures; Senior Citizens; Serandour, Margaret; Settlement Sheets; Seward Park Extension; Sewing; Shanker, Albert; Shared Equity Mortgage; Sharpe Family; Shaw, Mildred (MIP); Shearson-American Express; Shelburne Museum; Sherman, Mal; Sherwood and Wyebrooke; Sherwood Notes; Shields, Currin; Shields, Dorothy; Shore Hotels; Shubin, Max; Sidewater, Evelyn; Sight Seeing-PA; Signatures(1946-1988, undated)
Simon, Paul; Simon, Robert E., Jr.; Sind, Abraham; Singer, Daniel; Singing City; Sire Plan; Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament; Slater, James; Slaughter, Arlene; Slayton, Bill; Slides; Small Business Investment Companies; Small Homes Council-University of Illinois; Smith, Horace-Land Scaper; Smith, Rev, Howard; Smith, Lawrence M.C. (MIP); Smith, Lewis G. (MIP); Smith, Otis M.; Smith, Sam; Smoking; Smyser, Martha; Snipes, Samuel; Snow, Kelly; Snowden, George W.; Snowden, Muriel (and Otto); Social Education; Social Investing; Social Security; Sociedad Interamericana de Planificacion; Soil Tests; Sold-Pr. Stocks Sales; Soloman; Solomon, Gus (Judge); Songs; Sonjines, Ethel; South Africa; South Carolina; South-Consumer’s Coop; Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC); Southern Conference Educational Fund; Southern Regional Council; Sovran Bank; Spanel, A.N.; Spanish Refugee Aid, Inc.; Spaulding, Theodore; Spector, Joan; Sperry, Paul; Spoke, Robert; Split Levels; Springer, Cecile M.; Springer, Maida; Stabilization-Oak Park Housing Center Annual Report(1953-1988, undated)
Stalvey; Stamp Club; Stampone; Stamps; Stamps for Food; Stamps-Owl; Standards; Starwood Corp.; State Dept. Correspondence; State Laws; Steir, Arthur; Stein, Harold; Stentz, Suze E.; Sterling, Forest; Stern, Philip; Stevens, Roger; Stevenson, Adlai; Stevenson, Rifkind and Writz; Stewart, Neil; Stickers to Order; Stillman, John; Stock Broker-New Issues; Stoddard, Eleanor; Stokes; Storage; Strasser, Spiegelberg, Fried, Frank, and Kampelman; Strauss, Robert (MIP); Strawbridge, William J.; Strong, William, D.; Students for a Democratic Society; Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee; Subcontractors; Subdivision Requirements; Suburban Fair Housing, Inc.; Suburban Maryland Fair Housing; Suburban Philadelphia; Suburbs; Subversive Organization; Sukernek, Paul; Sullivan, Andy; Summer Homes; Summit Apts.-MD; Sunstein, Emily; Superintendent; Sutherland, Bill; Swayne Kingdom; Sweden; Sweetland, Monroe; Swift, Miriam; Swig, Benjamin; Sylvester Homes; Sales-Prospects, Strategies, Ideas, Reports(1945-1988, undated)
Speeches(1960s-1970s, undated)
Speeches; Stocks/Stock Sales/Stockholders(1960s)
Staff(1958-1989, undated)
Staff; Socialism/Socialist Party/Social Democrats USA(1946-1992, undated)
Securities and Exchange Commission; Sweet and Schwartz; Shopping Center; Sites; Starrett City(1953-1986, undated)
Starrett City(1960-1988)
Starrett City; Solomon, Gus; Social Investment Fund; Shatzkin and Company; Smith, Lewis; Smith, David; Sind Settlement; Scaffolding; Swift, Charles; Syndication; Swiss Banks; Summer Job; Swann; Sullivan, Leon; Students; Statistics; Sterling Cary; Stern Fund; Adlai Stevenson III; Stillman, Calvin; Stilson, Betty; Stark, Fortney; Stangland, Elaine; Standard and Poor; Swartzbeck Memo; Shaw, Donald; Saiff, E.; Smith, Lewis (P.R. Trip); Smith, Gertrude; Simon, Virginia; Simmons, Barbara; Sholl, Judith L.; Shull, Jane; Sheller, Cynthia; Sheehan, Hugh(1956-1994, undated)
Serandour, Margaret; Segregation; Seiden, Betty; Secretarial; Scott, Dorothy; Schwartz, Eli; Schwartz, G.; Schutz, Margaret and Douglas; Shoenbart, Tess and Ed; Schneider, Jo Ann; Shermer, Wendy; Schecter, Barbara; Scattergood, Roger; Sandrich, Linda and Jay; Samples-Renewal Mailing; Salloch, Erica; Salinger; Sewage Disposal; The Sign; Spencer, Betty; Spiegel, Frederick; Spain, Japan; Sovran Bank; Sovinsky Family; South Carolina; Sorensen, Ted; Solidarity Day; Social Service Building; Sohngen, Bob; Soft Diet; Social Security; Smyser, Martha; Snipes, Barbara; S and L Assets and Associations; Sample Furnishings-GR; Senior Advocates; Security License; Sherman, G.; Sound Control; Shade Trees; Sweaters; Swan, Marjorie; Swayne, Kingdon; Stentz, Suze; Sung, Florence; Suburban Maryland Fair Housing; Strawser, Cornelia(1961-1994, undated)
Street, John; Stooped Shoulders; St. Louis; Stenberg, Saul; Steele, Emily; Statements-Race Relations Crisis; Stalvey, Lois; Subscriptions-PC; Subscriptions-MCD; Subscriptions-Choice Communities/Securities Exchange Commission; Subscriptions-Miscellaneous; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-S(1958-1994, undated)
Miscellaneous-Correspondence-S; Miscellaneous-S; Tickler(1973-1994, undated)
TAB [T.A.B. Associates]; Taxes(1971-1993, undated)
Taxes-Miscellaneous; Times Ad; Tatum, Jack; Towns; Trailers; Thomason, Bob; Troxel, H.; Truth-in-Lending; Tuskegee Institute; TV Shows re: Morris Milgram; Thornburgh; Treasury Certificates; Time Sheets; Title Co.; Tenth Street Project; Texas; Theatre Parties; The Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions; Three Arrows; Tombstone Letter; Tompkins (Glenn-Tompkins); Torres, E.; Tree, Marietta; Trust Funds; Thomas Trust; Tucker, Delores; Town Integration; Tresca Memorial; Taylor, Alice Anne and Snowden; Telefunding; Tenney, Daniel; Thrift Drug; Trenton; Trips-Speaking Dates-Miscellaneous; Tennessee; Toledo(1959-1993, undated)
