Grounded Brittle Marble (2025)

1. Brittle Marble - Grounded Wiki - Fandom

  • Brittle Marble is a Node that supply the player with Brittle Marble Shards. They can be found throughout the games starting areas or caves primarily.

  • Brittle Marble is a Node that supply the player with Brittle Marble Shards. They can be found throughout the games starting areas or caves primarily. They are finite and don't respawn when harvested. They require a Pebblet Hammer to harvest.

Brittle Marble - Grounded Wiki - Fandom

2. Brittle Marble Shard | Grounded Wiki - Fandom

  • Brittle Marble Shards are an important resource found commonly in caves or other dangerous locations. It is mainly used for armor upgrades at the Smithing ...

  • Brittle Marble Shards are an important resource found commonly in caves or other dangerous locations. It is mainly used for armor upgrades at the Smithing Station. These shards can be obtained in both node form and item form, primarily in Anthills or other caves in the early-game. Brittle Marble Shards can be found in all Marble nodes, but sturdy and supreme nodes require an Insect Hammer and Black Ox Hammer, respectively. All sources of Brittle Marble Shards are finite and do not respawn. Appre

Brittle Marble Shard | Grounded Wiki - Fandom

3. Brittle Marble Shard - Grounded Database | Gamer Guides®

4. How To Get Brittle Marble Shards In Grounded - GINX TV

  • 16 apr 2024 · Brittle Marble Shards can actually be founnd as you naturally explore. They can be found in chests scattered around the backyard, particularly ...

  • Brittle Marble Shards are needed to make armor upgrades in Grounded, but where and how do you get them?

How To Get Brittle Marble Shards In Grounded - GINX TV

5. Brittle Quartzite Shard - Grounded Guide - IGN

  • 4 okt 2022 · Brittle Quartzite Shard is a crafting material in Grounded that can be used to craft resources. On this page, we'll explain where you can ...

  • Brittle Quartzite Shard is a crafting material in Grounded that can be used to craft resources. On this page, we'll explain where you can find Brittle

Brittle Quartzite Shard - Grounded Guide - IGN

6. Grounded Marble: Where to find it and how to use it? - Millenium

  • 6 okt 2022 · To build the Forge Post, you need a piece of Brittle Quartzite and a piece of Brittle Marble. You will also need huge amounts of it later to craft stones and ...

  • In order to improve your armor in Grounded, and to survive the blows of those cursed spiders, you need to make fragile plating with marble pieces. But it's not always very clear, here is an explanatory guide on how the forge works.

Grounded Marble: Where to find it and how to use it? - Millenium

7. Marble and Quartize Shards not respawning - Grounded

  • 3 okt 2022 · It been 35 in game days and I notice that none of the Marble and Quartz Shards are respawning in any location I found them in. Red Ant Hill: ...

  • I don't know if this was changed in the full release but as of right now I am in a shared world with a friend and normally I would grind for materials. It been 35 in game days and I notice that none of the Marble and Quartz Shards are respawning in any location I found them in. Red Ant Hill: none...

Marble and Quartize Shards not respawning - Grounded

8. Quartz and marble not respawning - Grounded - Obsidian Forums

  • 14 okt 2022 · ... marble and quartz are no longer spawning my theory is they stopped respawning when we got the recipes from burgul to make brittle armor ...

  • Just playing grounded after the update yesterday October 13 and honestly before that me and the boys realized marble and quartz are no longer spawning my theory is they stopped respawning when we got the recipes from burgul to make brittle armor using bug parts but now we cant make them by farmin...

Quartz and marble not respawning - Grounded - Obsidian Forums
Grounded Brittle Marble (2025)


Grounded Brittle Marble? ›

These shards can be obtained in both node form and item form, primarily in Anthills or other caves in the early-game. Brittle Marble Shards can be found in all Marble nodes, but sturdy and supreme nodes require an Insect Hammer and Black Ox Hammer, respectively.