Tucker, John; Tucker, Susan; Tucker, Sterling; Tulin, David; Tumin, Mel; Terkel, Studs; Turncoats and True Believers; Taylor, John; Taylor, Joe; Taylor, June; Temple University; Theus, Lucius; Toledo, O.; Trotwood; TWVA; Title Co.; US Trust Co.; Taber, R.; Talks; Tangney, J.; Louise Tanner; Taylor, Bill; Taylor, Connif; Taylor, H.F.; Taylor, Zack; Taeuber, Karl; Tahir, Shafik; Takahashi Case; Taller, Stephen and Dolores; Tangy Homesteads; Taxicabs; Taylor, Jennifer; Taylor, Richard; Teagle, Frank H., Jr.; Teamster for Democratic Union; Tebbel, Jan.; Technology and Society; Tecosky, Evelyn; Teeter, Karl; Telemarketing; Telephone Future; Television-Blacks on; Temin, Annette; Temin, Howard; Templeton, Cathe; Tenants Action Group; Terkel; Testers; Testing; Thank You Gifts; Thank You Letters; Thomas, Adele; Thomas, Emma; Thomas, E.; Trees; Thomas, Franklin; Tree Farming; Tilove, Robert(1953-1994, undated)
Time sheets-Weekly; Tipping Point; Tithers Investment Services; Tithing; Tjossem, Wilmer; Toll, Herman; Tolson, Melvin; Touche Ross Errors; Touchstone, Inc.; Touchey, Charles-Albany, NY; Tower Gardens-Bronx, NY; Town and Country Planning Association; Township Powers; Trade Ins; Transcontinental Investing Corp.; Transition Paper; Travel B’side Plan; Travis, Dempsey; Tree, Marietta and Ronald; Tribute Affairs-George Houser; Truman, Harry-President; Tsai, Jerry; Tucker, Sterling; Tucker, Susan; Turner, Haines (MIP); Twin Cities Housing; Teachers Ins. and Ann. Assn.; Team Spirit; Telethon; Tenenbaum, Mike; Tennessee; Tenants; Karl Teeter; Telegrams and Letters-to follow; Telephone; Temperature Control; Templeton, F.; Tepping, M.; Testimonial Dinners; Testing-Direct Mail; Thalheimer and Weitz; Thomas, George Jr.; Lee B. Thomas; Thomas, Noelle(1944-1992, undated)
Tobacco, Ind.; Tolman, Martha; Tonningson, Barbara; Toomey, Martha J.; Tooth Implants; Toward Freedom; Toycott; Training Programs; Transaction Pub’s.; Transfer Form; Transportation Info; Travis, Helen L.; Trees; Trends; Trenton Times; Trenton; Tresca, Carlo; Trommer, Judge Evelyn; Truancy in Schools; Truman Interview by MM; Tsongas Committee; Thomas, Norman; Tanguy Homesteads; Tate, Herbert; Taylor, Bill; Teamsters; Teleconference; Temenos; Temin, Annette; Templeton, Catherine; Tenant Action; Tenants; Tennessee; Texas; Texas Trip/St. Louis Call/NY Sale; Textile Workers; Thalberg, Irving; Thank You Letters-Superb; Thomas, Norman; Thomason Farm; Thompson, A.C.; Thompson, Frank (Congressman)-Coop; Thompson, Hugo-Est.; Thompson, Sybil; TICOR Title Insurance; Theuer, G.; TH Party; Thomas, B.L.; Thomas, Chuck; Tiernan, Robert; Tillman, Ted; Tipping Point; Toilets; Touche-Ross(1947-1993, undated)
Tuthill, Gretchen; TV17; TV Friends; Twining Village; Two Blacks Americas; Two Nations; TV Show; Tyler, Dick; Tyler, John; Tyler, Lloyd; Typing Services; Ella J. Taber; Taconic Foundation; Tallie, Theodist; Tapes (of Morris Milgram); Thomas, Rene; Thompson, Sybil and Richard Thompson; Thorner, Marcie Coolidge; Thorne, Frank; Thornson, Marit; Tikkun; Tipton, James H.; Tithing; Techni Co-op, Inc.(1960-1993, undated)
Tougaloo College; TRAC; Trade-In; Trail’s End Conf.; Training; Training Corp.; Transportation; Transcontinental Invest. Corp.; Trash Collection; TWU; Transcribing; Transfers; Travel; Treadway, Roy; Trends in Housing; Tresca’s Book; Tresca Case; Trevose Savings; Trommer, Dr. Phillip; Troxell, Barbara; Tucker, Sterling; Truck; Trust Officers; Try Stamps; Bill Tucker; C. Delores Tucker; Tucker, Susan; Turner, B.; Tuffner; Turner, H.; Turner, L.; Tuthill, G.; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-T; Miscellaneous-T; United Farm Workers; Urban Presidential Building Study; Underground Housing; UUA; Urban Renewal(1952-1988, undated)
Urban Development Corporation; Urban; Urban League-Milwaukee Trip; Urban Coalition; UC Home Rental Trust; Urrows, Henry; Usury Laws; Udall, Morris; Underwriters; Unemployment; UAW; United Presbyterian Church; Unitrust Program; United Housing Foundation; Unfinished Agenda; United Negro College Fund; Unit Groups; Untermeyer, E.; US Holocaust Museum(1955-1993, undated)
US Trust; Urban League; Urban Leagues; US Commission on Civil Rights; United Nations; Utah; Ullman, Rosenfeld; Underclass; Unicorns; Union of American Hebrew Congregations; Union Democracy Review; Union for Democratic Socialism; Union Funds; Union Label; Unisys; Unitarian Church of Cherry Hill; Unitarian Universalist Assoc.; United Auto Workers; United Auto Workers, C.I.O.; United Council for Fair Employment; United Investors Corporation; United Mine Workers of America; United Nations Housing; United Planning Organization; United Savings and Loan; US-South Africa Leader Exchange Program; US Steel; United States Trust Co.; Untermeyer, Frank (MIP); Upholsterers International Union; Upton, Lawrence; Urban America; Unitarian(1952-1989, undated)
Unions; United Steelworkers of America; University Heights; United Kingdom; Upton Sinclair; United Church of Christ; US Courts; Universal Investment; URS Systems Corp.; United States Steel Corporation; US Committee to End War in Indochina; US Youth Council; Untermeyer, Frank; US Dept. of Labor; Univ. City, Mo.; University Information; Urban Ino.; Urban Edge; Urban Industries; Universities; Urban Rehabilitation; Urban Ind.; Urban Writers Soc.; U.S.S.R.; Utilities; Unitarian Church of Southern NJ; Unitarian Universalist Church; United Food and Commercial Workers Union; United Federation of Teachers; UGI Corporation; United Community Construction Workers of Philadelphia; UN Association; UN Stamps; United Neighbors Civic Association of Hempstead; USIA; US Committee to Stop Killing in Indochina; University of Penna; University Heights Bd. Mtg.; United Auto Workers; Uited Negro College Fund(1958-1993, united)
Ufford, Wilbur; UN Assoc. of USA; Under Class; Underground; UNICEF; Underwood, Rev. Arthur; United Airlines; United Teachers-NY State; Union Member Mortgage Program; Union of Concerned Scientists; Union Democratic Review; Unisys; United Way; University of Chicago Press; University of Tennessee Press; Upper Darby; Urban League of Pittsburgh; US Air; US Healthcare; US News and World Report; Urban Development Corporation-Annual Report; Urban Industries; Urban Industries-Escrow; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-U; Miscellaneous-U; Vacations/Vacation Homes; Volunteers; Variable Rates (Mortgages); Vol (OPEN; New York Office); Vegetarianism; Values in Changing Areas; Van Meter, Galen (MIP); Van Steenwyck, J.; Vanden, William J. Heuvel; Vanguard; Varden, Martha(1958-1993, undated)
VEATCH; Vatterot, Charles (MIP); Veterans; Veterans Administration; Victor Type-Writer Exchange; Visits; Voluntary Home Mortgage Credit Program; Volunteers; Volvo Auto Tix and Repair; Vorspan, Al; Vouchers; Vouchers-Eastern; Vermont; Virginia(1949-1992, undated)
Virginia; Vaughn, Kevin; Video-Projects, Videotapes, VCR; Villard, Oswald Garrison; Von Hoven, Knuti; Vogel, Olive; Vacancy-Survey and Rates; VEATCH Program; Van Pelt, Ruth; Viertel, J.; Virgin Islands; V.I.P. Stockholders; Voluntary Home Mortgage Credit Program; Mt. Vernon Job; Van de Velde, Louis; Valentine’s Day; Vacant Housing; Valentino, John; Valparaiso, Ind.; Van Allen; Variable Rate Bonds; Vaughn, N; Velie, L.; Venice, Cal.; Vernon Street Apts.; Vertical File Index; Vietnam; Values After Integration; Village Creek-Norwalk, Conn.; Village of Park Forest; Vikingsborg-Darien, Conn.; Violence; Vinci, Mike; Venturi and Rauch; Vista Vol.; Visual Aids; Vivian, Rav. CT; Vocations; Vogel, Olive; VOH; Vonderheit, Otto(1962-1993, undated)
Voting; Vydec; Vanden, Heuvel; Varden, Martha; Vaughn, Eversleys; Vaughters, Marshall; VEATCH; Velimesis, Margery; Venturi, Denise; Villard, Oswald; Viertel, Joe and Tom; View after 70; Villchur, Edgar; Vision (Cataract Surgery); Vitamins; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-V; Miscellaneous-V; Wohl; Wohl, Sylvia; Wofford, Harris D.; Wolf, Patricia; Wolfson, Alice Dodge; Wolman, Mary B.; Women’s Lists; Woods, Amy; Woods, Carolyn; Working Assets Money Fund; Workmen’s Circle; World Government Syntegrity Project; World Peace News; Wright, Barnett; Wright, Frank L.; Writers in Hiding; Wulke, Mr. and Mrs. Harold; Wurf, Mildred; Wygle, Donna; Wyzanski, Anita; Wyzanski, Charles; Wilmington; World Wildlife Fund; World Federalist; Wage Tax; Wallace, Margaret and Bob (MIP); WBAO; Wachman, M.; Ware, Gil; Washington Post; Weaver, Robert; West Philadelphia; Wheeler; Felicia Williamson; Wise, Was; Wyatt, P.; Winter Park; Wagner, Ed; Walker, John; Walker, Walter W.(1958-1993, undated)
Workers Defense League(1938-1989, undated)
Walpin, Bernard; Winifield, John V.; Williams, Kale; Watts; WHYY; Washington Watch; Wood, Rawson; Wolf, Bob; Wilson, Jerome; Who’s Who; West Coast; Winterset; Washington [State]; Westbury, L.I.; Weber; WEVD Broadcast; Writings-Morris Milgram; Walton Park Homes; Weekend-Staff, Conference, Ideas; Wisconsin(1946-1993, undated)
Whitting Patterson; Whitman; WHYY; Wiggins, Bruce; Wiley Case; Wiechec, Elizabeth; R. Wilcox; Wilcox, F.; Wilk, H.; Wilkins, Roy; Willens, H.; Williams, Constance; Williams, Chuck; Wilson, Williams J.; Williams, Frank; Williamson, Gabriel; Williams, Perry; Willingboro, NJ; Wills; J.B. Wills; Wilmington; Wentzel; Wilson (Xerox); What Can I Do?; What to Do; White House Conference; Wood Preservation; Wineburgh, J.; Windsor Hills; Winfrey, Evelyn; Raushenbush, Winifred; Winslow, Julie; Wirtz, W.; Wes Wise; Frederick Wispiegel; Wohlworth, I.; Wolcott, C.; WIL; Patricia Wolf; Wolf, Sidney; Wolfson, Alice; Women; Wood, Rawson; Woodcock, L.; Woodhaven; Working Papers; Workmen’s Circle; World Assoc. of World Federations; World Bank; World Council of Churches; World Future Soc.; Wrap Around Mtges.; Charlotte Wright; Wright, Farnsworth; Wright, S.; Writers; Wyneva Hotel; Wynne Field; Wyoming; Wyles, Douglas(1960-1983, undated)