Where to find brittle marble in Grounded? ›

These shards can be obtained in both node form and item form, primarily in Anthills or other caves in the early-game. Brittle Marble Shards can be found in all Marble nodes, but sturdy and supreme nodes require an Insect Hammer and Black Ox Hammer, respectively.

Does brittle marble Respawn in grounded? ›

Brittle Marble is a Node that supply the player with Brittle Marble Shards. They can be found throughout the games starting areas or caves primarily. They are finite and don't respawn when harvested.

Where is brittle in grounded? ›

The best place to find Brittle Quartzite is underground. You'll need a Pebblet Hammer to break down the Quartzite, so be sure to take one with you. When you see red ants, look around the area to find ant hills. Go inside here, then down into the tunnels and caves they've created below.

Does marble get brittle? ›

Delicate Material

Marble has a hardness of 3.0 Moh's scale. It means it is a brittle material and can break or chip easily.

What does not respawn in Grounded? ›

Marble/Quartzite deposits do not respawn in the game, but you will find recipes to craft upgrade materials the more you play. If other materials aren't' respawning please feel free to submit a support request, and we'll investigate this issue. Thanks!

How to get brittle plating in grounded? ›

Brittle Plating is a Material Resource used in upgrading armor from level 1-5. Its finite recipe, made from Brittle Marble Shards, can be unlocked at the start of the game in BURG.Ls default unlocks, but its renewable recipe is locked behind the Black Anthill Chip.

Is Quartzite finite grounded? ›

Sturdy Quartzite is the stronger form of Quartzite Shards in Grounded and serves as the finite resource for crafting Sturdy Whetstones.

Where can I find lots of brittle quartzite? ›

  • Anthills.
  • Caverns.
  • Central Grasslands.
  • Flower Bed.
  • Haze.
  • Hedge.
  • Oak Hill.
  • Spider Caves.

Can you craft supreme whetstone? ›

There are three types of Whetstone you can craft in the game, which are: Brittle Whetstone - level I. Sturdy Whetstone - level II. Supreme Whetstone - level III.

Where is Trex in Grounded? ›

Sunken T-Rex Location

From the Oak Lab, head north into the pond. Follow the grey cables through a hole in the pond bed, and you eventually end up in front of the T-Rex. Quite a bit of Eelgrass surrounds the T-Rex as well, so harvest more of it while you're in the area.

Is marble worth it? ›

Marble can last more than 100 years, according to the National Association of Home Builders. But it does need attention and maintenance. It's not the hardest material and can suffer chips and dents. Frequent sealing of marble countertops will ensure that they last a lifetime.

Where is marble found? ›

Marble is most commonly found in Italy, China, India, and Spain. These four countries quarry about half of the world's marble. Turkey, Greece, and the United States also have a high prevalence of marble quarries, as well as Belgium, France, and the United Kingdom.

Why is marble so hard? ›


To define whether a marble is hard, just check its chemical composition. Geologically, a material is classified as marble dolomite when 50% of its weight is composed of the mineral “dolomite”. So, the higher this percentage, the harder the stone is. That's why we also call them “dolomite marbles”.

Where to find marble and quartzite in Grounded? ›

Marble and Quartzite Shards From the Pond Area.
  • Shards under Frisbee in the Pond.
  • Shards on Abomination Totem Cave.
  • Shards on Outpost under Pagoda.
  • Shards on Pond bed.
  • Shards on Wrecked Underwater Lab.
  • Shards on the way to the Mossy Key Cave.
  • Shards on the Pond Lab.
  • Shards on the Underwater Outpost Lab.
Aug 8, 2022

Where are the cracked rocks in grounded? ›

Location. Cracked Rocks are an obstacle found most commonly in the large caves of the Anthills, but can also be found in the Oak Hill guarding a Milk Molar and the Upper Yard Ascent. They can be broken with any bomb-type item such as a Bratburst.

Does supreme quartzite respawn? ›

Supreme Quartzite Shards can be found in supreme Quartzite nodes that require a Black Ox Hammer to harvest. All sources of Supreme Quartzite Shards are finite and do not respawn.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.