Wachman, Marvin; Wachter, Susan; Wachter, Esq.; Wagoner, Virginia; Wajdjick, Earl M.; Walker, Eugene; Walker, Janet; Walking; Wall St. Austerity; Wallace, Stu; Wallen, William; Waller, Johnson; Waller, R.J.; Wall Street Journal; Walker, Linda; Wallerstein, George; War on Women; War Resisters League; Warbaurg, Anita; Ward, Harriet; Ware, Corrine; Ware, Dr. C.-Friends; Ware, Caroline; Ware, Gil; Watch (Wrist Watch); Water Chimes; Water Co. Stock Offer; Watson, Matt; Watts, Fay; Wayland-Smith, Prudence; Watts, Jean; Wealthy Suburbs; Weaver, Bob; Weekend Retreats; Weeks, Alysse R.; Wegrezyn, Thomas; Weinberg, Ruth; Weinrib, Rose; Weinstock, Robert; Weintraub Capital Management; Weintraub, Jerry; Weiss, Jay; Weiss, Ted and Sonya; Weisz, Yetta and Murray; Wendy Will Case Cancer Fund, Inc.; Wenner, Dick; Wentworth, Jean; Wermser, Alex; White, Maria; W. Phila; West, Sara; Wetmore, John M.; Whalen; Wheeler, John; Ruth White; Whitman, Walt-Poet; Widows Cons.; Wiener, Elizabeth; Wiggins, Bruce; Posy Cobb Wiggins; Wilcox, James; Wilcox, Roger; Wilder; Wiley, Ms.; Will, Judge Hubert; William, Jane P.; Williams, Eloise; William Penn Foundation; Williams, Elizabeth; Williams, Karen Hastie; Williamson, V.-Seattle; W.I.L.M.A.C. Health Care Facilities; Wiloch, Tom; Winfrey, Evelyn; Winsor, Roswitha; Wald, Harkrader and Ross; W. Valley Open Doors; Waddell, Chauncey(1979-1994, undated)
Walton, Clarence; Walkee, W.W.; Walter, S.; Waring North Coast Envelope Co.; Warminster Heights; Warrants; WASPS; Earl Warren; Water; Waddel and Read; Wadsworth, Homer; John Walker; Walker, L.; Wallace, S.; Walter, Kathryn; Wang, A.; War; Warranty; Warburg, J.P.; Warwick Partners; Washington, E.; Waste Disposal; Waterman, K.; Evelyn T. Waters; Watson, Robert; Watts, R.; WDAS; Weaver, B.; Weaver, Robert; H. Ashley Weeks; Weems, Barbara; Weinberg, M.; Weingberg, P.; Weiner, Leon; Weinrib Mail; Weinstein, J.; Weiner, L.; Weismiller, Frances; Weiss, B.; Weiss, Jay; Mrs. Weiss, L.; Weissbard, S.; Welfare Shelter Payments; Westchester; Westside Fair Housing Council; Weinstock, Robert; West Valley; W. Side Urban Ren.; White House Conference; WH Liberals; White Minority; White Towns; Whiteside Urban Renewal Task Force; Wallace, Stuart; Jim Walter Corporation; Warburg, James P. (MIP)(1959-1980, undated)
Watson, Matt; Watts, Roland; Weaver; Weaver, Robert; Webb and Knapp; Weber, Sidney; Weinberg, Irwin (MIP); Weinberg, Meyer; Weinberg, Nat Fund; Weiner, Leon; Weinrib, Max; Weisbord, Marvin; Weiss, Louis, Mrs.; Weisz, Morris; Weitz, R. (MIP); Welch, Eloise; Weldon, Martin; Wendell, Marg.; Wenner, Dick; West Kinney Jr. High School Letters; West River Project; West Side Urban Renewal; West Virginia; Weston, Larry; Whalen, Helen; White House; White House Conference; White, Lee; White Primary; White, Williams and Scott; Wickwire, Chester L.; Widow and Widowers; Wien, Lawrence; Wiggins, Bruce; Wilcox, Jim; Wilkins, Roger; Wilkins, Roy; Willcox, Elgin; Willcox Minutes; Willcox, Roger; Williams, Kaaren Hastie; Williams, Paul(1942-1988, undated)
Wheeler, John; Weiss, Frank; Wheeler, Chris; Washington, Seattle; Washington Trip; Washington Park Project; Washington Apartments; Washington(1958-1994, undated)
Washington(1957-1993, undated)
Washington; Waller, Odell; Women(1942-1992, undated)
Wilson, Edwin; Winard, Arno; Winfield, John; Wingate, Mel; Winterset Ct.; Wirtz, W. Willard; Wofford, Harris; Wolman, Mary; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom; Wood, Rawson; Woods, James; Woods, Tighe; Workable Program for Community Development; Working Assets Money Fund; Workmen’s Circle; World Fellowship; Wright, Frank Lloyd; WXPN; World Federalist; Wyoming; Waterbury, Connecticut; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-W; Miscellaneous-W(1951-1994, undated)
Xerox; Xian Family Speech; Xion Century; X-Mas; Yonkers; Year End-Closing Prices, Securities; Young Turks Tour; Young, Shirley; Young, Jim; Young Social Democrats; Yellow Pages Listing; Ylvisaker, Paul; Youngstown, O; Youngstown Housing Market; Yorkridge Apts.; Young People Socialist League; Young, A.; Young, E.; Young, W.; Young, Ed.; Young, Ken; Young, James; Yarton, Stanley and Elise; Alfred Yankauer; Yard, Molly; Yasukochi, G.; Yeakel, Lynn; Yellow Springs, OH; Youkeles, Lee; York, David; Youth; Young Great Society (Y.G.S.); Yarmolinsky, Adam; York Center Community Coop; Youatt, Frances; Youth Programs; Yzaguirre, Raul; YMCA(1959-1990, undated)
Miscellaneous-Correspondence-Y; Miscellaneous-Y; Zahn, Franklin; Zero-Coupons Bonds; Zimmerman, C.; Zimmerman, Fern; Zion, Len; Zuniga and Associates; Zuniga, Tom; Zionism; Zumwalt, E.; Z Part; Zhou, Chaoyin and Yan Fu; Zinberg, Dorothy; Zuckerman, Mortimer; Zytek MFG; Zvosec; Zapata Bonds; Zatinsky, Milton; Zeckendorf; Zeldman, Betty (MIP); Zero Interest Bonds; Zimmerman, Winnie; Zink, Dolph W.; Zionist Federation; Zlotnick, Cynthia; Zoning; Miscellaneous-Correspondence-Z; Miscellaneous-Z(1959-1994, undated)
RESTRICTED MATERIALS: Lorna Milgram-Autopsy Report; Annetta; Apartment Lists; Cobb, Walter; Chinoy, Helen Krich; Choice Lenders; Kay, Victor; Lists-Miscellaneous; Limited Partnerships; Partners in Housing(1966-1993, undated)
Restricted Materials
This box is closed to the public until January 1, 2068 due to lists of Social Security numbers, license plates of vehicles entering Milgram's housing projects, telephone numbers, and Lorna Milgram's (Morris Milgram's third wife) autopsy report.
Brookside—Development Prospectus(Undated)
Broadsides (Undated)
Newspaper Clippings--Martin Luther King Jr. (1968-1978)
Newspaper Clippings--Disability Rights Movement, Frank Bowe (1978)
B. Personal and Family Files(1928-1994, undated)8.8 Linear feet; 22 boxes
Scope and Contents
This subseries contains documents of Milgram’s personal life, most of them dated before the establishment and development of his housing companies. Papers in this portion of the collection reflect his radical activities in various organizations, including student organizations while attending City College of New York (CCNY) and the University of Newark (later part of the Rutgers University system) where he completed his education with a degree in labor economics in 1937. This part of the collection includes papers related to Milgram’s involvement in the demonstrations against visiting Italian fascist students that caused his expulsion from CCNY.
Also featured in this subseries is correspondence addressed to him on the letterhead of such entities as the Socialist Party, the New York Child Labor Committee, the League for Industrial Democracy, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Young People's Socialist League, the Young People’s Organization, the Society for Ethical Culture in the City of New York, the Public Action Committee on Legislation Affecting International Peace, the Eastern States Cooperative League, the Workers Defense League, and various government agencies.
The subseries also features correspondence with personal friends, family members, and Grace Smelo and Jean Gregg, his first and second wife respectively.
Aaron; AARP; Abram, Morris; Abrams, Charles; Ackerman, Sam; Advest; Aff. . . - Yes; Affirmative Action; Affirmative Housing Associates; Affirmative I.I.; Affirmative Marketing; Affirmative Housing Associates-Sales; Affirmative Inv.; Alumni Assn.-Newark College of Arts & Sciences; Ambulance; American Philatelic Society; American Plate-Single Society; Antioch-Philadelphia; Apartheid; Appraisal-Longford; Apts. for Sale-Call Ohio?; Aronson, Margaret; Association for Workplace Democracy; Auto & Insurance-Misc.; Auto Accidents-10/78, 11/77; Auto Points re: License; Avery, Nancy-Postmaster; B Subs; Bank Deposit Receipts, etc.; Barnes, B.; Bd. Lists-Old; Bev.; Bildner, Bob; Bildner Family; Birthday Dinners; Blair, Jim; Book Clubs; Book Consignment; Book Hardcover Flyers; Book Promotion; Book Sales-W.W. Norton; Book Search; Bookplates; Books Loaned; Boston Calls; Boston Jobs (PH); Bradford, Daniel; Brookside; Brown, Ethel; Brunch Guests(1970-1986, undated)
Bucks County Govt.; Budget-Morris Milgram; Bussey, Aaron; Buy; By-Laws-Fund for an Open Society; California Trip; Cancer Conf.; Carpenter Bees; Chaplan, Sylvia; Chester, Jim; Cities–Best; Clips from Newspaper re: Greenbelt Knoll; Codes; Coffin, Bill; Coin Collecting; Colonial Mtge Appraisal; Communists; Comp.; Competition; Concord Park; Condos-Disadvantages & Advantages; Confidential Memo; Contracts; Creamer, Fred; Custer House & Barn-Historic Tax Credit; Custer House Sale & Mortgages; Darragh Bldg.; Day Calls; D.C. National Bank Loan; Death Notices; Debt-Uncollectable; Delaware; Deloplaine, Dick; Dentist; Diabetes; Diet; Directions; Directory Lists; Dreams; Dreyfus Bank; Dying; Eastern States; Eastwick; Epilepsy; Equipment; Ethics; European Trip(1955-1988, undated)
Exxon; Eye Operation; Federalist Caucus; File; Finance Committee-Open; Fund for an Open Society; Game What's it Like; George School; Gershman, Carl; Gil re: Inc. R.; Glenmede-'88 Income Estimate; Glenn, Gail; Goal Setting MBO (Management By Objectives); Goals-Morris Milgram; Gold, Gil; Greenbelt Knoll; Greenfield, Bob-MREIT; Gresham's Law; Harvard University; Hatton, Gene; Hazard, Pat & Tim; Herst, Patrida-Re: Stamp Collecting; Hiking; Hospital; Hotels; HS Meetings; Humanism; Ingalls, David & Alice; Inspirational Material; Insurance-Home; Isard, Cary; Itineraries; Jews & Blacks; Jews & Christians; Judaism; Jury-1977; Jury Notice; Kaufman, Steve; Kelly, Sinah E.-Estate of; Kristof, Frank; Land Buyers; Landscape Architect; Lenders-Morris Milgram; Levinger, George; Libraries; Life Care-B; Linpro Co.; List Work Ideas-Alice Wolfson; Lists-Milgram's Cos.; Lists-NT '82 etc.(1957-1988, undated)
Low Cost Mtge.; M. Co. Conf.; Market Analysis-Brookside; Mason, Charles; McHenry, Carl-Arch.; Mclemore, J.W.; MDM; Mead, C. Alden; Meetings; Meetings-Dates-Conferences; Meyers, Mike; Michigan Trip-Chicago University; Milgram Cos.; Milgram, Elizabeth's (Betty's) Wedding; Milgram, Gene; Milgram, Lorna-Estate of/Tax Returns; Milgram, Lorna & Morris-Wills; Milgram, Morris-Bills Payable to; Milgram, Morris-Bio Material-Old.; Milgram, Morris-for Sketches of-Old; Milgram, Morris-Files; Milgram, Morris-Hempstead High School; Milgram, Morris–Ideas; Milgram, Morris-Personal, Important Letters; Minutes-Milgram's Choice Communities; Minutes-Multiple; MIT Basic Ltr.-Brookside re: Com. $1MM; MIT Plan-Conf. Call; Mizell, Earl; Modigliani, F.; Modigliani, F.-Brookside; Moore, Paul; Morris, Ann; Morris, Bob; Moses, Steve; M-REIT (Mutual Real Estate Investment Trust); Mumford, Erika; Murray, Pauli; National Committee on Tithing in Investment; National Neighbors(1934-1988, undated)
National Sharecroppers Fund; New Hope Bd.; New Jersey-Integrated. . .; New York City; New York Prospects; New York Trip; New York's Housing; Newtown Tenants; Nuclear Info; Nutrition; 1 Hr Time-Mid West; Open Board Minutes; Open-Literature on; Open-Major Gift Prospect; Open-Management Advisory Team (M.A.T.); Open-Management Advisory Team to Board; Open Note Holders 11/85 Geo; Oram, Harold; Originals-MM-Greenbelt Loan; Page Estate; Parker, Jerry; Parks, State; for Partners in Housing Annual Report; Partners in Housing ; Passports-Old; Patten, G. William; Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency; Pennypack Park; Pennypack Woods; Pennsylvania, Philadelphia-Award; Pennsylvania, Philadelphia-Correspondence-To Reply; Pennsylvania, Philadelphia-Novelties; Pennsylvania, Philadelphia-Rehabilitation Plan; Pennsylvania, Philadelphia-Wage Tax; Personnel; Phila. Comm. on Human Relations; Phoenix(1934-1986, undated)
Phoenix-12/83-1/84 Calls to Be Made to Prospective Investors; Phoning Ideas; Pledges; Pony-Valerie Riggs; Postal Rates; Pratt Agreement; Predicament of Mankind; Pre-Nuptial Agreement; Princeton Housing Associates-Agreement of Sale; Provident Bank-Re: Loans-Milgram, Morris; Phoenix-1983 Subscription form; Questionnaire for Investors-Partners in Housing-Lg.; Quotas; Quotes; R.C. (Re-evaluation Counseling; Re-evaluation Counseling; Re-evaluation Counseling-Yarnall, Barbara; Reinke, Bill; Resale Agreement-Concord; Revson Foundation-Roger Willcox; Rockefeller Family Fund; Rohatyn, Felix; Rosemary Documents; Rutgers Investment; Rutland Towers; Sales Tips; Samson; Scattergood, Margaret; Scott, Peter; Search-Dev. Dir.; Segregation; Sequoia National Park; Settlement House Fund; Sexual Health and Relationships; Shoes; Sheide, Jat; Sheide, William; SHV (Self-Help Ventures; Smith, Lew; Snipes, Ingeborg; Social Democrats; Social Democrats, U.S.A.; Socialists; SOHI (Sponsors of Open Housing Investment); Songs; Southside Engineer; Southside-Tax Cons. of Land Sale; Spain; Staff (1958-1988, undated)
Staff Conference; Staff Ideas; Staff Memos; Staff Position; Staff Positions; Staff 11/17/78 Ltr. to Milgram-Orig.; Stamp Collecting; Stamps; State Field Chairmen Ideas; States-Stock Sales; Steel Workers; Steingold, Jay; Stock Certificate; Subscription Forms-Old-Provident; Sunnyvale Sale; Supplements to Prospectus; Survey-Southside; Synergy; Tax Exempt Bonds-Mtgs.; Techni Coop.; Terry; Testimonials-Goolsby et al.; Teton Village-Jackson Hole, Wyoming; Texas Trip; Thomas, Chas D. (Chuck); Thomas, Lee PH Shares; Thomas, Norman; Tipping Point-Neg.; To get An Ltr.; To get Ann ML Ltr.; Toledo; Transition Plans re: Leaving an Organization; Travel Agencies; Travel Fran-Passport in '80; Trips Abroad; Trust Officers; Unicorns; Unit Mortgage Plan; Unitarian Beliefs; United Fund; U.S. Commission on Civil Rights; Utopias; Voluntary Action Program; Voluntary Desegregation; Warner, Frances; Washington Apt.; Washington Apts.; Washington Land; Waters, Evelyn Estate-Partners in Housing; WBAI; Wedding; Weeks, Chris; Welch Nat.; Whites & Races; Wills of Lorna & Morris Milgram; Wisconsin; Write-ups for Newsletter re: Milgram Companies; Yarnall, Barbara(1945-1985, undated)
Young, Andy; Young Great Society Foundation; Lorna Milgram-Estate and Will; Estate of Lorna Milgram-Dispute; Morris Milgram-Statements of Accounts; Correspondence; Correspondence-Letters to Self; Correspondence-Birthday Cards(1947-1991, undated)
Incoming Correspondence(1932-1936)
Incoming Correspondence; Correspondence-From Grace Smelo to Morris Milgram(1935-1937)
Correspondence to and from Morris Milgram and his wife Grace; Correspondence to and from Betty Milgram and family members; Correspondence from Morris Milgram to Jean Gregg(1938-1968)
Correspondence from Morris Milgram to Jean Gregg; Correspondence from Jean Gregg to Morris Milgram(1968-1971)
Grace Smelo Milgram; Divorce from Grace Smelo; Divorce from Jean Gregg; Divorce from Fran Drevers; Financial Info; Will; Medical; Sexuality; Family; Family Correspondence; Betty Milgram; Milgram Family Holiday Newsletter; Army-Jim Crow; Youth Committee Against the War; Poetry(1938-1994, undated)
Americans for Democratic Action; National Negro Congress; Open Letter to Khrushchev; Program for American Progressives; Rutgers University; Biographical Sketches/Bibliography/Awards; Personal-Diary; 16 Longford Street-Purchase; Contributions/Memberships; Early Years-Correspondence; Early Years-Student Days(1928-1989, undated)
Early Years-Selective Service Draft; Early Years-Letters of Recommendation/Grade Reports/ Physical Exam/Commencement Program; Congres Mondial des Estudiants Contre la Guerre et le Fascisme; CCNY-Council/United Front/Documents about Milgram’s Expulsion/Clippings(1934-1966, undated)
Socialist Party; Young People’s Socialist League(1938-1943)
Stamps(1954-1984, undated)
Newark College of Arts and Sciences-Alumni Directory; Writings-College Years; Writings-International Ladies’ Garment Workers Union; Writings and Miscellaneous Articles(1935-1982, undated)
Miscellaneous(1983-1991, undated)
Miscellaneous(1935-1991, undated)
C. Lorna Riggs Sheide Milgram(1955-1992, undated)3.0 Linear feet; 6 boxes
Scope and Contents
Lorna Riggs was Milgram’s third wife; of all four Milgram’s wives Lorna is the one with most documents in the collection. Documents in this subseries reflect those activities in which she engaged herself, the manner in which she fought her bout with cancer, papers descriptive of the relationship with her husband, and the response of family, friends, and acquaintances to her rehabilitation and ensuing death.
A. Philip Randolph Educational Fund; Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power; First United Methodist Church of Germantown; Global Education Association(1968-1987, undated)
Global Learning-Jeff Brown; Goddard College; Jubilee Partners; Koinonia; Library Co. of Philadelphia; Literacy Center, etc.; Nuclear Threat; Open; Partners in Housing(1973-1987)
Pennsylvania Prison Society; Tax Resistance; Women's National Abortion Action Coalition; Brookside; Macrobiotic Diet; Material Re: Morris & Lorna's 1975 Marriage; Milgram, Lorna-Annual Letter of 1975; Clippings About Her; Correspondence from Friends; File on Morris Milgram; Health; Material re: Travels; Poetry, "For My Beloved Morris"; Death, Ltrs. etc., Info.(1955-1987)
Miscellaneous; New Community (Paul Myer); Notes for Future Action; Pritikin; Religion; Reprints; Runyon, Marie; Trips to Appalachia, Oct. 1970; Twining Farm-Report of Newtown Township & Bucks Cty Conservatory; Wald, George-"A Generation in Search of a Future"; Woodward, Beverly; Correspondence from Lorna to Morris; Correspondence from Morris to Lorna(1969-1992, undated)
Correspondence from Morris to Lorna; Open-File re: Lorna's Work on; Life, Fact Sheet; Death & Dying Hospice-AXPA; Milgram, Lorna Riggs Sheide - Video: A Memorial & Celebration(1975-1987)
Financial; Memorial Fund; Obituaries; Estate; Passport; Condolences from Family, Friends, and Acquaintances (A-N)(1979-1994, undated)
Condolences from Family, Friends, and Acquaintances (O-Z)(1983-1990)
D. Personal Collection of First Publications(1923-1990)3.0 Linear feet; 6 boxes
Scope and Contents
Milgram collected volume one, issue number one of various publications spanning from 1923 until 1990. These publications largely reflect those activities in which he actively involved himself over the years.
Publications: Volume 1, Number 1(1923-1990)
E. Index Cards and Small Miscellaneous Items(Undated)13.0 Linear feet; 34 boxes
Scope and Contents
Milgram used an index card system to track all of his companies’ donors and investors. The majority of the index cards in this section of the collection were used by Milgram and his staff to record all donations, investments, pledges, appeals for contributions, and other related information from a particular person.
Included in this subseries are business cards kept by Milgram as well as address books, slides, audio cassettes, and a small sample of the stamps the he collected. The audio cassettes are not accessible to researchers unless reformatted.
Index Cards(Undated)
Pocket Diaries(Undated)
Address Books(Undated)
Stamps-Robert Nix(Undated)
Audio Cassettes(Undated)
Business Cards(Undated)
Audio Cassettes; Micro-Cassettes; Audio Reels(Undated)
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II. Files and Drafts of: Good Neighborhood, The Challenge of Open Housing(1943-1976, undated)5.0 Linear feet; 11 boxes
Scope and Contents
In 1977 W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. of New York published Morris Milgram's book, Good Neighborhood: The Challenge of Open Housing. The documents in this series include the drafts and material used for the book as well as a limited amount of correspondence between Milgram and his editors. Although most of the material in the series is dated from the mid 1960s through to the early 1970s, some is dated as early as 1943. The earliest dated draft of the book is 1974.
Good Neighborhood: The Challenge of Open Housing (appears to be final proof); Drafts of Good Neighborhood, Chapters 1-5; Integrated Housing: Problems, Needs, and Achievements-Part I and II.(1974-1976, Undated)
Draft Chapters 1-21; Correspondence to Milgram Regarding Revisions to Manuscript; Mtg of the Metropolitan applied Res. Ctr.-Notes, etc.; Correspondence with Metropolitan Applied Res. Ctr. re: Draft of Book; Material re: Draft of Good Neighborhood-Preface.(1969-1975, Undated)
Material Used for Draft of Good Neighborhood-Gen. and Preface; Book-Advisory consultants & Panel; Book-Finances; Book-Ford Foundation; Book Lists; Book-Promotion Ideas and Publication; Book-Proposals-Memos for Book; Book-Outline; Book-Questions; Book-Research Staff; Correspondence from Sara & Gabriele re: Intro.; Copies; Preface ??; Miscellaneous; Preface & Chp. 1; Preface & Chp. 1-Previous Data; Book-Chap. 1; Shaker Hts. Housing Office 2; Shaker Hts. II; Social Effects of Segregation-Ch. 1; National Neighbors Directory-Ch. 1; Nixon, Anti-Negro? 2; Misc.; Government; Greenbelt Knoll 1,3; Rosemary-Crime 1970; University Hts. (Prov. R.I.) 1(1963-1976, Undated)
Shaker Hts. 7; Zoning 1970-1971; Misc.; Providence, RI; Rosemary; Highlands 3; Runnymede; Glover Park Apts; MREIT Bldgs. Apts. 1,2; Integration Reports-Rosemary; Fain, Irving; Glenclift 1 1,5,7,8; Lake Meadows I; Univ. City, MO.-Jome Rental Trust IC8 VII A; 5G Code of Ethics for Managers Ch 5; Fed. Open Housing Law; Fair Housing Laws-5; Government-Fed. & Local Enforcement 2, i6; State and Local Laws on Fair Housing- 2- V.; Fed. Civil Rights Agencies; HUD 2, 3, 8, 12, 16; Social Security Administration(1961-1971, undated)
Miscellaneous; Resistance-Surrounding Communities; Waterbury Resistance Ch. 6; Interviews-Realtors, Owners; Realtors 3, 8, 9, 11, 16; Occupancy Controls; A. Quotas 6; 6 D-E-F. History of Morris Milgram Companies; National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)-Chp. 12; You-Role for Individual 6I; Miscellaneous; Sites for 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12; Zoning-Chp. 7; Integration Attitudes 5, 6, 7, 16; Rosemary Interviews(1957-1974,Undated)
Rosemary-Problems 1, 5, 6; Home Rental Trust-Univ. City-Chp. 9; Occupancy Controls Quotas 10; Chp. 10; Integrated Communities 1, 5; Affirmative Marketing-5, 7, 8; A Housing Integration Manual by Morris Milgram; Wichita, KS. (Testing); Denver, Col. (Testing) 12; Dallas, Tex-Owner; Deerfield-Waterbury; Dallas Survey-Discrimination Ch. 6; Daytonview Project V; Delaware MREIT; Fieldstone Co-op 1; Co-op City 17; Coops-Chp. 17; Books-Coops-Chp. 17; FCH Services, Inc.; FCH (Foundation for Coop Housing); Friendship Co-op Houses; Co-ops; United Housing Foundation-Chp. 17; Miscellaneous-Chp. 17(1959-1974, undated)
National Neighbors (Testing) 12; San Francisco Telephone Survey-Testing; A,B,C,E; Business & Industry 11; Suburban Action Institute; Citizens' Information & Action Kit; Economic Integration 12; Apartment Owners; Abandoned Bldgs. 12; Home Investment Fund; Operation Equality 12; Miscellaneous; SOHI (Sponsors of Open Housing Investment).; Separatism 13; Re-segregation 5, 6; Rustin, B. 13; Landmark Apts.-Atlanta, Ga. Manager; Miscellaneous; Residential 6, 12, Segregation 1, 5, 6, 12(1956-1974, undated)
National Neighbors; Neighborhood Action 9, 10. 14; Inglewood 14; The South 14; Miscellaneous; Needs Chp. 15; Inside Housing Industry; Statement of Race Relations Crisis 15; LTD Partnership Agreements; National Corporation for Housing Partnership; National Council of Churches; Suburban Ghettos-Urban Crisis-Chp. 16; Negroes in Suburbs 1, 7, 12, 16. 16; NCDH (National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing); Taconic Foundation-Chp. 16; New York City-Chp. 16; 6, 12 Public Housing 16(1943-1974, undated)
Recent Developments in Housing 16; Fair Housing Group; Schools-Role For; Miscellaneous; Blue Hills; Blue Hills-Hartford, Conn. (Testing); Baltimore (Testing); Code of Fair Housing Practices; Chicago 4; Connecticut Housing Investment Fund 4; Concord Park; Concord Park-Greenbelt Knoll-IB 1&2; vii c - XVA 1&2; Census; Church-Role of; Church Inv.-Chp. 16; Church-Chp. 16; Christian Century 13; Chp. 12; New Towns (14); Intro-Role of New Towns; Phila. (New Town) in Town; Columbia; Queen Village-Chp. 18; Cedar Riverside; Miscellaneous-Chp. 19; Martin Luther King Village 3, 16-Chp. 20 D; National Tenants Organization-Chp. 20 C; Florida; Blacks & Trade Unions(1955-1975, undated)
Book-H. Lewis-Orig.; Miscellaneous-Chp. 20.; M-REIT Annual Reports; Property Values 19; Geo. Deffet-Columbus, Ohio 1, 3, 7, 8, 15; Concord Homes Sales: Stocks; Highlands-Integration Reports-Chp. 19; Suburbs Chp. 16; First Realty LTD Partnership Fund; Con-Cap 300 Fund; Reston, Va.-Chp. 18; Reston, Va.; Reston-Columbia-Montgomery Village; Miscellaneous; Disinvestment Crisis & Abandonment in City-Chp. 16; New Towns 14(1953-1974)
Abandonment; American Baptist Home Mission 16; Chp. 2-Forced Integration? Nixon Housing Policy; Chp. 7. Pitfalls; Oklahoma City (Testing); Sunnyvale, Cal; Glenwood Lake New Rochelle (Testing); Atlanta, Ga. (Testing); Washington, D.C. (Testing); Interviews-University Heights 1971(1970-1975, undated)
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III. Pauli Murray(1939-1990, undated)1.0 Linear feet; 2 boxes
Scope and Contents
This series contains materials related to Milgram’s relationship with poet and civil rights leader Pauli Murray. Milgram credited Pauli Murray's poem "Dark Testament" with compelling him to work on behalf of integration through the development of interracial housing communities. Coming out of a family of educators, Pauli Murray held degrees from Hunter College, Howard University’s Law School, the University of California at Berkeley, and Yale University. She also obtained a Master of Divinity degree from General Theological Seminary. She fought against human rights abuses on interstate buses in 1940 and segregated restaurants in Washington, D.C. while a student at Howard. A co-founder of the National Organization for Women (NOW) and an active feminist, Murray became the first woman to enter the priesthood within the Episcopal Church in 1977.
The series features documents about the role that Milgram played in the publication of Murray's works; biographical notes; papers regarding her death; and documents about their work on behalf of Odell Waller, a black sharecropper convicted by an all-white jury of the murder of his landlord in a dispute over a wheat crop.
University of TN Press Publication of Murray Autobiography; Promotional Material, Order Forms, Flyers, etc. re: Song In A Weary Throat; Material re: Luncheon Celebrating Publication of Murray Autobiography; Reviews & Comments on Murray's Song In A Weary Throat; Song In A Weary Throat-Uncorrected Proof; Miscellaneous Correspondence re: Murray Autobiographies, etc.; Dark Testament Reprint-1989 Ltrs and Calls; **Murray, P.-Tapes About Her-Incl. M's Reading of "Dark Testament" at ILGWU; Murray Poetry re: Publ. of Dark Testament; Material re: Dark Testament-Miscellaneous; Murray Book, Dark Testament-Special Loans; P. Murray's Dark Testament; Book Orders for Murray's Dark Testament via Milgram; Correspondence re: P. Murray Book (Dark Testament); Material to, from and re: Dark Testament and Silvermine Publishers; Murray and "Dark Testament"-Early Version-Never Printed; Correspondence To and From Publishers re: Murray Publications; Articles by or About Pauli Murray(1943-1989)
Arrangement note
**The contents of this audio recording (Murray, P.-Tapes About Her-Incl. M's Reading of "Dark Testament" at ILGWU) can be accessed through HSP's Digital Library at:
Addresses and Sermons of Pauli Murray; Biographical Note, Vitae, and Resumes of Pauli Murray; Obits, Correspondence, Articles, etc. re: P. Murray's Life and Death; Will and Related Material; Rouse-Watson, Karen-P. Murray's Executor; Names & Addresses of Pauli's Friends from Overseas; Poetry Sponsors, 69; Micks, Marianne H.; Murray, Pauli-Spiel; General Correspondence to and from Pauli Murray; Orig.-From Open's Hastie Symposium; Material from Southern Hist. Coll.: Interview w/ et al. mat. re: P. Murray; MCD Ill. Registration of Common Stock Issue; Lunch Tribute; Murray Book Reviewed by James Farmer; Bio by Flora R. Bryant; Carnegie Tribute; Promotions; Miscellaneous Materials(1939-1990, undated)
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IV. Notebooks(1955-1994, undated)13.0 Linear feet; 50 boxes
Scope and Contents
This series is composed of spiral notebooks which Milgram used to take notes of thoughts, ideas, activities, decisions, etc.
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Materials Found with Index Cards and Notebooks(1 box)
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Unsorted Materials(8 boxes)
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Materials Affected by Mold(3 boxes)
Access Note
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